City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
June 10th, 2013
7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called and all aldermen answered present. The minutes of the May meeting were presented. Bell moved and Petefish seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Kevin Velten presented the usual monthly treasurer’s report. Velten also presented a transfer of funds: MFT to MRT $10,272.17, Water Fund to Sewer Fund $45.88, VRWS Savings to 2005 Alt. Bond & Int. Fund $17,021.25, MRT to General Fund $100 and MRT. to Police Fund $7,800.00. Petefish moved and Bell seconded that the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. Petefish moved and Clark seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Mike Carson was present to commend the city for the lines on the streets, curbs and arrows and noted that the flowers look nice. Mr. David Pistorius was present to give a short presentation on city bonds. Mr. Pistorius explained how the current bonds are eligible to be called to restructure in December and that a savings of $50,000 was possible. Mayor Sudbrink asked that the finance committee look into this matter and that it would be addressed at the August meeting noting that there was some competition on the matter.
Students of the Month: Steve Clark announced the students of the month for May. Elementary: Nora Hays, Jr. High: Tyler Grimsley and High School: Jesse Ladd. This month’s students were based on Cheerful attitude.
Public Works (McClure): Busy cleaning up limbs from wind and rain and mowing the grass for Memorial Day events and Virginia Bar B Que. Square painted and alleys patched with more patching to come. Randy McClure presented photos of a sink hole that was repaired. The city employees responded to 34 work orders and 20 Julie’s. He also stated that city employees would be required to complete safety training by December per Insurance Rep. request.
Police Chief (Osmer): Handled 4 civil disturbance calls, 3 traffic arrests, 7 criminal arrests and 1 hr. court duty.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): Nothing to report (per text from Mr. Reynolds to Mr. Petefish)
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): Issued 3 demolition permits, 551 E Beardstown St. (Garage), 262 S Front (House) and one for a porch. He sent out 10 or 12 letters on grass with 48 hour response time. He issued a couple of building permits on fencing and patio cover. He also stated that he was aware of the grass on a property on Cass and McHenry he has contacted owner and is assured that it will be mowed this week. He also stated that he was approached by a gentleman from Ashland who will be cleaning up the West end behind Hall. St. that butts up to the county property.
Park: (Cox) Not enough for quorum, stated that Mr. Gebhardt did inform them that grass has been cut and they have caught up on things that needed to be done around the park area. Meeting scheduled for June.
Library (Clark): Reported new roof was being put on at the Library. E-books are now available, bathroom has been tiled and painted and hallway has been tiled. They are awaiting new light for basement.
Economic Development (Carson): Meeting scheduled for July
Cemetery (Carson): Met May 14th and was introduction for Carson to the board. They discussed Memorial Day plans and the Scouts participation. They also discussed Mr. Jason French’s acceptance of a job in Chicago but that this will not affect his meetings as he can take off. He is being deployed overseas January of 2014 and would like to continue serving on the board via email with approval from the counsel. Mayor Sudbrink polled the counsel and all were in agreement that he should continue to serve on the board.
Attorney’s Report: Nothing to report
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Thanked Mike Finn for zoning work, Police chief car looks good, new parking on square looks good and assured those who inquired about potholes that the city was aware and working on this.
Behrends: Police chief did good job on new stickers for car. He also heard a lot of compliments about the square and painting over the weekend.
Clark: Complemented the city for work at the cemetery for Memorial Day. Also inquired about next date for finance committee meeting.
Carson: Inquired about permits needed, if any, for produce vendors for Farmers Market. None needed at this time. Can readdress if needed in the future.
Bell: Nothing to report
Petefish: Police chief car looks nice, Thanked Mr. Finn for addressing the yards and vacant house being torn down. Lines on square look good and extra parking looks good and that there are now yellow lines at the firehouse.
Clerk’s Report: Nothing to report
Mayor’s Comments: Mayor checked to make sure new Aldermen and City Clerk finished OMA training and also that Mr. Cox and Ms. Plunkett have done FOIA training. All had done training.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
A. The first order of business under new business was Cass County Emergency-Intergovernmental Agreement. Since this is an Intergovernmental agreement only one reading would be required. This would be a 3 year dispatch contract and if accepted would lock city in to three year contract. Discussed length of contract and attorney advised that 3 year contract on this was okay from legal standpoint. Discussed fees and options on fine if someone were to drop service. Kevin Velten brought up that the budget on the contract was $8000 for this year and came in a little over at $8375. Motion was made by Bell to accepted contract and Carson seconded the motion. Vote was 5 yes with Clark Abstaining.
B. Resolution Cass Co Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan discussed but with no attachment on plan counsel was concerned with agreement and wanted a chance to read over before making a motion. No action was taken on this matter and Mayor Sudbrink tabled until the next meeting.
A motion was made by Clark to adjourn into executive session and seconded by Carson. The vote was unanimous to adjourn into executive session.
Steve Sudbrink
Anne Plunkett