APRIL 11, 2016


I.  Call To Order

Roll Call

II. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Roll Call

III. Treasurer’s Report

IV.  Transfer of Funds

Roll Call

V.  Approval of Monthly Bills

Roll Call

VI.  Guests:

Monthly Reports:

A. Public Works Director

B. Police Chief

C. Fire Dept.

D. Board Reports

1. Zoning Board

2. Park Board

3. Library Board

4. Economic Development

5. Cemetery Board

E. Attorney’s Report

F. Aldermanic Report

G. City Clerk’s Report:

H. Mayor’s Comments

VIII.  Unfinished Business:

A. Budget FY 16/17

B. TIF Application Moreland & Devitt 2nd Reading

IX. New Business:

A. 1st. Reading of Appropriations Ordinance

B. Cemetery Budget FY 2016/2017

C. City/Cemetery Agreement 2016/2017

D. Park Budget. FY 2016/2017

E. Library Budget FY 2016/2017

X.  Executive Session

XI.  Call To Order

‘l’hc City of Virginia is an equal opportunity provider and employer.