City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
February 10th , 2014 7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Petefish, Bell, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present Carson was absent. Mayor Sudbrink struck executive session for this month’s meeting and it was removed from the agenda. The minutes of the January meeting were presented. Cox moved and Behrends seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried with all in attendance voting yes. Mr. Velten was absent but Mayor Sudbrink said that we are on track as per Mr. Velten. Mayor Sudbrink also presented a transfer of funds: General Fund to Police Fund $8225.00. Clark moved Petefish seconded that the transfer be approved. Motion carried with all in attendance voting yes. The monthly bills were presented. Bell moved and Behrends seconded. Motion carried with all in attendance voting yes.
Guests: Mr. Lauder, Emergency County Coordinator, was in attendance to present a program he would like the city to consider signing up for in the near future. IPWMAN is the program and the membership is $100 a year. The program gives mutual aid to communities in an emergency situation within 24 hours. 25% of State is signed up for the program and there are possible grants to help with membership. This will be put on next month’s agenda.
Public Works (McClure): 3 water main breaks, 1 meter pit froze up and water leaks due to frozen pipes. Lots of snow and ice to remove from streets and city walks; Leak in storm sewer and they have called Julie before beginning to dig, leak was behind city hall. Down on salt but still have some available at this time.
Police Chief (Osmer): Handled 4 civil disturbances; 1 traffic arrests; 16 hours of schooling for Osmer; 12 hours of schooling for Long. He will be sending out letters on abandon vehicles.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): Thanked the city for keeping the Fire house clear for fire department. 1 Fire call in Philadelphia, Rescue call in Chandlerville, responded to a mutual aid in Ashland received rescue call in Virginia.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): Nothing to report
Park: (Cox): Jan 15th meeting at school approved concrete around pool and two new probes for Chlorine and PH in pool, new score board at Ball Park, new life guard stand and 2 new batting cage nets and bases. Sold 2 pool passes already and Angie Van Brooker officially resigned and park board appointed Chris Barrett as treasurer in her place.
Library (Clark): .Jan 21st, get with Kevin on prevailing wage issue. Next meeting the 18th of February
Economic Development (Carson): met last month and no request for funding, reviewed city plan and moving ahead on city website.
Cemetery (Carson): nothing to report
Attorney’s Report: Ruling from Court says that Mediquip building is owned by Mr. Swan.
Aldermanic Reports:
Cox: Thanked city workers for all the work they do
Behrends: asked about salt for roads
Clark: water main leak on Illini and Cass was called in by citizen so if you see water on the roads especially this time of year please call in. Budget time all committees working there budgets to submit.
Carson: nothing to report
Bell: nothing to report
Petefish: nothing to report
Clerk’s Report: Economic interest list turned in to County Clerk
Mayor’s Comments: Thanked Randy and City crew they do a great job.
Unfinished Business: nothing
New Business: cash rent on farm 2 year contract 1 bid $230 per acre for 2 years from Gene Brunk, current tenant. Mr. Bell made a motion to accept the bid and Mr. Petefish seconded. Motion approved with all in attendance voting yes. VRWS Water rates recommended to be raised due to expenses from $2.55 to $2.60 a 5 cent increase to all entities with contracts with VRWS. Motion was made by Bell and seconded by Clark. Motion approved with all in attendance voting yes. Virginia City Council —Virginia Park Board yearly agreement working okay currently, no changes needed. Motion to approve made by Bell and seconded by Clark. Motion approved with all in attendance voting yes.
With nothing further to discuss Clark made a motion to dismiss and Behrends seconded. Meeting adjourned with all in attendance voting yes.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, Clerk