City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
April 13th, 2015 7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Petefish, Bell, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present, Carson was absent. The minutes of the March meeting were presented.Cox moved and Clark seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. The video game revenue for February payable in March was $5621.74 ($16,958.97) and sales tax figures this month were $11,356.83. A transfer of funds was made from the General Fund to the Police Fund for $ 3,500.00.Motion was made by Behrends and seconded by Bell that the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented, Clark moved and Petefish seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Students of the month for Virginia were announced. February and March Elementary students were Jacob Holly and Melody Perkins, Jr. High awards went to Timothy McKennedy-Malone and Hannah Krause and High School awards went to Hunter Holmes and Jessie Millner.
Public Works (McClure): CCR (Community Confidence Report) report will be on the internet. Getting mowers ready for spring, plans to oil and chip road this summer and there will be no spring cleanup it is being planned for this fall.
Police Chief (Boris):Chief Boris gave a monthly report, they responded to 80 calls, 2 criminal arrests 2 traffic tickets and 1 warrant arrest.
Fire Chief (Reynolds):grass fire, Rescue on rollover, rescue on fatality near Philadelphia and oversaw Prairie burn.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn):no report
Park: (Cox): No meeting last month, Opening day for little league is the 18th of April. The next meeting is April 15th at 7pm.
Library (Clark): Met the 17th of March and approved budget. They are working on a summer reading program and asking for donations. They will meet again in April on the 21 st
Economic Development (Carson): Next meeting is April 22nd
Cemetery (Carson): no report
Attorney’s Report: no report
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Thanked Randy for filling pot holes around town and thanked Chief Boris for his good work.
Behrends: no report
Clark: Had a complaint about dog waste in front of businesses in town, look into ordinance for dog waste, Rural development has money for police cars for the chief to look into.
Carson: No report
Bell: No report
Petefish: Brought up mutual aid program for city to join that helps in large scale disasters. $15 a
year to join, Virginia is only one in Cass County who is not currently a member.
Clerk’s Report: Approval of executive minutes will be done at next meeting during executive session if time allows.
Mayor’s Comments: Mayor Sudbrink made two appointments to cemetery board. Judene Stock was approved unanimously and Susan Smith was approved unanimously. The Mayor also polled the counsel on an addition pour license for the West gas station; none were in favor of creating a second license. The Mayor made an appointment with the approval of the counsel filling the zoning officer. Bill Merriman was appointed unanimously. The Mayor also asked the board for the approval of placing Mike Finn on the zoning board. Mike Finn was appointed unanimously.
Unfinished Business: 2nd reading of 15/16 budget. Bell made a motion and Clark seconded, motion carried unanimously.
New Business: First on the new business agenda adding a 2nd class S license (event) a motion was made by Petefish and seconded by Clark. Motion carried with Petefish, Clark, Behrends and Cox voting yes with Bell casting only No vote. Next was an ordinance on snow removal where cars will not be allowed to park on square during snow storms for certain hours. Motion was made by Petefish and seconded by Bell motion carried unanimously. The water rates were amended a $5.00 increase was made to base rate with an additional .50 raise per 1,000 over base rate. Motion was made by Bell and seconded by Clark, motion carried unanimously. Sewer rates have been amended from $5 to $6 for first 2,000 gallons and a 25 cent raise per additional 1,000 used. Bell made a motion and Petefish seconded, motion carried unanimously. There was a discussion on changing the current ordinance regarding mobile homes in Virginia and will be looked at for next month’s meeting. 1 st reading of appropriation ordinance discussed, Cox made a motion and Clark seconded, motion carried unanimously. The property and casualty insurance was discussed and a motion was made to change companies due to savings. Clark made a motion and Behrends seconded, motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further to discuss motion was made by Cox and seconded by Behrends to adjourn into executive session at 8:10pm. Motion carried unanimously. The counsel returned to open session at 9: 12 pm with no further action taken. Motion was made by Petefish to adjourn and seconded by Clark, motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk