City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
November 11, 2013
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called all members answered present. The minutes of the September meeting were presented. Clark moved and Behrends seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Kevin Velten presented the treasurers report in line with budget. Also presented was report on TIF where $3,170.56 has been received and with agreement school will receive $286.64 of that money. Mr. Velten also presented a transfer of funds: Municipal Retail Tax to Police $ 4,800. Cox moved Clark seconded that the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. Bell moved and Petefish seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Cox presented to Sean Bell certificate of achievement as most cheerful student at Virginia Jr. High. He was present with his Mom Joanie and his Dad Tim and brother. Other students of the month mentioned were High School Tyler Grimsley and Grade School Anna Perkins. Janet Bell requested signs for fire lane be put at end of street. The street should be open to two way traffic at this time. If it is closed again signs will be put up to notify traffic. Carolyn Defenbaugh inquired about excessively loud mufflers and what could be done. Chief Osmer said to contact him as that would be considered excessive noise and a ticket could be issued for that. Duane McHatton was present responding to complaints on his 4 wheelers. He stated that it should be fair for all and he sees all kinds of people out on their golf carts and gators around town and even riding mowers to the tavern. He also said he felt that the city should be mowing the city lot instead of property owners around the lot. He said he was willing to follow the rules if everyone else is made to follow the rules. The Mayor thanked him for coming to the meeting and discussing. Mr. O’ Daniell from the Virginia School District was also in attendance with an update on the new building. He stated that the district has received their first installment of $3.6 million from the State of Illinois and that they are in the process of getting information to receive the 2nd installment from the state. (He stated that things were running smooth and about 80% of interior walls are up and the roof is on the new gym (smaller gym). Timeline has them moving in next summer with school being held there next school year. Mr. O’Daniel stated that the fair board has been great working with the school. He also stated that they are currently under budget into playground and having a new one in by spring. They are looking into new stage curtains and sound system for the gymnasium. The time frame for the building is between June 1st and the 15th and early August for bus lanes and storm sewers. He invited members to stop into his office and take a tour of the building site or stop by a ballgame and see the new gym. They would appreciate any suggestions on how to help grow the school and bring families into the community.
Public Works (McClure): Finished picking up from fall cleanup and brush hauling; they had 44 work orders and JULIES; they are building new salt shed, old one caved in and received insurance money. Putting up new canvas type half-moon shed.
Police Chief (Osmer): Responded to 15 civil disturbance calls; 3 traffic arrests; 6 criminal arrests and 5 accidents. 1 burglary and 1 theft but has suspect and waiting on warrant to make arrest. He also mentioned that in solving this crime it also solved 2 other cases for other departments, one in Sangamon and one in Mason County. He also ran burn ordinance ad one week ago.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): Petefish reported that turnout was a good turnout for Halloween with over 300 hot dogs handed out.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): Couple of permits for garages 330 Myrtle; 280 College; 4 misc permits and sent 6-7 letters out on yard maintenance. Cass St. house progressing with debris squared up by end of month. Owner had called Mr. Finn and talked to him on this today. He sent out a few bills for yard work the city had completed. Shive house on Front Street has been torn down.
Park: (Cox) Thanked Veterans and he attended the meeting on October 16th and the Park had purchased a new filter box with large sum of money they was left to them by Eloise Dooling. They are planning a fundraiser to help with concrete around the diving board area. They currently have the funds and will go ahead and have it replaced by Wes Cooksey and they will replace the money with money they get from the fundraiser.
Library (Clark): Met Oct 15th had successful Halloween party with about 30 kids in attendance. They will meet next week and they are currently displaying items that were in the corner stones of the school building.
Economic Development (Carson): Met Oct 17th and discussed finalizing city plans so that it can be presented next month. They also discussed economic development and how to grow. We need families and ideas to help grow the city.
Cemetery (Carson): Meeting for 11-12 and will be discussing 8 headstones that were found around Morgan County. They have been brought back to Virginia by Ron Harris and are currently being stored in the Historical Society. Headstones came from Virginia originally and they will be discussing what to do with them.
Attorney’s Report: Nothing to report
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Nothing to report
Behrends: had some questions about patching and repairing roads. Several streets around town have gravel and wondered when they would be repaired. Mr. McClure said streets would be repaired and patched next year.
Clark: Finance committee met with Mr. Reynolds, Cemetery Treasurer, and will meet prior to setting budgets next year. Thanked Mike Finn for eff0rt for Shive house demolition work. He requested streets and alley meeting for later in the month or next month. Also mentioned that school would be doing road work before next school year and possibly city should do some work at that time as well.
Carson: Thanked Randy and his guys for removing brush and barricades on sidewalk. Inquired about steet signs and if the city had them and when they would be put up.
Bell: Nothing to report
Petefish: Nothing to report
Clerk’s Report: Nothing to report
Mayor’s Comments: Thanked Veterans
Unfinished Business: Nothing in unfinished business
New Business: 1st reading of tax levy ordinance presented by Mr. Velten. He reported that tax levy had to be file before December with the County. There are 4 items different items from last year; Social security fund increased $1742; Unemployment insurance fund $1640; Liability insurance fund $1,000 these were necessary to meet budget expense for those 3 items; Workers Comp insurance fund decreased by $1685.00. The total increase is $2,697.00 or 1.2% of total tax levy. The Finance committee met on this ordinance and this was their recommendations. Clark moved and Behrends seconded motion carried unanimously. With nothing further to discuss a motion was made by Clark to adjourn into executive session and seconded by Petefish. Motion carried unanimously.
Roll was called returning from executive session all answered present. With nothing further Bell made motion to adjourn and Clark seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, Clerk