City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
May 13, 2013
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called and all aldermen answered present. The minutes of the April meeting were presented. Alderman Kilby pointed out one correction in the minutes. Under his report, he noted that it was Steve Clark who could not attend the finance committee meeting. The mayor was present. The mayor also noted two corrections under New Business: Under item D, the motion was made to waive the two reading requirement, with Danenberger voting no, and under item E there was no motion to suspend two readings.. Corrections were noted. Danenberger moved and Clark seconded that the minutes be approved, as written and with the corrections. Motion carried unanimously. Kevin Velten presented the usual monthly treasurer’s reports. This month’s report represents the end of the past fiscal year. An annual audit will be done, probably in June. Velten also presented the following transfer of funds: Police Fund to Special Acct Police $5, special Acct Police to Police Fund $5, Water Fund to General Fund $15, General Fund to Police Fund $12,450, Water Special Capital Improvement Fund to Water Fund $1 ,749.07, and STAG 1 Grant to Water Fund 41,049.31. Bell moved and Petefish seconded that the transfers be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. With no discussion, Clark moved and Bell seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Students of the Month: Steve Clark presented the students of the month for March. Elementary: Kayla Budrick, Jr High : Grant Werner, and Sr High Carissa Higgins.
Guests: Alex Bell was attending the meeting from Scout Troop 125 as part of his Citizenship in America project, Carolyn Defenbaugh inquired about the trash on the property on S Main St south of the Lutheran Church. Finn explained the difficulties in dictating how someone lives and that trash has been removed as asked at various times.
Public Works (McClure): Busy catching up with mowing between rains, in particular at the cemetery. Randy has a list of 5 projects to complete prior to the BBQ and will work on them as weather allows. Kilby asked about pot hole repair about town, Randy is aware and is attempting to fix them.
Police Chief (Osmer): Handled 9 civil disturbance calls, 7 traffic arrests, 2 criminal arrests, 1 accident, wrote 6 letters on abandoned vehicles, all of which have been removed, and made 2 ordinance violation arrests.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): The fire department had no calls in April, but did assist in a mock accident with the Ashland FD prior to AC Central’s prom.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): Issued 1 permit for a store shed and 2 other permits for sheds, and 1 demolition permit for an old shed. The mobile home on S. Cass St. on the Chilton property has been removed and a demolition application was given out for the Shive property on S. Front St. That application has not yet been returned. Letters were sent to 5 property owners regarding mowing of their property. The Mayor asked that future letters contain a ‘by’ date and time, after which the city will go in and mow the property and bill the owner at $200/hour as the ordinance allows. Any property with unpaid charges will have a lien placed against it.
Park : Sudbrink read the minutes of the park meeting indicating that quotes have been obtained for padding at the pool, the metal detector and hot dog machine are in, bids for the walking bridge over the path are still being sought, a portable building to house the handicap lift has been purchased, bid for path repairs has been received and a life guard stand for the shallow end of the pool has been purchased at a cost of $560.
Library (Clark): No April meeting due to no quorum.
Economic Development (Clark): Represented at two ribbon cuttings for TO’s Pizza and the new bookstore.
Cemetery (Petefish): Meeting to be held 5/14/13 at 6 p.m.
Attorney’s Report: No report.
Aldermanic Reports
Kilby: As it was his last meeting, Kilby thanked the council and other members and voiced his pleasure at having served with them.
Danenberger: As this was also his last meeting, Danenberger thanked the council for their service with him over the years.
Clark: No report..
Bell: Thanked the outgoing members of the council and the clerk and welcomed the new members.
Petefish: No report.
Clerk’s Report: No report
Mayor’s Comments: Thanked outgoing council members and clerk for their service.
Unfinished Business
A. 2nd Reading Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance. Petefish moved and Clark seconded that the 2nd reading be approved as presented. Motion carried 4-1, with Kilby voting no.
B. 2nd Reading Dog Ordinance. Kilby moved and Clark seconded that the 2nd reading of the ordinance be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
C. 2nd Reading Ordinance Amending 3-3-2H of City Code. This ordinance allows Randy to sell water line parts. Motion made by Bell and seconded by Clark to approved the 2nd reading of the ordinance as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Kilby moved and Danenberger seconded that the meeting be adjourned Sine Die. Motion carried unanimously. Luke Thomas asked all incoming aldermen to come forward and swore in each new aldermen (Carson and Behrends), along with the re-elected treasurer (Velten) and mayor (Sudbrink). The meeting was reconvened and in the absence of a clerk, Velten called the roll. All aldermen answered present.
New Business
A. The first order of business under new business was to appoint a city clerk, for a period of 2 years until the next election. The mayor appointed Anne Plunkett to the position and polled the council for their support. All aldermen voted yes.
B. The mayor then appointed Rick Cox to serve as the 3rd ward alderman for a period of 2 years, until the next election. The council was polled for their support. All aldermen voted yes.
The city attorney then swore in the new clerk and alderman and they were seated in their new positions.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Sarah Fanning, Clerk