Upcoming Events in Virginia, IL:
Oct. 4&5 City Wide Garage Sales Register at Virginia City Hall to be put on list. Or email cityofva@casscomm.com
Oct. 12 Rexroat Prairie Log Cabin’s Day 10am-4pm
Oct. 19th Jennie Marr Dunaway Park: Halloween Parade 5:15pm Park Spooktacular 5-9pm
Oct. 14-21 City Wide Clean-Up- City will start picking up on the 21st: Items to be set out the week of Oct. 14th-20th
Oct. 25 Trunk or Treat on the Virginia Square 5:30-7pm
Oct. 31 Trick or Treating in Virginia 4-9pm
Nov. 21 Deadline to request for Warm Clothing/Toys from local charities for families in need, within the Virginia School District: Cash Donations accepted at Petefish, Skiles & Co Bank: Angel Tree names available there also: Distribution of gifts will be around December 20th 2023.
Dec. 7 Christmas in Virginia 5-9pm : Lighted Christmas Parade 7:00pm
Sept. 21-Dec 24 Clear Creek Mercantile will open: 131 N. Pitt St. Virginia IL 62691: Open 1-5pm Thursday-Saturday