City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday, September 12th, 2016
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30pm. Roll was called Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present. First up was a motion by Alderman Clark to strike item A from the agenda and seconded by Alderman Anderson, motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the August meetings were presented. Alderman Cox made a motion that the August meeting minutes be approved as submitted and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet, nothing unusual on report and no questions were raised. The video game revenue for the month of August were $2,255.45, the year to date total is $9,365.10 and the sales tax figures the month of August were $8,695.38 with year to date total of $35,630.59. There were 2 transfers of funds this month $5,000 from the General Fund to the Police Fund and the second was $10,000 from the General Fund to the Police Fund. Motion was made by Alderman Behrends and seconded by Alderman Bowman to approve the transfer. Mo0tion carried unanimously. Monthly bills were presented. Alderman Anderson made a motion and Alderman Clark seconded that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Jason Arnold was in attendance for the ATV hearing, Reg Brunk was in attendance to observe, Mary Jane Millioin was in attendance for Lincoln Land Community College to let the council know that Lincoln Land is here to seve the community. Dustin Fritche was in attendance to update council on Economic Development plan and what the future has in store. Mr. Alex Snedeker was in attendance to discuss issues with the council regarding ATV ordinances from an insurance stand point. After discussion the council decided not to move forward with the ordinance at this time. Carolyn Defenbaugh was present and was asking about time frame on Young property on Illinois St. and when it might be cleaned up. she also questioned who paid for sidewalks on Main Street if homeowners had to pay half and Mayor Sudbrink said TIF funds were used to redo the sidewalks in questions.
Public Works (McClure): Mowing, concrete work finished on sidewalks along Main St. and on Beardstown St., new service to new house on Beardstown St., lead and copper samples have been sent in and waiting for results; 204 radio reads have been installed at this time and next week they will be doing a ling stop at the Rte 78 & 125 intersection.
Police Chief (Boris): 247 Calls for service; 2 traffic citations; Chief Boris also announced that the city has a new 2017 For Explorer squad car.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): Responded to 1 vehicle wreck, 1 garage fire, and 1 gas line break. the Fire Department also wanted to offer their services to help flush hydrants in the city if needed. Mr. Clement, from the fire department, was in attendance regarding hydrants. Mr. McClure said he would get with Fire Department to work out something so they could help service hydrants.
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman): No Report
Park: (Cox): The pool has been drained for the year, new pitching machine shed should be in tomorrow, October 8th from 10-4 Log Cabin days will be going on and the next meeting is the 21st of September at 7pm.
Library (Clark): Met August 16th and accepted the resignation of the Librarian, Lauren Beecham, and Janet Thorton has replaced Lauren effective the 31st of August. Lauren will help to train Janet over the next few weekends. The library had 261 patrons during June and July and had first reading at log cabin twice in June and twice in July with 58 total kids attending. They received their $1,200 per capita grant to purchase books; next meeting Tuesday August 20th.
Economic Development (Anderson): Nothing to report as this time.
Cemetery (Behrends): Met August 9th at City Hall, advised to get with Jeannette on budget paperwork. Tree broke off during storm and couple tombstones had to be reset. Grant Werner is cleaning up headstones at civil war memorial for Eagle Scout project. Fall cleanup for the cemetery is October 15-31st. the next meeting is November 8th. Alderman Clark said Grant has made a lot of headway on this and thinks he is about 2/3 done and doing a great job.
Attorney’s Report: no report
Aldermanic Reports:
Cox: No report
Behrends: Noticed that there were a few yards getting pretty tall and maybe needed reminders about ordinance. The brush cleanup will coincide with fall clean up according to Mr. McClure.
Clark: No report
Bowman: No report
Anderson: Concerns from citizens about bridges that doesn’t have railings on them and concerned kids might fall over into creek. Fence should be going up like ones on Main St.
Devlin: Had one noise complaint and one toxic chemical complaint.
Clerk’s Report: Looking into latex paint pickup for the city and will get with Randy McClure regarding pickup.
Mayor’s Comments: Thanked Mr. Fritche for coming.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: First under new business was Public speaking ordinance 1st reading. A motion was made by Alderman Clark to approve this ordinance with some wording cleared up and seconded by Alderman Bowman. Motion carried unanimously. New under new business was an ordinance for Handicap parking space near new pharmacy on Beardstown St. Motion was made and Alderman Anderson to approve this parking space and seconded by Alderman Anderson to approve this parking space and seconded by Alderman Behrends. Motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further to discuss at this time a motion was made by Alderman Cox to adjourn into executive session at 9:01 pm and seconded by Alderman Bowman. Motion carried unanimously.
The council was called by into open session at 9:25 pm and with nothing further to discuss a motion was made by Alderman Cox to adjourn and seconded by Alderman Bowman. Motion carried unanimously.