City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday May 8th, 2017 7:30pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30p.m. Roll was called Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Clark and Cox answered present, Behrends was absent. A motion was made by Alderman Cox to approve the agenda for the month and seconded by Alderman Clark. Motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the April meeting were presented. Alderman Clark made a motion that the meeting minutes be approved and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The montly treasure’s report was in the council’s monthly packet; Treasurer Barrett game an overview of report. He has been working on fiscal year end with Jeannette. The cityu is coming in under budget at this time with expenses. The video game revenue for the month of April was $2,774.24, the year to date total is $31,970.21 and the sales tax figures the month of April were $10,423.05 with year to date total of $120,454.59. There was no transfer of funds this month. Monthly bills were presented. Alderman Anderson made a motion and Alderman Clark seconded that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Dales Bell, Ott Wulf, Ashley Cox, Mrs. Boris, Carolyn Defenbaugh and Diane Brunk were in attendance;
Public Works (McClure): mowing, April 30th the water plant was hit by lightning and is being manually controlled at this time until it can be repaired.
Police Chief(Boris): 201 calls for service, 3 criminal arrests and 7 traffic citations 1 ordinance violation. He has also be involved with a fraud investigation. Cheif Boris presented Mayor Sudbrink with a plaque for all this help with the department and thanked him for his service.
Fire Chief(Reynolds): Responded to car in pond, wreck on Morgan St, Rollover on 125 and smoke alarm at unoccupied residence.
Board Reports
Zoning(Merriman): 2 demo permits this month
Park:(Cox): Met April 18th, pool will open Memorial Day Weekend, mowing a lot due to all the rain we have had recently.
Library(Clark): MEt April 18th, new tables have been purchased and old tables being sold. There will be summer reading and a kindergarten roundup.
Economic Development(Anderson): Met April 26th and there were no applications
Cemetery(Behrends): meet May 9th 2017\
Attorney’s Report: There will be an ordinance court in June. Sent letting on ordinance violation payments and those have been paid. Next month there will be revised ordinance.
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Thanked Mayor Sudbrink, City Clerk Anne Plunkett and Alderman Steve Clark for their hard work. He said the Mayor had made a lot of tough choices over his time as Mayor and had done a lot for the community.
Behrends: No Report
Clark: Thanked everyone and said it had been an honor and privilege to work with the board.
Bowman: No Report
Anderson: Thanked all for the service to the board Mayor, City Clerk and Alderman. He also had inquiry about hold in west end that was filled with trash.
Devlin: Will miss those leaving the council and looked forward to working with those joining the council.
Clerk’s Report: Thanked everyone for the support they had given over her time as clerk and will miss everyone.
Mayor’s Comments: The mayor thanked the council for 14 years they have worked with him and all the past councils also. He enjoyed working with them and for the city. He also wanted to poll the council regarding replacing an officer who resigned recently from city polices. He asked that the council be polled regarding hiring Dylan Curtis to replace the officer who resigned. Poll was taken and all were in favor of the replacement (5-0)
Unfinished Business: 2nd reading of Fiscal year 17/18 ordinance. A motion was made by Alderman Cox to approve and seconded by Alderman Clark. Motion carried unanimously. Next up under unfinished business was Supplemental appropriation ordinance. Motion was made by Alderman Anderson to approve the 2nd reading and seconded by Alderman Clark, motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made to adjourn Sine Die by Alderman Clark and seconded by Alderman Bowman. Motion carried unanimously. City Attorney swore in the new Mayor, City Clerk and Alderman and Treasurer.
Roll was called at 8:02 pm
New Business: none
The Mayor made a brief statement and said he was looking forward to working with council.
With nothing further to discuss at this time a motion was made by Alderman Bowman and seconded by Alderman Anderson to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Reginald Brunk, Mayor
Ashley Cox, Clerk