City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
July 8th, 2013
7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called and 5 of 6 aldermen answered present; Behrends was absent. The Mayor had an item to strike from the agenda as there was no executive session for this month’s meeting unless Mr. Thomas had anything to address. Mr. Thomas said he had nothing to address and the executive session was removed from the agenda. The minutes of the May meeting were presented. Clark moved and Petefish seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried with all present voting Yes. Mr. Velten was absent and no monthly treasurer’s report was given. Ms. Plunkett, City Clerk, presented a transfer of funds: General Fund to Road and Bridge $7,675.75; Municipal Retail Tax to Police Fund $6,500.00; General Fund to Workman’s Comp. $385.02; Municipal Retail Tax to General Fund $6,800.00 and Police Vehicle Savings to Police Fund $425.00. Carson moved and Clark seconded that the transfer be approved. Motion carried with all present voting Yes. The monthly bills were presented. Cox moved and Bell seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried with all present voting Yes.
Guests: Mike Carson was present; Carolyn Defenbaugh was present and asked about the recent break-ins and voiced her concerns. Police Chief Osmer responded that he has sent several items to crime lab with fingerprints and fingerprint cards on suspects. She also asked about ordinance on mowing grass into street and not into the city roadways. There was some discussion on what to do regarding an ordinance Carson suggested a Public Awareness campaign first before creating an ordinance. City Attorney Thomas was going to get a copy of Beardstown ordinance for the council to look over and discuss later. Ms. Defenbaugh also noted that at the City dump that the brush was overgrown and scratching cars when they pull in to dump yard waste. She asked if the city planned to trim back and Mr. McClure stated that they trim back every couple of years and that they had been busy but it was about time for them to trim it back.
Public Works (McClure): City employee’s had 56 work orders and Julies this month. They made 3 taps in town one for the Greenhouse at the school, one for the Church and one for Snedeker on Beardstown St., removed old tap from Greenhouse at the school and one other taken off that was out of service. They have also been repairing streets and there was a dead Hard Maple Tree on Morgan St that needed to be taken down. The City contacted Ameren that put them in touch with Wright Tree Service to remove. There was a bee hive in the tree when it was cut down, Mr. McClure took care of bees and sent the workers up on the following Monday to clean up.
Police Chief (Osmer): Handled 10 civil disturbance calls, 2 traffic arrests. Police Chief Osmer is currently working on thefts and break ins in town. Most thefts have been in unlocked/unsecured cars looking for change, phone and other items that they can sell.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): Mr. Petefish reported for Chief Reynolds that they responded to one Mutual aid Fire in Chandlerville on the 4th of July.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): Mr. Finn reported 1 permit for a shed and 1 for a deck. He had a few requests for setbacks that he sent letters out on with copies of ordinances and setback requirements.
Park: (Cox) Held meeting 5/15/13 and reported 2 board members resigned. Mary Moore and Jeff Bennett both resigned giving time constraints as the reason for the resignation. Storage shed at Park looks very good and new steps in pool look great. Chad Winters ask Mr. Cox to ask Mr. Finn about permit for storage shed and Mr. Finn talked to Mayor on this. Mr. Cox also report that Mr. Gebhardt hosted the 11-12 All-stars and did a good job.
Library (Clark): Mr. Clark reported an E-book training event scheduled for 7/19/13, Friends of the library donated money and it was used to purchase a magazine rack, a return cart and rug for children’s area. There had also been a question ask as to whether the forestry fund could be used to replace shrubs.
Economic Development (Carson): Meeting scheduled for July 1 7th, 2013
Cemetery (Carson): No report
Attorney’s Report: No report
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Mr. Cox thanked Randy for filling potholes and said to keep up good work
Behrends: Not present
Clark: Mr. Clark had question regarding who is responsible for trees between sidewalk and curb in city limits, if owner takes them down who is responsible for stump. Mr. McClure stated that if the homeowner cuts down the tree then they are responsible for the clean up and removal of the stump. Mr. Clark also reported that the 25th of July the Economic Development board will be attending an open house/ribbon cutting at 230 N Main for the new County Companies office.
Carson: Nothing to report
Bell: Nothing to report
Petefish: Nothing to report
Clerk’s Report: No report
Mayor’s Comments: The Mayor addressed the 2 recent departures from the park board. Two appointments were made by the Mayor, Stacey O’Daniel and Chris Barrett were recommended by the Mayor to fill the park board with all in attendance voting yes. Also addressed was a vacancy left by Susan Carson on the Zoning board, Mr. Finn recommended Adam Stock and the Mayor asked that the board approve Adam Stock as a replacement, all in attendance voted yes. The Mayor received a letter from Petersburg Fire District, they have signed off on mutual aid and want Virginia to also sign an intergovernmental agreement on this and it will be put on agenda next month, Bev was asked to contact Mr. Tice to inform him that it would be placed on next month’s agenda. He also said that Dee Fair resigned as the Summer Daze leader and they would be looking for a replacement and thanked Dee for her hard work.
Unfinished Business: Resolution Cass co Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan was reviewed and Clark made a motion and Carson seconded motion. All in attendance voted Yes
New Business:
A. Discussion on bonds vs. loan, finance committee met and went over spreadsheet. The comparison on Mid-State Re-Issue saved $50,023 and the Petefish Loan 10 year Debt Service saved $82,475. The Mayor also noted that a bond fee of $500 paid to the bank annually on the current Mid-State bond would also save $5,000 and was not on the spreadsheet. Mr. Clark stated that the finance committee unanimously recommends that the Petefish Skiles loan should be approved. Mr. Clark also noted that bond interest rate had gone up since last meeting and would not be to City’s advantage. Mr. Bell asked if collateral would be needed on loan with bank, it was discussed and no collateral was needed it would be a direct obligation from City’s general fund. Would require an ordinance to approve. Mr. Thomas said we could have first reading on this tonight, that the board would approve the Mayor to sign an agreement with Petefish Skiles & Company Bank for the loan amount of $735,000 with an interest rate not to exceed 2.85% for a term of 10 years. Petefish made a motion and Cox seconded the motion. Vote was 4-1 with Bell voting no
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, Clerk