City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
December 8th, 2014 7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Petefish, Bell, Carson, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present. The minutes of the November meeting were presented. Cox moved and Carson seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Velten gave the monthly treasurer’s report with normal packet attached. Mr. Velten stated that some figures are incorrect but hopes to have corrected by next month, he has been working with Janette on this issue. The video game revenue for October payable in November was $816.24 ($8266.84 overall). Mr. Velten also gave the transfer of funds: General Fund to Police $6,000. Motion was made by Clark and seconded by Behrends that the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. Petefish moved and Cox seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Students of the month for November at the Virginia School were Nikki Moon – Elementary; Garrett Bell- Jr. High and Jake Werner- High School all recognized for Citizenship. Matt Werner was present to give the counsel update on the school roof and flooring that was damaged during a storm a few months ago. The roof is 95% complete as of meeting and the flooring was scheduled for delivery tomorrow and installation would begin tomorrow 12/09/2014. This project should be done first part of January.
Public Works (McClure): Winterized equipment and put up lights for Christmas. They also had a main leak on Monroe that they fixed.
Police Chief (Osmer): 4 civil disturbance calls, 6 traffic arrests and I accident handled by department.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): The fire department responded to 1 car fire
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): No permits this month; Mike spoke with property owner of the old jail and he will work on cleaning up.
Park: (Cox): Mr. Cox was not present at the Park meeting but stated that open gym should start in January if gym is ready. The agreement between the Park and the school has also been finished.
Library (Clark): The library reported 100+ attended the Halloween activities this year and 140+ for the Cocoa Bar at Christmas on the Square. The library will be closed December 24th and reopening January 2nd . The library has a wish list of supplies to donate on channel 8 per Mr. Clark. They will suspend their December meeting and meet again in January 2015. Mr. Clark also inquired about the city doing snow removal at the library.
Economic Development (Carson): Meet in January, currently working on website. The Economic Development board will try to meet this week to work on website verbiage.
Janet is currently researching the perpetual funding. Next meeting is in
Cemetery (Carson):
February. Cemetery wreath pickup scheduled for today. Next meeting will be in February.
Attorney’s Report: no report
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Randy and crew did great job with Christmas lights
Behrends: no report
Clark: Inquired about if city was currently cutting down tree by Garvers and one by Scholes property.
Carson: Mrs. Carson said the Library cocoa bar was amazing and so was the parade.
Bell: Bell commented the Sweatman received 1st in parade in Virginia and went to Springfield
and received a 1st place there also.
Petefish: no report
executive minutes would be ready to look over at next month’s meeting.
Clerk’s Report:
Mayor’s Comments: The Mayor received a call from owner of gas station regarding video gaming from his store. He didn’t think the City was receiving their portion of his gaming proceeds. This has since been looked into and corrected. This amounted to roughly $4,000. There was also an issue with sales tax revenue at this business and the Mayor is working on this issue. The sales tax revenue has a time limit on how far back you can go to collect funds on taxes. The Mayor is currently working on getting a list of all businesses paying sales tax to the city so that this will not be an issue in the future. Thanks to Rocky, owner of the station, for tipping the city off on these two items. The West station has put in application for liquor license and only license the city has available is for hard liquor. This license is $1,000 a year prorated. The owner was in to pick it up but refused because he is wanting a pour license. Wants to serve alcohol on the premise so that he will be able to get the video gaming in his station. The counsel was polled and none of the council members wanted to create a license.
Unfinished Business: 2nd reading of tax levy ordinance same amount as last year. Motion was made by Cox and seconded by Clark. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business:
1 st reading of the City/School intergovernmental agreement was discussed. A few items
were brought up regarding item 5 and the fact the city should approve any changes the school might want to make and there is a current plan ready for the city to look over. Item 8 both the city and the school would need to carry liability insurance on the new playground. Another note was on item 7 where after initial resurfacing of tennis court area the maintenance would fall back on the park and that is correct per
school and park discussions. Mr. Werner did say that the state has approved lease arrangement and so the school grant money would be available for this project. A motion was made by Bell and seconded by Clark. Motion carried unanimously.
Next under new business was warning light for school crossing on South Main before the curve to warn north bound traffic of the school crossing on Main and Illini.
Looking into solar power light and estimate this would cost in the range of $1,829.28 plus shipping and handling. This estimate was from K & K System Inc. It takes four to six weeks for delivery on this. Mr. McClure said the state would also be back to put up signs near intersection like are currently on the square. A motion was made by Bell and seconded by Petefish to purchase the warning light and place by ASCS office where there is currently a sign for school crossing. Motion carried unanimously. It has also been brought to the city’s attention that on early dismissal days the crossing guard has been absent a few times. Mr. Werner said he would look into this.
The last item on new business is the SRM health insurance. Mr. Clark presented facts regarding committee findings. The property and casualty along with the worker compensation proposals will be looked at in the future to give current insurance provider a chance to submit counter proposals. The finance committee also looked over health insurance proposals and recommended going with the I-ISA 2000 and for the first year putting $2,000 into each employee HSA account. This will help to cover the first year deductible. Each year it will be evaluated and additional filnds, as the counsel sees fit, would be added to each employee account. Each employee will have to set up his or her own checking account for this HSA account and the city would then be able to deposit the funds each year as agreed upon by the counsel. A motion was made by Clark and seconded by Behrends to accept the health insurance plan. Motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further to discuss motion was made by Cox and seconded by Clark to adjourn into executive session.
Roll was called back into open session at 8:58 pm. Petefish, Bell, Carson, Clark, Behrends and Cox were present.
With nothing further to discuss motion was made by Clark and seconded by Behrends to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk