City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
September 9th, 2013
Mayor Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Petefish, Bell, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present Carson was absent. Mayor Sudbrink moved 2nd reading of Amendment Title 9 until next month wanting all members present for voting and he turned over to the street department for further consultation. The minutes of the August meeting were presented. Clark moved and Behrends seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried with all present voting Yes. Mr. Velten presented the treasurers report. He stated city on average in most areas with a brief review of line items to look over that should bring back into line. Mr. Velten also presented a transfer of funds: Municipal Retail Tax to Police $6,900; General Fund to VRWS $100.74; Municipal Retail Tax to General Fund $4,000; Fireman’s checking to Fire Protection Fund $891.90. Bell moved Petefish seconded that the transfer be approved. Motion carried with all present voting Yes. The monthly bills were presented Mr. Clark had a question about billing from Farnsworth. Clark moved and Petefish seconded. Motion carried with all present voting Yes.
Guests: Carolyn Defenbaugh was present; later in the meeting Mr. Velten asked to speak as a guest regarding Square One. He stated there should be some activity on buildings on the South Side of the square. The Rexroat building will have some work started on it and they will be putting up supports on the old Dime store building and having the back torn down. This was contracted out to Theo Hodgson from Kilbourne. He also stated that at the last tax sale Square one purchased the Lions Club building next to the Dime store. Square one has two events coming up; September 18th 7pm community meeting at City Hall regarding community center project and October 12th at 10 am there will be an auction to raise funds for the demo and community center project. This event will take place on the South side of the square in front of the buildings owed by Square one. They are accepting donations for this event.
Public Works (McClure): Park was cleaned up and 25 loads of brush hauled off, mowing and weed eating down around the park area. Sunday’s storm knocked down limbs and wires and they will give residents a few days to pick up debris and then the city will pick up. 50 work orders and JULIES and had 4″ leak on Gridley/Packing Plant Rd., 2 1/2 day conference coming up Wed. Thurs. and Friday working on training for employees and had 3 trees cut down at cemetery; Cemetery paid $1500 on total bill.
Police Chief (Osmer): The department handled 10 civil disturbance calls; 1 traffic arrest; 3 criminal arrests and handled one accident. Mr. Petefish asked about residential burglary and Chief Osmer said he wanted to mention he did make one arrest on an attempted burglary on one of the main suspects in his case.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): No fire activity, they did host a Steak Fry for past and present fire officials and that was well attended and they also participated in Labor Day festivities.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): Received 1 Garage permit on E. Beardstown St. and another for a patio/slab, 1 for deck and 2 demo permits for old sheds, garage on Hardin and garage on W. Beardstown St. He also sent out several letters on grass. He had a few calls on zoning questions.
Park: (Cox): Mr. Cox wasn’t able to attend meeting but Mr. Gebhardt stated meeting only lasted about 10 minute. Mr. Gebhardt will have list of items needed at next meeting.
Library (Clark): Met the 20th of August, hired new Librarian, Trisha Scott. She is from Versailles and attended John Woods Community College in Quincy. Mr. Clark had a prevailing wage question for Mr. Thomas and he will get back to him on this. They meet next Tuesday the 17th.
Economic Development (Carson): No report
Cemetery (Carson): No Report
Attorney’s Report: No Report
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Mr. Cox commented on how great the Park looks.
Behrends: Mr. Behrends had call about 151 N Job St., house has shingles blowing off and falling down. Wondered if there was anything that could be done about it property. He also had a question about guard rails down by the school and wondered what would be done with them. They will be hauled off per Mr. McClure.
Clark: Volunteer Virginia sponsored Ice Cream social on Labor Day and it went off very well. Thanked Donnie Reynolds and the Fire Department for watermelon; The Masons for cooking Brats and hot dogs and the FFA for serving Ice Cream. Volunteer Virginia is interested in continuing with this and will let the Mayor know more details after their next meeting.
Carson: No Report
Bell: No Report
Petefish: Had question for Mr. McClure on storm sewers and wondered if they had any luck on fixing this problem. Thanked him for working on this issue.
Clerk’s Report: No report
Mayor’s Comments: Mayor Sudbrink had no word yet from Farnsworth on bid for line. He stated that there were still 2 easements awaiting signature; assigned grass & weed ordinance to Street committee; Mayor Sudbrink ask Mr. Thomas about negligent property liens and if they could be handled the same way as the overdue water bill provision where a lien is placed on the property and then if not paid the lien would be called and foreclosure proceedings would start. He stated that yes it could be done but would want to make sure that the property is worth cost of foreclosure. Mr. Thomas briefed board on the foreclosure process; on vacant property about 160 day turnaround for sheriff deed and on occupied property the city would be looking at over a year. Fees would be in the ballpark a few thousand dollars depending on legal description and sheriff sale. Mayor Sudbrink asked everyone to read paragraph in water rate page so that it can be discussed at next meeting.
Unfinished Business: 2nd reading on Title 19 moved to next month so all members would be present.
New Business: First reading of ordinance raising water rates. Water committee referred to treasurer to go over figures. Mr. Velten pulled figures and water usage for the city dropped 11 million gallons or 22%. They had anticipated a small drop but not 22%. Mr. McClure stated most likely from people fixing leaks and conserving water. Committee recommended raising the rates and cutting expenses. The rate increase resulted in a recommendation for minimum rate to stays at $38 but rate be increased $1.50 for each 1000 gallons over minimum. This should generate $5000 a month. Collections were also discussed and Mr. Velten had been working with Jeanette on this to figure the gather correct information. Motion was made by Bell and Cox seconded. Motion passed 3-2 with Petefish and Behrends voting No and Bell, Clark and Cox voting Yes. With nothing further to discuss a motion was made by Cox to adjourn into executive session and seconded by Clark. Motion carried unanimously.
The board returned from Executive session, roll was called and Petefish, Bell, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present, Carson was absent. With no hing further to discuss board adjourned.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, Cler