City of Virginia
Regular Meeting Minutes
June 14th , 2021
Mayor McClure called the meeting to order at 7pm. Roll was called. Alderman Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, Knous, and Cox all answered present. Alderman French was not present. The council reviewed the agenda. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the agenda, Alderman Knous seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The council reviewed the May meeting minutes. Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the minutes, Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Alderman French joined the meeting. The council reviewed the monthly bills. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the monthly bills, Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Barrett stated that we are a month into the budget and we should have everything matched up by next meeting. Sales tax for the month was $10852.14 and video gaming was $4827.24. Treasurer Barrett also stated that for the minutes, it is noted that as Mayor, Randy McClure, is an authorized person for the city’s bank accounts.
Guests: Terry Ayres, Amanda Lear, Steve Handy, Tacy McClure, David Rochester, Chrissy Rochester, Gena Huff, Jackson Huff, Sarah Edwards, Joe Edwards, Kristina Paul
Terry Ayres:
Mr. Ayres brought two more pictures and presented them to the council. The pictures were taken behind the laundry mat where the rat was found. He stated that he burning is still occurring and smoke was coming from the property at 4:20pm. He stated nothing has been done about the incinerator. He told the council he has been to four straight meetings and nothing has been done. He cant put his clothes out on the line because they will smell like smoke. He stated that trash, weeds, firewood, and an old tarp are all getting burned. He wants to know what is going to be done? He doesn’t want to keep coming up to the meetings in regards to this. Mayor McClure states that he will take with the owner and mention the concerns. Ayres also mentioned there are 48 and 53 footers coming down the road from Parlier’s. He doesn’t think they should be allowed to do that and maybe a sign needs to be put up. Mayor McClure states after he speaks with the owner, he will follow up with Mr. Ayres.
Attorneys Report
Attorney Veith stated that on tonight’s agenda there is the approval of resolution of purchase of real estate that includes the litigation that we have had. He also stated that there is also the 1st reading of ordinance to authorize TIF funding for Andrews, which is a partial renovation. He stated that he thinks the ordinance speaks for itself but if there are questions either he or Treasurer Barrett can answer them. Alderman Cox asks when we will be able to sell the empty lot on the square. Attorney Veith stated that he spoke with the Mayor and first we need a deed. We should be able to sell it in either July or August.
Monthly Reports
Police Chief (Fanning): 66 service calls, hired a PT cop, Jim French on day shift. Officer French will help at night sometimes too.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): 1 mutual aid call structure fire in Chandlerville. Dustin Fritsche applied for a grant for radios and it was approved. The fire department will be getting around $11000 for 10 new radios.
Zoning Board(Merriman): nothing to report
Library Board: nothing to report. Mayor McClure states needs to find one more person to be on library board
Economic Development: nothing to report
Cemetery Board: nothing to report
Park Board: The pool will open tomorrow. There have been a lot of ball games this year at the park. The next meeting is on 06/16 at 7pm (park board office)
TIF Board: had a meeting last month, there is a request on here today to be read for Andrews later on the agenda.
Aldermanic Reports
French: Alderman French presented Mayor McClure with a plaque on behalf of the council, staff and community members to thank him for all of his years of service with the City. Alderman French then stated his concern about how the zoning, economic development, etc never have a representative come to the council meetings and that there should be someone here. He also asked in regards to TIF, is there a timeframe on the TIF money? Treasurer Barrett states it is first come first serve. When people submit an application, the board tries to meet as soon as they can. Last year around $100000 was received and this year it increased to around $150000. Treasurer Barrett added that there is no timeline but the TIF money will not be distributed until the project is complete. Alderman French asks if anyone has asked for TIF money for the appliance center next door. Treasurer Barrett states he cant answer that. Alderman French stated that he would like to reach out to them. Alderman French asked Mayor McCLure if the property on the south end has been contacted or sent letters? Mayor McClure stated that they are getting 3 letters.
Pratt: nothing to report
Bowman: nothing to report
Wulf: Alderman Wulf expressed his appreciation to the BBQ committee. He stated that it really looked like a lot of community support this year.
Cox: Alderman Cox also thanks the BBQ committee. He would also like to recognize that a lot of people mentioned how good the cemetery looked on Memorial Day. He asked Chief Fanning if he could please not let people shoot fireworks over by the nursing home this year. There is an ordinance that fireworks cannot be lit in town. Last year Alderman Cox had to call the former Chief twice to get him to do something. Alderman Cox states that he gets more complaints about fireworks on the 4th than anything. Chief Fanning stated he will monitor it.
Knous: nothing to report
City Clerks Report
Nothing to report
Mayors Report
The mayor would like to thank the BBQ committee. He also thanks Chief Reynolds and the firemen for stepping up and helping the street guys wash down the streets on the square that weekend. Mayor McClure stated that letters to property owners and owners of abandoned vehicles have been sent out. There were 13 sent and 11 have gotten it cleaned up. We are still waiting on 2. Mayor McClure also stated that he talked to Barbara Nowak that writes grants and he wanted to have her come and explain what she does and how she gets paid. Two Rivers in Quincy is also a place that has grant writers as well.
Unfinished Business
A. Acceptance of MFT Bid
IRCs bid is$85865 which is cheaper than what engineers predicted. Hopefully it will get done in September. Alderman Pratt asks if this will cover the cemetery as well, Mayor McClure stated no. Mayor McClure stated this is for Morgan St. Alderman French asks if it to make it more level and flat for the buses? Mayor McClure stated yes, it will overlay the bricks. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Pratt makes a motion to approve the acceptance of the MFT bid, Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business
A. Approval of Resolution for purchase of real estate
With nothing further to discuss, Alderman French made a motion for to approve the resolution for purchase of real estate, Alderman Knous seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Ordinance to Adopt TIF for Andrews Tire & Service
With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Bowman made a motion to approve the ordinance to adopt TIF for Andrews Tire & Service, Alderman Pratt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Discuss New Municipal Program for City Finance and Billing
Treasurer Barrett stated that we have been trying to get things straightened out and the finances in order. It was budgeted to cost about $15000 for the new program. Jeannette has the company information and this would be a transition year. We might run dual books or it may just as smooth to jump over. It would make reports a lot easier to read and we can break it down in categories for the audit. He stated we have a unique situation with the water billing and VRWS. Alderman French asks if a new program would make it easier. Treasurer Barrett stated that right now we are using Quick books which is not designed to do all the things a financial system for a municipality needs. This would be a
program that is designed for municipalities. IT would be a 3-4 month transition. He stated that the council would have to approve on the company that was selected. We just need to get the ball rolling and get prices then go from there. Alderman French agrees.
D. Discuss Call For Future Problems and City will have
Mayor McClure states that he would like to get a one call system in case we have a water main break like last time, that way it will alert everyone of what is going on. He wasn’t sure if the new financial system would have a feature like that, the one that they have now does. Mayor McClure would like that to be asked when looked for the new system. This will allow everyone to be notified as there were a lot of people that complained recently.
E. Personnel Needs for the City of Virginia (possible executive session).
Mayor McClure stated that the city needs more help. He stated that one more street guy and two more water guys are needed.
At 7:32pm, Alderman Cox made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel needs, Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
The council returned to public session at 8:13pm. Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve 2 full time hires, 1 for the streets and 1 for the water department, Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further to discuss, at 8:14pm, Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn the council meeting and Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
___________________________ ____________________________
Randy McClure , Mayor Ashley Cox, City Clerk