City of Virginia

August 12th, 2024

Regular Meeting Minutes

Meeting Called to Order: 7pm

Roll Call: Martin, Andrews, Stanbridge, Wulf, Knous, and Cox all answered present.

Mayor McClure was not present.  Alderwoman Martin made a motion to appoint Alderman Andrews as temporary chairman and Alderman Cox seconded.  Motion carries unanimously.

Agenda Approval: Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the agenda and Alderman Wulf seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

Minutes Approval:  Alderman Knous made a motion to approve last month’s meeting minutes as they are, Alderwoman Stanbridge seconded.  Motion carried unanimously

Approval of Monthly Bills: no bills were presented this month.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Barrett was not present.


Jack Cassady, Terry Ayers, Vickie Bell, Tanner Force, Pat Noltensmeier, Tim Noland, Eric Whitford

Jack Cassady:

Cassady stated he, his wife, and his daughter have started animal rescue.  They have Facebook/website up and running.  They are trying to supplement food that people might need.  Cassady also stated they are looking to do a blessing box in Virginia for pet supplies for community pets. Their main goal is to clear out the animal shelter.  They will also be starting a spay and neuter trap and release for cats, first one is on Sept 7th, this will be posted on Facebook as well.  Cassady stated they can do 25 appointments on first one and probably 25 each month after that.  They will be asking people to pay $35 per animal when they bring them in.  Cassady stated that it cost us $1000 each month with the community paying $35 each animal, and they will see if they can do fundraising, grants have been applied for.  Mike Lowe asks if it costs the city to have live traps?  Alderman Wulf stated currently we are not trapping cats to release. It will take time to take care of the strays.  Alderwoman Martin asks if this is a county wide project?  Cassady states yes, anyone in the community that wants to help support us we will try and help.  Alderwoman Martin asks if he has approached the county board?  Cassady states it would probably take an increase to that line item to get this issue addressed.  Cassady states they are asking for donations straight to our vet, you can specify what you want the donations to go for.


Terry Ayers

Ayers stated there were semis on the square in the last month and a half.  He stated he knows there are workers that have parked there but these are not workers.  They are going to tear up the roads traveling the in-town roads.  Ayers stated he saw a semi the other day going 40 mph ran through stop sign.  If someone could please say something to the state boys.  The fence between Casey’s and Little Mexico looks nasty out there, not sure who’s property that is on but it looks terrible.  The boys have been doing the work on sidewalks and streets, they are looking good.  Billy Reynolds was picking up garbage around FS when the Masons were out there, if someone sees him please thank him.

Vickie Bell

Bell stated the Economic Development Committee is starting Farmers Markert, will start this Saturday.  They are still looking for vendors.  Bell asks if the city has business cards that can be handed out when talking with people?  Bell also asks if the Economic Development Committee can print their own business cards.  The Farmer’s Market will be the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, ends at noon.  Snedekers approved using the grass lot if we have an abundance of vendors.  If have to use the lot, Bell asked if they can put a trash can out there so vendors can clean up after over? Ratliff states yes.  Alderwoman Martin states it was discussed before about doing a card of what is happening in Virginia like Xmas on Square, BBQ, etc, so we maybe can do some of those.  Alderwoman Martin further stated that Bell can go to Production Xpress and they can help get that done for you, like a bookmark size and that way you can advertise everything.  Alderman Wulf asks if it has been added to CassComm? Bell states yes, its at Havana Bank marquee, on Facebook and I have flyers.

Ronnie Paul

Paul stated that it was discussed last time about water line relocation.  Paul handed out information to council.  This is broken down as far as east side of town and west side of town.  The quotes are down overall.  Paul stated Mayor McClure clarified which didn’t need to be replace.  The east side will be about $4 mil and the west side will be about $3 mil, the highway is the dividing line.  A few years ago, that was not the whole town, it was about $6 mil.  Alderman Wulf asks if there is a discount if do the whole town? Paul states you do get discount as far as the soft cost (everything that is not construction). Alderman Cox asks is the west side the oldest? Paul states that is on the back page.  Paul gives council the map that would be easier to see.  Paul states it is the pink and the orange lines that are being looked at to be replaced.  Paul states most is on the east side.  Council reviews map.  Alderman Andrews asks that this is what is proposed on the fact that the lines are old and we would like to replace them? Paul states yes.  Alderman Andrews asks if we know all these lines need to be replaced? Alderman Knous states yes, they are all iron and all the same age.  Alderwoman Martin states on the east side, a lot of those weren’t run until the 70s.  Alderwoman Martin asks we can’t tell water lines with a camera? Paul states no.  Cook states no, we have to dig it up.  Alderwoman Martin asks which is worse water or sewer? Cook states they are about equal.  Alderwoman Martin asks if we have time to think about this. Alderman Andrews states yes.  Alderman Andrews asks is this an updated cost for us?  Paul states we submitted the pre-planning grant that would cover the preliminary report.  This is for rough numbers so that you guys can decide what you want to do first.  The preliminary engineering report is done about 80% but we need to define the project area in order to finalize it.  Alderman Andrews asked so this needs to go to the water committee?  Alderwoman Stanbridge thinks the treasurer needs to be involved as well.  Paul states the other thing he has, we put together a proposal the bids for the sewer project (televising) was going to use the ARPA money for that.  Paul stated Mayor McClure was supposed to get us the locations of the worst sewer mains so we can put in order how we want the contractor to go because you will probably go until you run out of money.  Paul stated the council mentioned before that they wanted us to lay out a bid and asks if council still wants to do that?  Paul hands out proposal for council to review.  Alderman Wulf states we will have to have a meeting to pay the bills so we could add the approval oft his on that agenda.  Alderman Cox asks Paul the best way to do that per day or per hour?  Paul states they can give a price per foot but they will do per day too, so I would do that.  Paul states to ask for both and then see how it goes.

Monthly Reports

Police Chief: July and first week of august a little busier with an increase in mental health calls.  It is Adam’s last week before going to academy in Belleville.  There are issues with some places in town in regards to ordinances.  There were some things that fell through the cracks during the time of the city attorney replacement and ordinance officer leaving.  Chief Shumate stated he got access to the system; we did go through and prioritize the ones that needed immediate attention.  There were about 29 cases that were given to Attorney Laegeler for her review.  So, going to have Attorney Laegeler look at those first before addressing new ones.  Chief Shumate added there has been issues with the Durango, had to get a new siren speaker on it and radio antenna.  There were connection issues.  Chief Shumate stated he had to drive ambulance from here to Springfield, the lady that was transported came by and made a donation to the Police Department and a thank you card.  Chief Shumate would like to put that donation towards the Christmas on the Square for pack the car of toys.  Alderwoman Martin stated she got some complaints about vaping in bars, it’s against the law since January.  Alderwoman Martin stated she suggested contacting the Health Dept.  Alderman Andrews states it is the Health Dept.

Fire Chief:  smoke alarm on Sage Dr, mutual aid with Ashland, 2 car wrecks west of Shiloh, and several lift assists.

Ordinance Officer:no report

Superintendent of Water Report (Dylan Cook): Cook stated they have been doing work orders, locates, its sample season.  The new hire is working out well.  The mixer loader went down and had to get it replaced.

Superintendent of Street Report (John Ratliff):  Ratliff stated they have been busy weed eating and mowing, got some holes patched, took down 3 trees in town.  One of them on Illini St was hollow.  The other two were on Springfield St. There was a tree at the cemetery that a limb broke and it was dangling.  Ratliff got a hold of Kane and he got it cut down and we got it cleaned up.  Alderwoman Martin states she saw the new truck, it looks nice.

Park Board: Alderman Cox stated the pool closed early this year due to maintenance issues.  Cass Co Health sponsored a back-to-school event at the park on August 5th.  They provided free school supplies for the kids, food, and inflatables.  Jr High baseball starts this week, the fields look good.  There was a new pitcher mound installed.  A new awning was also put on the concession stand.  The Park Board thanks the Chief for driving the ambulance.  Next board meeting: August 21st at 7pm.

TIF: Alderwoman Martin states no new apps to consider.  The project on south side of square almost completed.

Attorneys Report

Attorney Laegeler working on backlog of ordinance violation cases right now, other than that not a whole lot to report.

Mayors Report

No report

Aldermanic Reports

Cox stated school starts Thursday.  Thanked John and city guys for cutting those trees down and Tommy for mowing subway.  Cox asks why is there sheet on the fence by the Health Dept? Ratliff wonders why as well.  Alderman Knous thinks there is poison ivy down there and the people that live there put that up.  Alderman Knous states that part is getting bad and not sure who is responsible for maintaining that.  Alderman Wulf states the city usually takes care of cutting down trees and maintaining boulevards.  The city can trim them back for traffic purposes.  Chief Shumate asks if it is charged back to the homeowner?  Alderman Wulf states city just does it.  Chief Shumate states there are a lot of places like that.  Ratliff states that they usually go and trim them up but there was a resident that got really mad at us for doing that, so since then we haven’t been allowed to cut any of that. Alderman Cox asks so we are just going to leave the sheet there?  Alderman Andrews states that it is not supposed to be there right, can we remove it?  Ratliff will remove tomorrow.

Knous talked last month about ARPA and fire hydrants.  Alderman Knous asks if we are going to order hydrants or?  We are running out of time on using the ARPA money.  Alderman Andrews states it has to be allocated.  He added we can put it in the paper ourselves but need to make sure it is addressed the right way.  Alderman Knous asks do we have 2 months to allocated? Alderman Andrews states December.  Paul states it has to be obligated by December and spent before sometime in 2026.  Alderman Andrews states it sounds like we need to do one for fire hydrants too.  Paul states I think you guys stated you were going to replace the immediate need for now.  The water project could also encompass replacing the fire hydrants.  Alderwoman Martin states the hydrants are a priority.  Alderwoman Stanbridge thought the understanding was to do fire hydrants before the water.  Alderman Andrews asks if we buy the hydrants and set them out there? Alderwoman Stanbridge states Cook said he could do it.  Alderwoman Martin asks how many? Alderwoman Stanbridge thinks 13.  Alderman Cox states it needs to be done asap.  Alderman Knous stated he talked to the Mayor and he asked when I was going to fix the sidewalk.  Alderman Knous is concerned that he now has what he believes is storm water.  Every time it rains it bubbles up in my yard and then down to the creek.  The hole is really close to sidewalk.  Chief Shumate asked if this is the same one Mr. Wallis was talking about? Alderman Knous states this is a different one.  Alderman Knous states there is gravel coming out of it and he is almost positive it is a storm sewer.  Alderman Cox asks if the city sewer is coming out of that? We can’t have that.  Alderman Knous concerned if kids going by that and getting hurt.  Alderman Cox asks Cook what do we do?  Cook states it would be a big project.  Alderman Knous doesn’t want to replace sidewalk until that gets fixed because it is so close to the sidewalk.Cook will look and report back as to what we need to do.

Wulf  thanked the beautification committee and all they are doing on the square as well as getting the Farmers Market started.  Alderman Wulf asked Ratliff what was outcome of the sidewalk? Ratliff states they are going to replace it.  Alderman Wulf asked if anyone talked to Ratliff in regards to the front of Shaner’s house on Sylvan?  Ratliff states he will look at it.

Stanbridge said we are in need of a Public Works Director and would like to have interviews scheduled soon.  Alderwoman Stanbridge then stated the other issue she was going to discuss, she already talked to Adam about.

Andrews had ordinance meeting on 7/29 and discussed ordinances.  We are looking ordinances for: 1)parking spaces and taking those down to a compact parking area so the visibility is better.  2) An ordinance on new stop sign S Front/Springfield St in front of Caraway that mirrors the one in front of City Hall as there is more traffic now.  The hiring practices were discussed, talking to an HR firm.  We are turning in the ordinance book in so that we can get that updated and within the IL ordinances.  Alderman Andrews added he had a letter addressed to mayor and city council from Donnie Reynolds stating he is resigning from the zoning board effective tonight.

Martin stated it is back to school I’m sure Chief Shumate will make his presence well known.  Chief Shumate states we are included in all the meetings and updates.  Alderwoman Martin asks about going up Springfield St on tricycles? Not sure what they are.  There are little kids and people are complaining that are kids are riding these things in the street.

City Clerks Report

Nothing to report

Old Business


At 756pm, Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn into executive session and Alderman Knous seconded.  Motion carried unanimously

At 829pm, the council returned from executive session.  Alderman Wulf made a motion to hire Michelle Bartels for Office Clerk ($22/hour) and Roxane Hampton ($21/hr).  Alderman Cox seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

With nothing further to discuss, at 831pm, Alderman Wulf made a motion to adjourn the council meeting and Alderman Cox seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.


Randy McClure, Mayor                                                             Ashley Cox, City Clerk