City of Virginia
January 10th, 2022
Regular Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order: 7pm

Roll Call: French, Pratt, Bowman, Knous, and Cox all present. Wulf was not present
Agenda Approval: Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the agenda, Alderman French seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes Approval: Alderman Bowman made a motion to approve the minutes, Alderman Pratt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Monthly Bills: Alderman Knous made a motion to approve the monthly bills, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

No report this month.

Terry Ayres

Public Comment:
Mr. Ayres passed out pictures of traffic near his residence to the council. Mayor states they can only cross at streets with a stop sign and must cross at a 90 degree angle. Ayres stated the pictures just happened a week or two ago. Ayres stated that safety is what he is concerned about. Ayres asks if they can go on the square? Alderman Knous states they cannot travel on the square. Ayres asks the reasoning? Mayor states because people backing out cannot see them. Alderman French added that there is a lot of business traffic as well. Ayres asks if a county police officer can carry out a city ordinance? He states that the county officers stated that they cannot. Norsdiek, who attended the meeting in place of Attorney Veith, states he believes county can enforce city ordinances. Alderman Knous also states by passing this ordinance it gives our police department authority to do something if someone is breaking the law. Mayor states when they get their sticker, they will be handed all the information including the ordinances. They will have an orange triangle that indicates slow moving vehicle. Mayor states if they don’t have the right equipment, then they won’t get the sticker. Ayres asks if they have to have their driver’s license? Mayor states yes, they have to be a licensed driver.

Monthly Reports

Public Works no report

Police Chief no report

Fire Chief no report

Zoning Officer no report

Park Board Park is open during the day but it is closed at 10pm.

Library Board no report

Economic Development no report

Cemetery no report

Attorneys Report Attorney’s report is enclosed in the packet

TIF no report

Aldermanic Reports

Cox Alderman Cox would like Mr. Norsdiek for attending the meeting and asks him to pass on our condolences to Attorney Veith about the passing of his father.
Knous Alderman Knous asks about the property on Pitt St. Mayor states that the owner called, he was going to take it down at the end of October. He just came up and get a demolition permit so it will be coming down
Wulf not present
Bowman Alderman Bowman asks Chief to check on W. Beardstown St. because there are some cars that have been driving pretty fast down that street
Pratt no report
French Alderman French states that the Cass/Illini street sign is missing half of the Illini part. He also stated that there are a lot of trees that need to get trimmed before the weather gets too bad. The trees that are the city’s responsibility to maintain are falling on people’s properties. Mayor states that tree fund is typically related to if there is damage due to a storm. Mayor states we need to look into that and draft some kind of policy in regards to that. French states there are a lot of old trees and would like to get them trimmed up. Mayor states we have cut a lot of trees down, maybe we need to look into planting some smaller trees as well.

City Clerks Report
nothing to report

Mayors Report
nothing to report

Unfinished Business

A. Swearing in of New Police Chief

Mayor McClure swore in the new City of Virginia Police Chief, Daniel Smith.

B. An Ordinance Providing the Use of Regulation of Golf Carts, All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV) and Utility-Terrain Vehicles (UTV) within the City of Virginia Cass CO IL (2nd reading)

Attorney Veith made a few recommendations in his report, but the decision is on the council. These recommendations are:

1) Annual inspection instead of just the first year.

2) Police Chief performs inspection on the vehicles.

Alderman Pratt states that there is a checklist in the ordinance.

With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Knous made a motion to approve the second reading of the ordinance providing for the use and regulation of golf carts, all-terrain vehicles, and utility-terrain vehicles within the city of Virginia Cass Co. IL, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

New Business

A. Approval of 2022 Meeting Dates
Mayor asks council about October 10th, that is a holiday. Mayor suggest to change it to October 17th. After discussion, the council decided to leave it like it is. Alderman Cox made a motion to approval the 2022 meeting dates, and Alderman Pratt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

B. Electric Aggregation Recommendation
Mayor stated that the representative called and he said he couldn’t get a good price and they recommend to move to Ameren. There was a contract and Mayor states that he is going to sign though because the company will continue to look for better prices for us. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the electric aggregation recommendation and Alderman Knous seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

At 737pm, with nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion adjourn and Alderman French seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

________________________________                    ________________________________
Randy McClure, Mayor                                                                   Ashley Cox, City Clerk