City of Virginia

Minutes of Regular Meeting

Monday March 13th 2017



Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30p.m. Roll was called Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Clark, and Cox answered present, Behrends was absent.  A motion was made by Alderman Cox to approve the agenda for the month and seconded by Alderman Clark.  Motion carried unanimously.  The minutes of the February meeting were presented.  Alderman Clark made a motion that the meeting minutes be approved with correction. Bellatti, Fay, Bellatti & Beard, LLP as a whole firm was hired, per Mr. Veith’s request.  Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  Meeting minutes for a meeting that took place on December 17th, 2016 were presented and Alderman Clark made a motion with corrections to Special meeting from Regular meeting.  Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet; Treasurer Barrett wanted to give Jeannette a big thank you for being so helpful, she is doing a great job.  The city net income is at a negative $148,779.17 and he will be monitoring this closely.  Next month he will see if we are on pace, the city had projected a loss to start.  The water is behind City of Virginia to VRWS about $103,000 between debt service payment and water sales.  The city is looking at correction that as soon as funds are available.  The video game revenue for the month of February were $2,942.53, the year to date total is $26,256.56 and the sales tax figures the month of February were $9,600.58 with year to date total of $97,770.50.  There was no transfer of funds this month.  Monthly bills were presented.  Alderman Anderson made a motion and Alderman Cox seconded that the bills be paid as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Guests: Dale Bell and Ott Wulf were in attendance

Public Works(McClure): Picking up stump grinding debris, filling holes in roads and alleyways, Rte. 2 has approximately 241 radio reads left to install and Rte. 1 has 138 radio reads left to install and they will be complete.  City signs are done, there are about 45 vacant lots or houses on Rte. 2 and will be reporting on Rte. 1 later.

Police Chief(Boris):162 calls for service, 6 criminal arrests and 5 traffic citations and 2 ordinance violations.

Fire Chief(Reynolds): 1 house fire-cancelled, 1 smoke/electrical call, 1 tree fire, wreck on Hickory Rd and natural gas leak on IL Rte. 125 near Philadelphia.

Boards Reports

Zoning(Merriman): No Report

Park(Cox): Budget submitted, Pool needs painted roughly 25 gallons needed at $115.00 a gallon.  Clay will be added to the ball field.  New awning on concession, there are several fund raisers coming up this year.  They hosted 65 ballgames this year at the ball diamonds.

Library(Clark): Met the 21st of February, received the per capita grant and have submitted a Dollar General Grant request to help with summer reading. They are going to have summer reading at the log cabin 2 in June and 2 in July.  Next meeting is March 21st.

Economic Development(Anderson): next meeting is the end of the next month

Cemetery(Behrends): budget and agreement in packet to discuss

Attorney’s Report: 2 ordinance violations and there are two additional cases all set up for 1pm March 28th.  One case set for bench trail has a continuance filed.  There is also one ordinance in packet and power lease agreement to look over.

Aldermanic Reports

Cox: Signs outside of town look great

Behrends: No Report

Clark: Thanked Randy and guys for the signs they look great.  Wanted to thank the alderman for ladies night out volunteers, be at hall at 5 pm to get job assignments.

Bowman: No Report

Anderson: Tornado warning not heard in all areas of town.  Street light out, chief calls those in to Jeannette and she reports to CIPS.  Regarding the tornado warning the fire chief said he would suggest a weather radio.

Devlin: No Report

Clerk’s Report: Economic interest forms can be turned in after the meeting, checked on cemetery board appointments.

Mayor’s Comments: Thanked Randy and crew for putting up signs coming into town.  Special thank you to Bill Dodds for breaking the metal for the signs, and Volunteer Virginia beautification for helping.  With council approval the Mayor had two appointments to make.  The first was Janet Haglock for 4 years on cemetery board.  The council was polled and all were in favor of Janet Haglock.  The second appointment was Jennifer Hays to replace Stacie O’daniel on park board.  The council was polled and all were in favor of Jennifer Hays on park board.

Unfinished Business: 2nd reading of Intergovernmental between city and Virginia school.  A motion was made by Alderman Cox to approve and seconded by Alderman Clark.  Motion carried unanimously.

New Business: First up under new business was the 1st reading of the tower lease agreement between the city and Brand consolidated.  A motion was made by Alderman Clark to accept first reading and seconded by Alderman Anderson.  Vote was 4 yes and Alderman Bowman abstained.  Next up was Cemetery agreement with city, work time for Russell DeGroot was extended an additional month.  Added back into the agreement from prior agreements was the on weekend the cemetery pays 100% of cost on burial.  Motion was made by Alderman Cox and seconded by Alderman Anderson.  Motion carried unanimously.  Next up was the Cemetery budget, noting increase in payroll to cover additional time Russell would be working.  Motion was made by Alderman Clark to approve and seconded by Alderman Anderson.  Motion carried unanimously.  The park agreement was next under new business, no changes noted on this agreement.  Motion was made by Alderman Anderson and seconded by Alderman Bowman.  Motion carried unanimously.  The park budget was next and a motion was made by Alderman Cox and seconded by Alderman Bowman.  Motion carried unanimously.  Library budget was introduced next and Alderman Clark made a motion to accept the budget and Alderman Anderson seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  Last under new business was the Fiscal year 2017-2018 budget, 1st reading.  Treasurer Chris Barrett gave a brief overview of budget and the Mayor thanked him for the great job he was doing.  Treasure Barrett in turn thanked Jeannette Lacy for all the help she has given him.  A motion was made by Alderman Clark to approve and seconded by Alderman Bowman.  Motion carried unanimously.


With nothing further to discuss at this time a motion was made by Alderman Cox and seconded by Alderman Clark to adjourn at 8:08p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Steve Sudbrink, Mayor

Anne Plunkett, City Clerk