City of Virginia
Regular Meeting Minutes
July 13th2020
Mayor Brunk started the meeting at 7:07pm. Roll was called. Alderman French, Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, and Cox answered present. Alderman Behrends were not present. This month’s agenda was presented to the council. Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the agenda and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The minutes for June were reviewed. Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the June minutes and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. Alderman Bowman made a motion to approve the monthly bills and Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Barrett stated everything is line for the first two months of fiscal year. Right now we are waiting on tax levy fund which should be here in July. Sales tax for the month of June was $11030.94. Treasurer Barrett stated that sales tax is down $1815.79 this month from last year. He also stated that there were no proceeds this month for gaming, this is for Mar/Apr when gaming was closed. The city is down a substantial amount compared to last year due to the gaming being shutdown per COVID guidelines. Treasurer Barrett said on average we should expect 9-17% decline due to lockdown.
Monthly Reports, Board Reports, and Aldermanic Reports were not given this month
Attorneys Report
Attorney Veith would like to say if anyone has experienced direct impact of COVID that he gives his condolences. He stated that his attorneys report is in the monthly packet. The courts are open on restricted basis. One of the individuals’ with a property maintenance violation case has become compliant therefore the case is closed. The other individual that has a property maintenance violation did not appear, they called the court and stated they had a fever and a cough so the judge excused them from attending court. Attorney Veith stated that they haven’t done what they are supposed to do so they are due back in court on July 21st and are to prove why they shouldn’t be held in contempt for violating a court order.
Unfinished Business
New Business
- Approval of New part time Police Officer
Mayor states he would like to hire a part time officer for extenuating circumstances. The candidate also works in Beardstown as well. They city could use him to cover vacation and sick time as needed. He has been interviewed and he knows the circumstance and would like to take the position. Alderman French asked Mayor Brunk if this is who was in your office that day? Mayor Brunk stated yes. Alderman French states doesn’t have an issue if budget allows. Mayor states that the budget is in good shape. Alderman French said if it will help then that’s fine with me and made a motion to approve the new part time Police Officer, Adam Smith. Alderman Bowman seconded, motion carried unanimously.
- Approval of MFT projects for FY2020
Public Works Director Randy McClure stated that we will be using this in the alleys and on Morgan St as well. It will also be used to overlay Liberty to Washington on Morgan St. The cost of $18000 is for the guy to lay the coal patch over the street. McClure stated that this is all the city will do this year, next year will be the year to do oil and chip. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the MFT projects for FY2020 and Alderman Pratt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Fire Chief, Donnie Reynolds, stated that the fire department responded to a mutual aid in Arenzville at the Carls building and there was also a fire call on Hardin St.
Mayor states this has not been a very good week for Virginia and that he is hoping for better days to come. He also stated that he and Donnie Reynolds have been discussing a weather alarm system but we still need to get the cost estimate. Mayor Brunk just wanted to update the council as to where they were at with that. He also stated that the state is to redo the intersection on 125. There will be a bid letting on July 15th for that. If anyone has any issues that they would like to talk to me about please call city hall and we can meet and discuss what you want to talk about.
At 7:26pm with nothing further to discuss, Alderman Bowman made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting and Alderman Pratt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
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Reg Brunk, Mayor Ashley Cox, City Clerk