City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
August 12th, 2013
7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called and all 6 aldermen answered present. The minutes of the July meeting were presented. Clark moved and Behrends seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Kevin Velten presented the treasurers report and stated that expense averages are in line for this time of year in most areas. Mr. Velten also requested a meeting for the Water Committee regarding some expenses in the coming months. Mayor Sudbrink asked that Mr. Bell get with members after the close of meeting and discuss a meeting date. Mr. Velten also presented a transfer of funds: General Fund to Police Fund $13,150.00; Road & Bridge to General Fund $4,057.27; Water Fund to Sewer Fund $434.86. Petefish moved and Bell seconded that the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented.Cox moved and Clark seconded. Motion carried Unanimously.
Guests: Mike Carson, Lee Morris, Bev Saylor and Lynn Norris were present. Mr. Norris was there to talk about grass in streets and storm sewers and to see if there a schedule of maintenance on the storm sewers. He stated that the culverts on W. Sylvan St. were plugged, full of rocks and grass and was there anything city would do to maintain or unplug the culvert near his home.
Public Works (McClure): City employees have been busy cutting trees and grass at the park. Closed off/capped 4″ line at school (main). Water Plant lime machine now fixed.
Police Chief (Osmer): Handled 5 civil disturbances; 6 traffic arrests and I accident. He also had I leash ordinance violation and I abandoned vehicle letter sent and car has since been removed. He also stated that the investigation into the recent thefts is ongoing and he is waiting on fingerprints from crime lab.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): Chief Reynolds stated that the department was involved in cleanup of a fuel spill at the Cenex station on Rte 78 & 125 in Virginia, there were called for mutual aid in Chandlerville on a relief valve that blew out on LP tank, call to the High School greenhouse for alarm triggered by overheating and responded to a downed power line on Stowe St.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): There were 4 permits for misc. 2 demo permits and 10-12 letters for yards sent out over the past month.
Park: (Cox) 7/17 Mr. Cox stated that Mr. John Gebhardt updated him on path at park has been sealed and that the basketball court had also been sealed. New pads were installed around high dive at the pool and a state pool safety inspection was done and went well with only a few minor infractions found. The last day for the pool this season will be the 1 of August.
Library (Clark): 7/16 Karen Belmonte resigned stated that they would be moving out of the area. The board search is underway. Landscaping plans are in the works for the library and hope to start this fall. Mr. Clark has question about prevailing wage and if Library has to have separate prevailing wage acceptance or would city’s cover them? Mr. Thomas will look into this and let Mr. Clark know.
Economic Development (Carson): 7/17 meeting discussed City plan ideas and benchmarking with other communities on this. There was an opening on board that Mrs. Carson recommended Jessica Stock be appointed.
Cemetery (Carson): 8/13 meeting scheduled for
Attorney’s Report: Nothing to report
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Thanked Randy for tree trimming and weeding around ballpark.
Behrends: Had a few people call him on thefts in area but Tom covered under his report.
Clark: Nothing to report
Carson: Man stopped her inquiring about Morgan and Jackson Street and the brush that sticks out and scratches sides of car and who was responsible for cutting. City is responsible for maintaining and will take care of.
Bell: Nothing to report
Petefish: Nothing to report
Clerk’s Report: 1 FOIA request was received from Environmental Law & Policy Center and Bev Saylor is helping to get all information collected for this request. Consulting firm has most of the information and they are working on it. Bev Saylor has been in contact with consulting firm and they will be getting information to her.
Mayor’s Comments: Mayor Sudbrink asked to appoint Jessica Stock to vacant spot on economic development committee. The appointment carried unanimously. Water line that is projected to go around outside of town easements ready but not signed, but verbal yes on all easements. Mr. McClure wants to work on in fall after crops are out so crop damage isn’t an issue. Time is an issue Mayor Sudbrink would like to go ahead and give engineers permission to precede with cost estimate so that when plan is together it will be submitted for permits which is 45-90 day wait. Mayor Sudbrink would like to release to engineers to start estimation cost. A poll of the board was taken on this and carried unanimously to release to engineers.
Unfinished Business: 2nd reading of bond/loan ordinance was addressed Mr. Velten said it would save approximately $80,000 going with the loan vs. the bond. Clark moved and Young seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Petersburg Mutual aid agreement was discussed and Mr. Reynolds was okay with plan and signed off on. Mr. Mayor asked the board to sign off on, Pete fish moved and Clark seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business: Grass mowing ordinance discussed at meeting. Ordinance was submitted to board to look over tonight and discuss. Mr. Petefish was for public awareness as Mrs. Carson suggested at last meeting before moving on with the ordinance. He also asked about time frame on discharge if it was in the street. Mr. Thomas stated it was a 2 hour time frame or when you finished working on yard whichever was shorter. Mayor Sudbrink addressed the height of grass and stated 6″ had been mentioned to him. Mr. Petefish asked if they were only addressing streets with curbs and storm sewers. Mr. Petefish stated that a lot of the storm sewers were not working properly especially the one on Cass St. by Reynolds property. He also asked who was responsible for leaves that fall into street. Mayor Sudbrink stated that the ordinance would address those who mow or rake yard debris into street and leave it. With further discussion it was decided all streets, not just the curbed streets, should be included in the ordinance. Mr. Petefish stated that storm sewers need to be fixed. Mr. Bell added all streets should be included. Mrs. Carson inquired about reason Mrs. Defenbaugh originally brought mowing issue to the board was it for appearance or for plugging of storm sewers. Mr. Petefish stated that it was for appearance of streets. Mrs. Carson said she is in favor of the community looking nice and that she could see where plugging the storm sewers would be a problem. Mr. Velten spoke about property owners who have more than one property and that 6″ might be hard to manage for some who have a lot of properties. Mr. Thomas stated board could use discretion regarding length of grass and the plugging of sewers. Mayor is in favor of 6″ grass height. Mr. Clark and Mr. Behrends said they would be more comfortable with 8″ Mr. Cox stated he agreed with Mayor Sudbrink on the 6″ height. Mrs. Carson said it would be a good time to push public awareness on grass, she isn’t sure that a law will make it better. Mr. Finn regarded using discretion regarding areas that don’t seem to detract from area or are not complained about is where common sense would kick in also wanted to clarify if native grasses and other grasses were included in the ordinance, they would be included in ordinance under the not limited to portion of the ordinance. He stated it would also help with overhang on boulevards and public right of ways. Mr. Finn also inquired about stacking of brush and yard waste on public right of ways and said this would take care of that with it having to be stacked on owner’s property. Mayor Sudbrink asked for a motion to approve Mr. Cox made motion and Bell seconded. Motion ended in tie with Carson, Petefish and Behrends voting No and Cox, Clark and Bell voting Yes. Mayor Sudbrink cast a Yes vote breaking the tie and second reading would be on next month’s agenda. With nothing further to discuss a motion was made by Clark to adjourn into executive session and seconded by Behrends. Motion carried unanimously.
The board returned from Executive session, roll was called and all answered present. With nothing further to discuss Mr. Clark moved and Mrs. Carson seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett,