City of Virginia
Regular Meeting Minutes
January 11th, 2021
At 7pm, Alderman Wulf stated that Mayor Brunk would not be in attendance for the January council meeting. Alderman Cox made a motion to appoint Alderman Wulf as meeting chairperson and Alderman Pratt seconded. Roll was called. Alderman French, Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, Behrends and Cox all answered present. This month’s agenda was presented to the council. Alderman Behrends made a motion to approve the agenda and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Alderman Behrends made a motion to approve the December minutes and Alderman Pratt seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Monthly bills were reviewed and Alderman Bowman made a motion to approve monthly bills, Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Barrett stated that we are still having some income issues. The replacement tax, sales tax, and video gaming tax are all down in revenue. Treasurer Barrett also stated that the video gaming is supposed to be turned back on pretty soon. The sales tax for the month was $12136.14 and the video gaming for the month was $4253.74. Treasurer Barrett also stated that he spoke with Alderman Behrends and there will be a finance committee meeting January 14th at 730pm. He would also like to express his condolences to the families affected by the events that occurred last Sunday and wanted them to know that we are thinking about them.
Attorneys Report
Attorney Veith stated that court case for the property on 5th St has been closed out. It has been sold and the new buyer has agreed to start renovating. There were also dogs running at large cases that were closed out by the defendants paying the fines. The fines were increased because it went to court. Both defendants paid in full. Attorney Veith also stated that Treasurer Barrett was going to be working with the TIF committee to get the funds released due to the completion of the demolition of the building on the square. Attorney Veith also stated that he talked to Alderman French s well as Public Works Director McClure in regards to revising the ordinance if there is a demolition to property in the city. These revisions would mean that we would incorporate some specifics in the event in the future there is a request to get a demolition permit, there would be requirements that would need to be met in order to do so. This would also apply if a contractor comes into town at the request of the property owner, they would also be subject to these requirements. Attorney Veith said that he will have a meeting soon in the next couple of weeks with Alderman French, Public Works Director McClure, and himself to go through ideas.
City Clerks Report
Nothing to report
Mayors Report
Nothing to report
Unfinished Business
No unfinished business
New Business
No new business
Alderman Wulf would like to also express his condolences to the families that were impacted by last Sunday.
Alderman Behrends stated that he was glad to see the building on the square is finally gone and the street has been reopened. He also wanted to let everyone know that there will be a finance committee meeting on January 14th at 730pm. Alderman Behrends, Alderman Bowman, Alderman Pratt, and Treasurer Barrett will all be in attendance. Alderman Behrends would also like to request that Public Works Director McClure be there as well.
With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Bowman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:13pm. Alderman French seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
___________________________ ____________________________
Reg Brunk, Mayor Ashley Cox, City Clerk