City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
July 13th, 2015 7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present. The minutes of the May meeting were presented. Clark moved and Behrends seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. The treasurer gave his monthly report with regular packet to the counsel, nothing out of the ordinary but using the new form report. The video game revenue for the month was $4,244 and sales tax figures this month were $9,338. No transfer of funds this month.The monthly bills were presented.Cox moved and Anderson seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Carolyn Defenbaugh was present and inquired about the pool closing too early for families who work to get there and swim with children. There was also inquiry about vacant property and what could be done about them. The zoning officer or the police chief should be contacted to give ordinance violations. Matt Werner was also present to give an update on the new playground for the school. The playground was ready to use the past weekend. They are resurfacing the tennis court area and it should be finished by school.
Public Works (McClure): The department has been doing road work. IRC received the bid on the roads and hope to have those finished before school starts. There was a large sinkhole on Beardstown St and Job St. intersection they have been working on fixing and weed eating at the cemetery.
Police Chief (Boris):The department answered 139 calls for service, 9 traffic violations, 3 criminal arrests and 1 ordinance violation.
Fire Chief (Reynolds):no report
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman):no report
Park: (Cox): 1st Family Fun Day went well. $800 worth of wrist bands sold. They have new ideas for next year to improve the Family Fun Day. Next meeting is Wednesday the 15th at 7 pm.
Library (Clark):Next meeting is Tuesday the 21st of July
Economic Development (Anderson):Next meeting is the 14th of July
Cemetery (Behrends):new trash cans purchased to replace old metal cans. They have two trees that need to be removed but will wait until after harvest due to location.
Attorney’s Report:With new ordinance violations being issued they will be setting aside time to hear cases in court.
Aldermanic Reports
Cox:Mr. Cox said cemetery looked good and wanted to thank Randy and his crew for filling the holes in town.
Behrends:Mr. Behrends has a few calls with residents upset with water bill due to leaks. Usually a high water notice goes out to those who have high than normal usage.
Clark:No report
Bowman: No report
Anderson: Mr. Anderson had complaint from residents regarding children running at the local gas station while parents play gambling machines. This would be an issue for police or the Department of children and family services.
Devlin:Things look good in town, the grass over by the old Jones property needs to have grass mowed and had inquiry about property down near E. South St.
Clerk’s Report:No report.
Mayor’s Comments:Mayor Sudbrink wanted to address the situation of water leaks and high usage. If gone for extended periods of time residents should turn off water to house. The postal carrier also reported a leak on Adams St.
Unfinished Business: The second reading of Animal Waste ordinance was on the agenda. A motion was made by Clark and seconded by Behrends in favor of the ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Next was second reading for Ordinance for certified plot on lots owned by Krohe behind the Depot. A motion was made by Cox and seconded by Bowman in favor of this ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business: First on the agenda the manufactured home ordinance and a sample of ordinance was given to counsel. There was a discussion on what to allow and permits to have regarding manufactured homes within the city limits. Mayor Sudbrink asked the council to look over and there would be a discussion next month on this ordinance. With nothing further to discuss a motion was made by Clark and seconded by Anderson to adjourn at 8:30. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk