City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
March 11, 2013
7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. with roll call. All aldermen answered present. The minutes of the February meeting were presented. It was noted that in the February report under minutes of January meeting that Danenberger seconded a motion should be changed to Bell seconded the motion. Name was corrected and Clark moved and Bell seconded that the minutes be approved with the correction. Motion carried unanimously. The treasurer presented his usual reports, with nothing remarkable to report. While we are over budget in a couple of areas, those areas will be addressed in the supplemental appropriation ordinance under new business on tonight’s agenda. The treasurer presented the following transfer of funds: MRTF to GF $10,100; MRTF to Police Fund $5200, VRWS to GF $3420.90; Sewer Fund to GF $2280.60; GF to Police Fund $5300.50; PF to General Fund $1900.50; Water Fund to GF $3529.68 and Water Fund to Sewer Fund $386.64. Bell moved and Clark seconded that the transfers be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. With no discussion, Petefish moved and Danenberger seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Students of the Month were presented by Steve Clark and given a certificate by the Mayor. Elementary: Jack Cox, Jr. High: Dayne Wilox and Sr. High: Tim Shade. The criteria this month was on sportsmanship.
Guests: Brent ODaniell, superintendent, gave an update on school progress. The groundbreaking was held today with the scheduled official start date of 3/18/13. Carolyn Defenbaugh thanked Randy for snow removal.
Monthly Reports
Public Works (McClure): City crew has been keeping busy with general maintenance, waiting on the weather to clear to start larger projects. Virginia did not win the water contest in Effingham, however they did win the Public Health Award for Fluoride. Water and Sewer is purchasing a 2013 Ford pickup truck from Bob Ridings at a cost of $20,549. Amount had been budgeted for this purchase.
Police Chief (Osmer): Responded to 3 civil disturbance calls and was off much of the month of February for health issues
Fire Chief (Reynolds): No report.
Zoning (Finn): No permits issued; board of appeals scheduled for March 28th at 7 p.m.
Park : The Mayor read the minutes of the 2/20 meeting. The pool lift is in and the board is looking into good ways to utilize recently donated funds.
Library (Clark): Met 2/19, all items in the library have been bar coded and new library cards also are bar coded.
Economic Development (Clark): Will meet in March.
Cemetery (Petefish): Nothing to report.
Attorney’s Report: Nothing to report.
Aldermanic Reports
Kilby: No report..
Danenberger: No report.
Clark: No report..
Bell: No report.
Petefish: No report.
Clerk’s Report: No report.
Mayor’s Comments: 1. The packet contained a generator maintenance contract for the generators at the water plant. After some discussion, it was decided that the best option would be the 3 year contract at the $2685/semi annual charge. A motion was made by Kilby and seconded by Petefish to enter into the 3 year contract at the quoted fee. Motion carried unanimously.
Unfinished Business
A. Mahomet Aquifer Coalition. A motion was made by Bell and seconded by Clark to pay the one time fee of $340 to join the coalition. Motion carried 4-1 with Kilby voting no.
B. Approve Water Purchase Contract between City of Virginia and North Morgan Water Coop. Kilby moved and Clark seconded that this be the second reading of the ordinance approving the water contract. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business
A. Approve Budgets —Cemetery (moved to April meeting), Library and Park Budgets. Motion made by Clark and seconded by Danenberger to approve the library budget as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Motion then made by Bell and seconded by Kilby to approve the park budget as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Approving Prevailing Wage. Danenberger moved and Kilby seconded to adopt the prevailing wage ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Supplemental Appropriation. The treasurer reviewed the changes to the appropriation ordinance. Motion was made by Bell and seconded by Clark to make this the first reading of the ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.
D. 2014 Budget Proposal. This item was moved to the April agenda.
Roll was then called at 8:05 pm. to adjourn the meeting to executive session to discuss litigation and contracts. All answered yes.
The meeting was reconvened in open session at 8:30 p.m. Roll was called with all aldermen answering present. The meeting was adjourned with no action taken.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Sarah Fanning, Clerk