City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday April 11th, 2016
7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7.30 p.m. Roll was called Anderson, Bowman, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present, Devlin was absent. The minutes of the March meeting were presented. Alderman Cox moved and Alderman Anderson seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly treasurers report was in the packet to the council, noting one month left in fiscal period. The video game revenue far the month of March was $2,266.70 with year to date total $23,531.14 and the sales tax figures the month of March were $11,411.53 with a year to date total of $104,005.27. There was transfer of funds this month $5,000 from the General Fund to the Police Fund. Motion was made by Alderman Behrends and seconded by Alderman Bowman approve this transfer. Motion carried unanimously. Monthly bills were presented. Alderman Clark made a motion and Alderman Cox seconded that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Virginia Students of the month Elementary: Kiley Stock; Jr. High: Bryce Bowman and High School: Madison Koehne. Carolyn Defenbaugh was in attendance and asked when limbs from storm would be picked up, she was advised it would be within the month.
Public Works (McClure): Cleaning curbed streets and picking up wood chips, found out the cause of the sink hole about 12′ down hold where pipe separated, should be starting repairs the 12th or 13th of April. He also reported that cloth shop towels had been found in the pump station at Gillcrest.
Police Chief (Boris):238 for service- 6 traffic citations; 3 criminal arrests, would like to send part time officer to police training. The council was polled and all were in favor.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): responded to one call with rescue for accident.
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman):Mr. Merriman entered at 7:40 and had question regarding a permit that was rejected on Grant St. He stated concrete was poured in a waterway, the area had been raised up at least a foot, which could cause issues with large rain. The opinion is not to let him build waterway, he should be asked to remove and fined for ordinance violation. Attorney Thomas will draft up a letter to send out to the party in violation.
Park: (Cox): Met the 16th of March and reported that the Sweatman fund will be used to replace lights at the ball field. The Jr. and Sr. High school students from Virginia assisted with park clean up this year. New doors at the pool.
Library (Clark): Met the 16th of March where new members were welcomed and will meet again on April 19th.
Economic Development (Anderson): No report
Cemetery (Behrends): Meeting May 10th, 2016.
Attorney’s Report: No report
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Mr. Cox had a complaint about: water bills
Behrends: Mr. Behrends inquired about tree stump removal and sink hole
Clark: Mr. Clark had complaints about water bill also, also inquired about the 4 trees removed at the cemetery.
Bowman: No report
Anderson: No report
Devlin: No report
Clerk’s Report: No report
Mayor’s Comments:The Mayor had three items to mention, first was a packet published self-evaluation guide for squad car grant requested by the USDA. Would like for the financial and water and sewer committees to have a joint meeting to discuss upcoming items. Also next month will be final step to affordable housing petition for annexation, sent notification to local paper and will be on next month’s agenda.
Unfinished Business: Hold until executive session discussion
First up was the second reading of the 16/17 fiscal budget, tabled until after executive session . Next up was the second reading for a TIF application. Motion was made by Cox and seconded by Clark to approve the application. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business: First up was the 1st reading of the appropriation ordinance. Motion was made by Alderman Clark and seconded by Alderman Behrends to accept appropriation ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Cemetery budget 16/17 was discussed and a motion was made by Alderman Behrends and seconded by Alderman Clark to accept first reading of budget. Motion carried unanimously. City/Cemetery agreement tabled till next month. The Park budget was also tabled until next month due to Income and expense questions. Last up was the Library budget first reading a motion was made by Alderman Behrends and seconded by Alderman Anderson to accept the first reading. Motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further to discuss at this time a motion was made by Alderman Behrends to adjourn into executive session at 8:05 pm and seconded by Alderman Clark. Motion carried unanimously.
Roll was called back into open session at 8:30 pm
Unfinished Business cont.: Council returned to address the second reading of the 16/17 budget. Motion was made by Alderman Clark and seconded by Alderman Cox t0 approve the budget with changes. Motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further t0 discuss motion was made by Alderman Behrends and seconded by Alderman Anderson to adjourn at 8:33 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk