City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
March 10th, 2014 7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called all answered present. The minutes of the January meeting were presented. Clark moved and Carson seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Velten gave the treasurers report with normal packet, mentioned we are coming up on new fiscal year and need to get budgets in order and take a serious look at next years budget. Mr. Velten also presented a transfer of funds: Municipal Retail Tax to Police Fund $9,000 and Municipal Retail tax to General Fund $12,100. Cox moved, Behrends seconded that the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. Bell moved and Petefish seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Student of the Month for January 2014 Elementary Student of the Month Bridget Bell –for being responsible; Student of the Month for February 2014 Elementary is Kevin Fritche; Jr. High January Student of the Month Cole Tate; High School Student of the Month February Allison Coats- for her integrity. Carolyn Defenbaugh asked about repairing potholes in town especially West of the Post Office.
Public Works (McClure): 6” and 4” water leak, frozen service lines and meters; snow removal; tornado warning and flooding. The project outside of town is about 40-45% done. Lots of potholes that need patching.
Police Chief (Osmer): 3 civil disturbance calls; 2 accidents; 2 traffic arrests and 5 criminal arrests.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): Thanked the city crew for keeping the Fire Station clear; structure fire in Virginia and Vehicle extrication in Ashland.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): 1 permit for renovations on a house; 4-5 calls regarding zoning; talked to owner’s wife on Washington St. property about cleaning up and let them know what was expected. Spoke to Albert Thompson on Cass St and he is still working on property clean up. Making a checklist of clean up and will give them a letter on what is expected of them.
Park: (Cox): Feb 19th meeting getting bids for lights in pool bath house and pool office and cashier area. Mr. Gebhardt will be back up working at the park March 6th and will have the Inmates help with pool. JV baseball game the 14th of April. Mayor was present to talk about replacement for Dee Fair and the Summer Daze program. Park said they would help with the roads but would like an amount for the repairs and make final decision.
Library (Clark): Met Feb 18th Friends of the Library notified Library there are funds available and they are looking into replacing some computers and a printer. Received a Libri grant to purchase children’s books. Faxed budget for next year minus any pay increases the city might give. Scheduled St. Patrick’s day party for the 15th from 10am to 11:30 am and next meeting is the 15th of April
Economic Development (Carson): working on Website, keeping old until new is do and then there will be training with the staff to change items and adding a heading of “Great Place to Live”. Up and running by end of March.
Cemetery (Carson): Met Feb. 11th and tombstones have been moved to shed at cemetery waiting till ground thaws to place. Spring clean up at Cemetery is March 15-31.
Attorney’s Report: Mr. Thomas was able to get photos and video footage of former trailer court flooding.
Aldermanic Reports:
Cox: Thank Randy and City for fixing the water leak.
Behrends: North end resident complaining plastic side on house blowing off (Lucas Home). South Job St. complaining about mud went into driveway and covered his gravel. Couple elderly people talking about empty houses and wondered if there was anything they could do with them. Mr. Finn said we are limited on what we can do by law.
Clark: Financial committee and streets and alley committee need to meet.
Carson: Nothing
Bell: Nothing
Petefish: Nothing
Clerk’s Report: Nothing
Mayor’s Comments: Appointed Chris Barrett to Tiff joint review board to replace Susan Carson. Roll was called and all were in agreement with this appointment. The Mayor received a Thank you in the mail for excellent job on water situation from Wanda Harrison. We received another letter from John Relman on final distribution on Eloise Dooling trust and two checks $6634.63 payable to Jennie Marr Dunaway Park and $6634.63 payable to Virginia Memorial Public Library. Mayor will sign documents that check were received.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: 1st reading of the Supplemental Appropriation revision. To bring budget in line with expenditures, main one is the water line since it will be finished this year. Project was budgeted at $150,000 and need to move to $230,000, this will come out of water funds from sale of water works property. Small other adjustments in other budget items. Total change was $93,500. Motion was made by Clark and seconded by Bell. Motion carried unanimously. Next on the agenda was the approving of the Park Budget. A motion was made by Bell and seconded by Clark. Motion carried unanimously. Library budget was next on the agenda with balanced budget. Motion was made by Cox and seconded by Petefish. Motion carried unanimously. The next item on the agenda was the Mutual aid agreement with IPWMA. Mr. Lauder presented last month and seemed favorable. A motion was made to waive two reading rule by Cox and seconded by Clark. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made to approve ordinance by Bell and seconded by Behrends. Motion carried unanimously. Prevailing wage approval was next on the agenda. Motion to approve prevailing wage was made by Bell and seconded by Clark. Motion carried unanimously. With nothing further to discuss a motion was made to adjourn by Behrends and seconded by Clark. Motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further to discuss Clark made a motion to dismiss and Behrends seconded. Meeting adjourned with all in attendance voting yes.
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Steve Sudbrink, Mayor Anne Plunkett, Clerk