City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday December 12th, 2016
7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30p.m. Roll was called Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Clark, Behrends and Cox were all present. First up was a motion by Alderman Cox to approve this meeting’s agenda and seconded by Alderman Clark, motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the November meetings were presented. Alderman Clark made a motion that the meeting minutes be approves as submitted and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet, treasurer Barrett stated budget is about 65%. Regarding audit he should have draft from auditor by end of the week. Next year audit should go easier as the should be able to eliminate some class codes. TIF finalized and will submit and a letter was sent to authorize Mr. Barrett as TIF administrator. The video game revenue for the month of November was $2,645.83, the year to date total is $17,329.78 and the sales tax figures the month of November were $10,136.75 with year to date total of $67,099.51. It was noted that the sales revenue was up from last year about $3,000. There was 1 transfer of funds this month $7,000 from the General Fund to the Police Fund. Motion was made by Alderman Cox and seconded by Alderman Behrends to approve the transfer. Motion carried unanimously. Monthly bills were presented. Alderman Clark made a motion and Alderman Behrends seconded that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: None
Public Works (McClure): Christmas lights and decorations have been put up; stops signs have been put up; equipment ready for winter; 6″ water main leak behind post office.
Police Chief (Boris): 204 Calls for service; 5 traffic citations; 2 criminal arrests
Fire Chief (Reynolds): 1 anhydrous ammonia leak; field fire; house fire; mutual aid fire call; car fire call and one car accident call
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman): No report
Park: (Cox): No meeting Feb 15th next meeting at City Hall
Library (Clark): Sent 40 cases of books to Better world books; Good Halloween and Christmas on the square attendance at library. Next meeting is January 17th.
Economic Development (Anderson); Next meeting will be Jan 25th
Cemetery (Behrends): Next meeting January 10th
Attorney’s Report: No Report.
Aldermanic Reports
- Cox: Square looked great for Christmas
- Behrends: No Report
- Clark: No Report
- Bowman: No Report
- Anderson: No Report
- Devlin: Had compliments about Christmas on the square
- Clerk’s Report: Petitions are to be turned in at office 106 S Main St, Virginia
- Mayor’s Comments: Best Christmas in Virginia so far, Square looked great, parade was awesome and the organizers did a great job.
Unfinished Business: Tax levy ordinance 2nd reading was up first on agenda. A motion was made by Alderman Anderson and seconded by Alderman Bowman to accept this ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. This needs to be filed in court house by the 28th of December.
New Business: First up was the Designated Fund Agreement between Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln, Inc. and City of Virginia IL, this is regarding the “Bill White Fire Fund” the family did some research and felt that the best option moving forward on the funds left in Mr. Whites name. Motion was made by Alderman Cox to waiver the 2 reading rule on this ordinance and seconded by Alderman Devlin. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was then made to accept the ordinance by Alderman Clark and seconded by Alderman Bowman. Motion carried unanimously. The next two items on the agenda fall under the 1st and were struck. The last up under new business was an ordinance for Travel expenses. Motion was made by Alderman Clark and seconded by Alderman Anderson to approve. Motion carried unanimously.
The mayor asked for any public comments at this time – None
With nothing further to discuss at this time a motion was made by Alderman Cox to adjourn at 7:58 pm into executive session and seconded by Alderman Bowman. Motion carried unanimously.
Roll was called back into open session at 8:07 pm Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Clark, Behrends and Cox all answered present.
A motion was made by Alderman Clark regarding incentive bonuses for the year to keep the same as last year and seconded by Alderman Behrends. Motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further to discuss at this time a motion was made by Alderman Cox and seconded by Alderman Bowman to adjourn at 8:09 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk