City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
September 14th, 2015 7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Behrends and Cox answered present, Clark was absent. The minutes of the August meeting were presented. Cox moved and Anderson seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. The treasurer gave his monthly report with regular packet to the counsel, A few items are in wrong category, and Kevin and Jeannette are looking this over. The video game revenue for the month has not been received but sales tax figures this month were $9,415.75 with a year to date total of $36,665.77. No transfer of funds this month.The monthly bills were presented. Behrends moved and Bowman seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Carolyn Defenbaugh and Leigh Morris were present
Public Works (McClure): The department received 47 work orders and Julies, had two main breaks, completed lead and copper samples for the EPA, mowing but both tractors are down at the moment and have been picking up some brush.
Police Chief (Boris):The department answered 152 calls for service, 14 arrests 11 traffic citations and 3 DUI’s. Mr. Harry Long submitted his resignation and wanted to thank him for the 15 plus years of service, he will be missed, and wished him good luck on his retirement. The Chief is looking to replace him and add a 4th part time officer to his department. Chief Boris asked for the board’s permission to hire another officer to replace Mr. Long and add an additional officer (4 part time) The board was asked to make a motion and Cox made the motion and Anderson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Fire Chief (Reynolds):One house fire and 2 false alarms
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman):no report
Park: (Cox): Met the 19th of August Lindell Garner removing Pin Oak and will grind and fill. Basketball court was sealed, tennis court repaved but no nets up yet, Pool closed for the season on the 22nd of August. Next meeting will be held Sept 16th .
Library (Clark):Librarian Trisha Scott found a new job and the city wanted to thank her for her service. The board found a replacement for her, Lauren Beecham they also hired Colin Boehl as janitor.
Economic Development (Anderson):No report
Cemetery (Behrends):Meet quarterly
Attorney’s Report:Mr. Thomas has prepared a letter to Mr. Perkins and he will send out to him and also to counsel so they know what needs to be done to get vehicles back.
Aldermanic Reports
Cox:Mr. Cox wanted to let the city know how proud of the fire department they should be, they did a great job on the house fire next to him, they worked together really well. Inquired about the fall clean up and it will be the end of October with pick up being the first part of November.
Behrends:No report
Clark:No report
Bowman: No report
Anderson:No report
Devlin:Mr. Devlin inquired about the house fire and who would be responsible for cleaning it up and who the current property owner is.
Clerk’s Report:No report.
Mayor’s Comments: No comments
Unfinished Business:
There was discussion on the manufactured home ordinance. The pitch of the roof, if they are to be owner occupied the minimum width and square footage and age of manufacture home allowed. A motion was made to table this until next month by Cox and seconded by Bowman. Motion carried unanimously. Next on the agenda were there TIF ordinance for the three city projects, the sidewalk, the water line, and the road by Sunrise Ag repair. Motion was made by Cox and seconded by Behrends. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business:
First under new business was the excess water usage amendment. Payments on excess water usage can be paid over a six month period. They also have a formula for excess water usage that will be used regarding leaks/excess water usage. A motion was made to waive the two reading Rile on this by Behrends and seconded by Bowman. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was then made to accept the excess water usage amendment by Behrends and seconded by Cox. Motion carried unanimously. Last on the new business agenda was an amendment to code 8-2-8 liquor license ordinance. There has been a request from Casey’s to add a Class D liquor license so they could sell alcohol and hard liquor. Motion was made by Behrends to add license and seconded by Bowman. Motion carried unanimously. With nothing further to discuss a motion was made by Cox and seconded by Anderson to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk