City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
January 12th, 2015 7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Petefish, Bell, Carson, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present. The minutes of the December meeting were presented. Clark moved and Behrends seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Velten was absent for the treasurer’s report, no report given. The video game revenue for November payable in December was $2,041.72 ($10,308.56 overall). Ms. Plunkett gave the transfer of funds: General Fund to Police $7,300; Water Fund to Sewer Fund $132.38; General Fund to Police Fund $4,000.00; General Fund to Police Fund $3,000.00; 2005 Alt. Bond & Intere to General Fund $293.52. Motion was made by Cox and seconded by Bell that the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. Bell moved and Clark seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Matt Werner was present to give the counsel update on the playground. Mr. Werner passed out diagrams of where the new playground will be on the park grounds. There will be 7 trees taken out in order to build the playground. They have checked with John Gebhardt and there seem to be no issues taking out the trees that need to be removed. The school board is taking bids that are currently due by February on the playground. Mr. Werner also mentioned that Porta has elected not to continue the Co-Op with A-C Central. The board has been approached by A-C Central along with Triopia and Meredosia to see if there is any interest in allowing them to join the current co-op Virginia, Triopia and Meredosia have in place. Currently the only high school sport Virginia hosts is golf, next year there is possibly enough kids to allow for a High School basketball and volleyball team for Virginia. This will not affect the current co-op arrangement. Student of the month for December were: Elementary- Lana Hutchinson; Jr. High- Chloe Reynolds; High School- Danielle Schroeder.
Public Works (McClure): Randy first wanted to thank David Fanning who helped the city out when truck broke down and roads needed to be cleaned. The truck has been temporarily fixed and will be fixed permanently at a later date. The signs have been ordered for Front and Springfield St along with the school crossing light.
Police Chief (Osmer):Mayor Sudbrink announced that Mr. Osmer, Chief Of Police has retired effective December 31 st, 2014. He wanted to thank Tom for his years of service and wished him a happy retirement.
Fire Chief (Reynolds):no report
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn):Mayor Sudbrink gave report there was one fence permit 101 N Front; 1 demo permit for old single wide on 121 1/2 N. Job and the old trailer at the trailer court still has some debris but it is being removed. Mr. Jenkins corresponded with Mike and as soon as weather is favorable he will be getting the rest of the debris and apologized for the delay. 107 S Cass has been demolished and removed. Mayor Sudbrink also announced that Mr. Finn has resigned his position as zoning officer and that the city will need to seek a replacement. He sighted that Mike has done an excellent job in this position.
Park: (Cox): No meeting last month, next meeting set for next Wednesday.
Library (Clark):No meeting in December next meeting will be January’ 20th, 2015.
Economic Development (Carson):Meeting set for January 28th, 2015.
Cemetery (Carson):Next meeting is in February the second Wednesday of the month.
Attorney’s Report:no report
Aldermanic Reports
Cox:no report
Behrends:Mr. Behrends inquired if the city had enough salt and sand to get through winter. Mr. McClure stated that he had salt and cinders on hand and that it should be fine.
Clark:No report
Carson:No report.
Bell:No report
Petefish:no report
Clerk’s Report:Clerk had economic interest forms for counsel to fill out and return.
Mayor’s Comments:The Mayor asked for a shelving allowance from the counsel to help straighten up storage area. Wade & Dowland had 2 file cabinets $175.00 total for both. A motion was made by Bell for the allowance to buy the two cabinets and seconded by Clark. Motion carried unanimously. He also asked that the board send the City secretary to classes on QuickBooks, The beginner class is $77.00 and starts on January 21 st. A motion was made by Bell and seconded by Petefish to pay for class. Motion carried unanimously. The Mayor also received a cd with businesses paying sales tax to the city and stated the council could look it over when they had time.
Unfinished Business: Employee incentives were discussed and a motion was made by Clark to keep same as last year and seconded by Cox. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business:
With nothing further to discuss motion was made by Clark and seconded by Behrends to adjourn into executive session. Motion carried unanimously.
Roll was called back into open session. Petefish, Bell, Carson, Clark, Behrends and Cox were present.
With nothing further to discuss motion was made by Clark and seconded by Carson to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk