City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Thursday, April 11th 2019
Mayor Brunk called the meeting to order at 7pm. Roll was called Alderman French, Anderson, Bowman, Wulf, and Cox all answered present. Alderman Behrends was not present. The council reviewed the meeting agenda, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the agenda and Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The minutes from the March meeting were presented, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting and Alderman French seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet, the council reviewed. Treasurer Barrett stated that after review of the current financials, we are on pace with the budget. A letter was received from IL EPA and we are approved for the debt modification, this will add 20 semi-annual payments to the current balance to help with cash flow. There are still things that need to be finalized. Treasurer Barrett also stated in a month or so we will need to negotiate contracts and have a VRWS meeting. Currently working on the audit that will be completed in June or July and it will be due in October.
Guests: Jennifer French, Tom Prather
Student of the Month:
Elementary: Dalton Kay
Junior High: Autumn Harris
High School: Kiley Tate
Public Comment:
Tom Prather:
Mr. Prather stated that he is in attendance at the meeting to show his support for the St Luke’s Catholic Church to create a parking lot in the lot where the old McCausland house used to be.
Monthly Reports
Public Works (Randy McClure): patching holes around town, working on meter program, backhoe in shop right now getting worked on when we get it back we will start on the holes. There’s a sink hole on Morgan/Springfield St. Yard/Brush pick up will be at the end of April, flyers have been distributed with dates. The city has received drawings for the church parking lot. Dedication forms for the housing project have been received as well. Mayor asked about the barricaded spots, McClure would like to get that done before BBQ.
Police Chief (Bryce Kennedy): 163 calls, 122 service calls, 34 traffic stops, 4 arrests, assisted county 5 times, minor accident at post office, ordinance violations: have been on people about burning. Made a VA PD FB page, posted city ordinances on there and have been getting a lot of good feedback on that. Chief Kennedy stated that he wasn’t sure if the ordinance can be revised but think there should be a start time and a stop time. There is a stop time but not a start time and people are wondering when they can start. Alderman French said that the discussion was tabled before and no decision was made. Chief Kennedy would also like to address a city ordinance for possession of cannabis. Attorney Veith stated there already is one. Chief Kennedy said the department is waiting on the new car to come in and that he is down camera systems. In the car right now there is no system. Alderman Wulf body mentioned getting a body cam. Chief Kennedy agreed with the body cam, just need to get a quote on those. There is a new system when you make a stop or go out on a call can pull device off and put on vest and it would turn into a body camera. With car camera, only can see straight ahead. Body cameras can see everything. Would help with evidence purposes and court systems. Chief Kennedy stated that both himself and county responded to the school threat, there was nothing that came out of it and hopefully there will be no further issues.
Fire Chief (Don Reynolds): nothing to report
Zoning (Bill Merriman): nothing to report
Park Board (Rick Cox): park is open, inmates cleaned up the park, getting ball fields ready, first game is Thursday night. Corporation that built the subdivision bought 17 pool passes at the pool. Reminder: park closes at 10pm
Library Board (Jason French): nothing to report
Economic Development (Steve Anderson): nothing to report
Cemetery Board (Jason French/Chris Behrends): nothing to report
Attorneys Report (Tom Veith): Attorney Veith requested that his report be moved to after new business. Alderman Wulf made a motion to move the attorney’s report to after new business and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Thanks to Randy and Chris for all their work. Alderman Cox raised the question as to why there are new street lights by the school crosswalk on Main St. Who is responsible for this and who is paying the electric bill? Mayor will follow up this week in regards to this.
Behrends: not present
Wulf: Thanks to Randy for getting the brush pick up set up, it is posted on the website and there is flyers. Thanks to Chris for all of his hard work and it is going to help us in the future.
Bowman: nothing to report
Anderson: nothing to report
French: There was a wreck on Cass and Illini recently. The stop sign is damaged and faded there as well. With the young kids in the area, Alderman French would like to see if we can get a new stop sign there. McClure stated that he thought he told the guys to fix that and that he will follow up. Alderman French also posed the question about making that a 4 way stop due it being a road that many kids walk on and cross those streets. If there was a 4 way this could slow down traffic as well. Attorney Veith stated that an ordinance would have to be drafted and it would have to pass in order for that to happen. Alderman French also asked if there was any kind of budget funds for city mapping? The current maps are not up to standards. People want to know where they are at in the community and he would like to get a better map for people to be educated about what ward they are in, where the TIF district is, and where the streets are. Chief Kennedy also stated that he is not sure where the city limits are exactly as they are not indicated on a map. Treasurer Barrett says there is money in the general fund that could be allocated for this. Alderman French also asked about the BBQ and the status on the building on the square. Alderman Wulf stated that it needs to be barricaded for safety purposes. Another concern that Alderman French mentioned since there is park access from the new subdivision that it might be a good idea to patrol around there to make sure everything is good.
Clerks Report: nothing to report
Mayor Comments: Got a letter from county board chairman that the ambulance service has been renewed for another year. Mayor will be signing the park board budget.
Mayor has secured funding through the USDA for the new squad car. We pay 45% they pay 55%. This car will replace the one that had the deer accident. Would like to have police meeting next week if everyone can. Alderman French asked if we are lacking a squad car, Mayor says yes, we will have to get bids, submit the bids and go from there. Alderman French also asked about the decals and suggested maybe have the community involved and have like a community contest to design the car. Mayor suggests that we have a white car with black and red decals. April 16th 3pm is the next police committee meeting. Mayor would like to continue to pursue property maintenance and would like attorney and chief to get together. Mayor states this will be a priority going forward.
Unfinished Business
Park Budget Agreement
Alderman French made a motion to approve Park Budget Agreement, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously
Ordinance Revising Water Rates (2nd reading)
With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the Ordinance Revising Water Rates, Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
FY 19/20 City Budget (2nd reading)
With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the FY 19/20 City Budget, Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business
FY 19/20 Appropriate Ordinance (1st reading)
Appropriations for this year is the budget we just passed without the income. Treasurer Barrett states that everything falls hand in had with the budget the council just approved on the 2nd reading. Total $2,953,144.73
Storm Drain for Catholic Church Parking Lot
McClure: took street committee down there and water/sewer committee. Church is wanting to make a big parking lot west of the church. There is a manhole near there that we thought was a storm drain but it is a sanitary sewer that the storm drain is hooked into. We need to plug off the sanitary sewer and take a storm sewer from that manhole east until we get down to the waterway. Tom Prather said the church would be willing to pay for the pipe but the city has to do the engineering and man work. Alderman Anderson asked about the final cost? McClure: 760 ft of 12 in pipe $9724.50 but could have to get a bigger pipe, waiting for their engineer to assess. Will be a good thing because it gets storm water off of sanitary water. Alderman Wulf says will pull parking off Main St and could prevent a wreck. Wanting the church engineer to design pipe going down to the waterway and want to hire someone a little more experienced on the backhoe to do this because there is a lot of water and gas lines. Treasurer Barrett asked where would the funds come from? McClure says it is in the TIF area and maybe we could get TIF but the rest could be road and bridge. Treasurer Barrett stated there is road and bridge funds. Alderman French asked when will this start? It will start in May.
Backhoe Specialist: Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve getting a Backhoe Specialist for the job, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Elevations: Alderman French made a motion to approve the assessment of elevations, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Dedication of Southern Acres Subdivision
McClure: took committees to the new home project, want to dedicate the water, sewer, streets, sidewalks, lift station for the sewer. Everything looked fine with me and the committees. They are dedicated it back to the city, not sure if needs an ordinance or not. Attorney Veith said should have had an ordinance when they did it. Mayor says supposed to give us a back up pump. McClure talked to the guy and he said he is going to give us the money for the price of the pump. It has been annexed in and approve the plat so there should be an ordinance. Got all the drawings and pictures, all look good.
Mayor: Misinterpretation of the water increase, if anyone has a questions Id be happy to discuss it so they have the right information.
Attorney’s Report: Attorney Veith stated the reason why he wanted to be moved to the end because he wanted to request a brief executive session with no action but need to report on pending litigation.
Update on Growmark: A working contract was sent to them on March 6th. We sent our final draft on March 15th. An email was sent to their attorney and asked for an update, attorney responded and said we still have not finished the review.
Ordinance Violation: There was ordinance court last Friday, there was an issue with someone who said they were going to pay and didn’t, as a result they are held in contempt. If the fine isn’t paid, there will be sentencing session on June 7th.
At 7:44pm, Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session. Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carries unanimously.
Council returned from Executive Session at 7:55pm.
With nothing further to discuss, at 7:55pm, Alderman Wulf made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Alderman French seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
_______________________ _____________________
Reg Brunk, Mayor Ashley Cox, City Clerk