Agenda City of Virginia May 13, 2019 7:00pm
I. Call to Order Roll Call II. Approval of Agenda Roll Call III. Minutes of Previous Meeting Roll Call IV. Treasurer's Report V. Approval of Monthly Bills Roll Call VI. Guests: VII. Monthly Reports A. Public works Director B. Police Chief C. Fire Chief D. Board Reports 1. Zoning Board 2. Library Board 3. Economic Development 4. Cemetery Board 5. Park Board E. Attorney's Report F. Aldermanic Report G. City Clerk's Report H. Mayor Comments VIII. Unfinished Business A. FY 19/20 Appropriation Ordinance (2nd Reading) IX. Adjourn Sine Die Swear in newly elected officials X. New Business A. Swear in of Appointed offices (Public Works, Lawyer, Police Chief) B. Prevailing Wage Rates C. Appoint Ashley French to park board D. Ordinance Governing Traffic at the intersection of Cass & Illini Streets E. Executive Session to discuss Operation of Municipal Utilities & Pending Litigation F. Resolution Adopting Water Purchase contract with Growmark XI. Public Comment XII. Adjourn