City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
November 10th , 2014 7:30 pm
Mayor Steve opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Bell, Carson, Clark and Cox answered present, Behrends was absent. The minutes of the October meeting were presented. Cox moved and Clark seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Velten gave the monthly treasurer’ s report with normal packet attached. Things are running normal, few line items that need corrected. Running at about 50% expenses, 46% overall. TIFF taxes received $48,162.32 and a rebate was given to the school in the amount of $4,456.15. The video game revenue for September, payable in October $657.43 ($7,450.60 overall). Mr. Velten also gave the transfer of funds: General Fund to Police $5,000; General Fund to Police Fund $7,500. Band Fund to General Fund $207.68; General Fund to Police Fund $5,000; and Water Fund to Sewer Fund $152.03. Motion was made by Petefish and seconded by Carson that the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. Petefish moved and Cox seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Students of the month for October at the Virginia School were Elementary Reagan Masters Elementary ; Rebecca Ring, Jr. High and Cole Anderson High School, all recognized for Citizenship
Public Works (McClure): Using up the patch patching streets, clearing brush back and picking up brush, replacing shut off valves and meters and Mr. McClure said they have found a 15″ culvert north of town and working on putting it back into operation.
Police Chief (Osmer): 3 civil disturbance calls, 5 traffic arrests and 1 accident handled by department.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): The fire department responded to 1 trailer fire on Stowe St.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): 4 permits; 2 demolition permits, 2 miscellaneous. the hose on Cass Street that belongs to Mr. Roy French should be down within the next 30 days. Sent out some yard letters.
Park: (Cox): No meeting, concrete work has been finished but the slide and boards need to be put back up. the fence on the small diamond has been repaired.
Library (Clark): Met the 21st of October and it was announced that the library received an A+ for resource sharing; 15,000 e-books available. They are currently working on a per capita grant. The library is also looking for appropriate DVD donations. Planning on having a cocoa bar during Christmas in Virginia. They will meeting the 18th of November.
Economic Development (Carson): Met October 22nd, there is still money available in the Mauer fund and Economic development fund. They are working on federal grant for affordable rental housing. Ribbon cutting set for Grady’s Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping supply 9am Saturday the 15th. there will be another ribbon cutting for Cline’s Closet but no date has yet to be set.
Cemetery (Carson): Meeting set for Wednesday 12th of November.
Attorney’s Report: no report/resolution has been forwarded for printing.
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Wanted to thank all Veterans.
Behrends: absent
Clark: Wanted to thank the ladies for a fine breakfast Saturday morning. Tomorrow there will be a Veteran’s program at 10:00 am at the Virginia School. He is also working with Randy McClure on the culvert that has been found North of town. Mr. Clark presented quotes on the Work Comp policy and couple of packets give breakdown between two proposals. Look over property and equipment in larger packet make sure all is included.
Carson: Mrs. Carson was approached by citizens concerned about the pool closing early if not many people were present, would also like to see it open in the evening so some families that work out of town would be able to use in the evening with their kids.
Bell: no report
Petefish: no report
Clerk’s Report: no report
Mayor’s Comments: No report
New Business: 1st reading of tax levy ordinance same amount as last year preliminary as attorney has not had a chance to review it. Motion was made by Bell and seconded by Clark. Motion carried unanimously.
Next on the agenda was resolution abating 2014 tax levy. The bonding won’t raise taxes to pay for bond. this will be last year for the bond resolution because it has been converted to a loan. A motion was made by Cox and seconded by Bell. Motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further to discuss motion was made by Clark and seconded by Cox to adjourn into executive session.
Roll call was called back into open session at 8:37 pm. Petefish, Bell, Carson, Clark, and Cox were present, Behrends was absent.
With nothing further to discuss motion was made by Cox and seconded by Clark to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk