City of Virginia
January 8th, 2024
Regular Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order: 7pm
Roll Call: Andrews, Stanbridge, Wulf, Knous, and Cox all answered present. Martin was not present.
Agenda Approval: Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the agenda, Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes Approval: Alderman Knous made a motion to approve last month’s meeting minutes, Alderwoman Stanbridge seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Monthly Bills: Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the monthly bills, Alderman Knous seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Barret was not present.
Guests: Terry Ayres, Koti Huffman, Domer Huffman, Steve Clark, Jonathon Shaner
Ayres: Ayres wanted to say thank you from his mother that sent the basket for the treats for the Seniors.
Clark: Clark asked the council if there has been any attempt to contact Jill Tracy or Randy Freese office about rebuilding Illinois? He stated that Ashland got 1.8 million a little bit ago. Clark said it is out there; we paid the taxes, and we deserve to get some of that back. He added if it helps with some of the brown water situation that would be great. Mayor stated he talked to Jill and her staff when having issues, she is aware of it, and we will see what we can get done. Clark suggests keeping on her, every little bit will help.
Monthly Reports:
Police Chief: Chief Shumate stated he got the form for the reimbursement for Officer Huffman’s training reimbursement. He will need Treasurer Barrett’s signature, once signed will send it off. She started this past Monday. He added that her office is getting set up, it’s a work in progress. In the springtime, Huffman’s main duty will be the ordinance issues. Chief Shumate thinks the city will get results faster now and more efficiently. Chief Shumate is excited about Officer Huffman joining the department and the good things that are to come. Mayor thanked Officer Huffman and congratulated her.
Fire Chief: Chief Stock stated the fire department received the following calls: light pole issue at the Methodist church, wreck on 125/Sweatman Rd, and 2 lift assists on Orchard Rd.
Ordinance Officer: no report
Superintendent of Water Report (Dylan Cook): Superintendent Cook stated that they are discussing getting cameras out at the water plant. He added that they have gotten several meters off the question mark list and issues are starting to get resolved.
Superintendent of Street Report (John Ratliff): Superintendent Ratliff stated they finished putting the signs up and got the last of them ordered. The city used Gary Hish’s bucket truck to do the Christmas Decorations this year. The city work truck has now been moved over to Andrews. We have been trying to get the dump truck straightened out, but we are good to go now.
Park Board: Alderman Cox stated he talked with Gibby, and he said everything has been winterized. He will be closing the park gate soon, and after the gate is closed, there aren’t supposed to be any cars going through there. There have been issues in the past and the Chief is aware. No meeting until March.
TIF: no report
Attorneys Report: Attorney not present
Mayors Report: Mayor McClure wanted to express again how efficient and professional the front office girls are. They welcome the public coming in, and they explain policies and procedures that we have, and they do it all with a smile on their face. The rest of our workforce is coming around. The city now has two officers for the police. There was a city worker that quit but has one coming on board next month. We are getting there. Mayor added he wanted to talk with Alderman Andrews about the workshop meeting to set up a date/time/place. Alderman Andrews stated he has been trying to go through sports schedules to avoid conflict and it is hard. He said he has two dates in mind. Mayor states after we get that done then we can look at the budget stuff.
Aldermanic Reports:
Cox no report
Knous no report
Wulf suggested the city to send Gary Hish a thank you card for letting us use his bucket truck. He then asked Ratliff, how many vehicles do we have to plow? Ratliff responded that they only have dump truck right now, other is broken down.
Stanbridge stated the water crew has everything under control and is doing a great job.
Andrews stated he has noticed a lot of good things around town.
Martin not present
City Clerks Report: Nothing to report.
Old Business:
- Discuss and/or Approve Ordinance for Franchise Fees (2nd reading)
Alderman Andrews would like squash this ordinance. There was another finance meeting, and it was decided against. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Knous made a motion to decide against approving the ordinance for CassComm Franchise Fees, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The Ordinance for CassComm Franchise Fees did not pass 2nd reading.
New Business:
- Discuss and/or Approve Watts Copier Contract
Deputy Clerk Carson stated that the contract is up at the end of the month. Watts offers more service than another company that provided a bid. Mayor states the city will also be getting a new machine. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the Watts Copier Contract, and Alderwoman Stanbridge seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Discuss and/or Approve MABAS Agreement and Resolution
Mayor McClure stated that MABAS is the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Master Agreement. Fire Chief Stock stated the Fire Dept has been a part of it for a long time. It is a mutual aid agreement in the event there is a catastrophe, they will come with a big tent, generators, light towers, etc. to assist in the issues that are happening. They can also call us to come and help as well if they need a search and rescue for natural disaster. Deputy Clerk Carson states we pay dues every year for it. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Knous made a motion to pass the MABAS Agreement and Resolution, Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Superintendent Cook asks if we can get new employee badges? Mayor McClure replied yes.
Chief Shumate asked how many AED devices the city has? Normally there is one in city hall, but we don’t have any that I know of. Mayor asks him to follow up on it and bring it up again next month. Alderman Wulf states there are funds through the county that help for that. He added that Roger would probably be the person to contact.
At 7:21pm, Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Alderman Knous seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Randy McClure, Mayor Ashley Cox, City Clerk