Minutes of Regular Meeting

April 14th, 2014 7:30 pm

Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m.  Roll was called Petefish, Bell, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present Carson was absent.  The minutes of the previous meeting were presented.  Petefish  moved and Clark  seconded that the minutes be approved as written.  Motion carried all present voting Yes.  Mr. Velten gave the treasurers report with normal packet there are a couple of areas in expenses that exceeded the budget, but will be taken care of in supplemental ordinance.  We are in the last fiscal month of the year and should be okay with supplemental ordinance.  Sales taxes receipt were up 4.72% this year.  Mr. Velten also presented a transfer of funds:Municipal Retail Tax to Police Fund 6,650.00; Municipal Retail Tax to General Fund 2,000.00; General Fund to Police Fund $1,300.00; and Virginia Regional Water Systems Savings to Virginia Regional Water System Fund $286,431.24.  Cox moved and Petefish seconded that the transfer be approved.  Motion carried with all in attendance voting YES.  The monthly bills were presented.  Clark moved and Behrends seconded.  Motion carried all in attendance voting YES.

Guests:  Carolyn Defenbaugh thanked Randy for the Pole at the Post Office it has been needed for quite a while.  Also pothole that needs to be patched, Randy said it will be addressed as soon as they get some patch.  Virginia Student of the Month for March were:  Elementary: Jacob Payne; Jr. High: Cole Anderson and High School:  Isaiah White for being respectful.

Public Works (McClure):    Filled in holes from water main break; removing trees around town; 10” water line finished and online; They have been repairing meters and checking old meters.  The city wide clean up should be in City of Virginia

the last part of May of this year instead of the fall and he hoped to get started on the street signs next month.

Police Chief (Osmer): Office handled 8 civil disturbance calls; 7 traffic arrests; 1 criminal arrest; 1 accident and sent out 17 abandon vehicle letters.

Fire Chief (Reynolds):  Fire department handled 2 rural grass fires; 2 mutual aid grass fire calls; 1 mutual aid structure fire; burned prairie.  They are looking into a brush truck to get back into fields better.  Will keep the counsel informed on what they find out.  

Board Reports

Zoning (Finn):     4 building permits; Handrail at Post Office; New structure at 670 E Beardstown St.; Temporary shed on Divison St; Standard Garage on 612 S Cass and looking for variance on height to add 2nd story.  Board of appeals had meeting on this variance on the 3rd of April and approved this to go to the counsel.  Sent out clean up letters

Park:  (Cox):      Held meeting March 19th at City Hall, John Gebhardt reported back to the park on the 6th.  Inmates are up cleaning up the park.  Opening day of Little league is the 26th of April and will have a ceremony for the 92’ Junior High State Baseball championship team prior to opening day.  Wes Cooksey will get concrete started when weather gets better. Board approved the bid to replaced lighting in bathhouse and along the walking path.  Park board will discuss the roads at next meeting.  New scoreboard should be installed shortly on the big field.  The Board discussed naming new Summer Daze program director and a replacement for Angie Van Brooker on Park board.

Library (Clark):  Did not meet last month due to Election Day; there is a tree by the ramp that the library wants to have the city remove.  They meet tomorrow night at 6pm.

Economic Development (Carson): Carson not present; Kevin Velten mentioned working on the Website for the city and the layout.  Kevin and Susan attend meeting on Landmarks Illinois and Robertson building was recognized as one of the top 10 endangered buildings in Illinois.  Meet next Wednesday the 23rd at City Hall

Cemetery (Carson):     Carson not present

Attorney’s Report:  Nothing

Aldermanic Reports:  

Cox:  Nothing

Behrends:  Nothing

Clark:   Nothing

Carson:  Not present

Bell:  Nothing

Petefish:  Nothing

Clerk’s Report:  Nothing

Mayor’s Comments:  Mayor has an appointment for Park Board and asked that  Joannie Bell be appoint to the board.  Board was polled and all in attendance voted YES.

Unfinished Business:    2nd reading of the supplemental ordinance was first on the agenda with  no changes since first reading.  Cox moved and Clark seconded.  All in attendance voted YES.

New Business:  Cemetery Budget first on agenda, Mr. Reynolds spoke on the board’s behalf and stated that they are thinking of increasing rates grave openings would go from $375 to $500; Cremation from $175 to $300; Lot sale $250 to $400 and weekend and holidays will be an additional $300 subject to board approval.  Mr. Degroot would also be going from 3 days a week to 2 days a week at the cemetery and from 8 months of the year to 7 months of the year, with the understanding that if it takes addition time to maintain the city would be reimbursed for his time.  Motion was made by Bell and seconded by Cox to approve cemetery budget.  Motion carried with all in attendance voting Yes.  Next up was approval of the Cemetery agreement with the city.  Motion was made by Clark and seconded by Petefish.  Motion carried with all in attendance voting YES.  Zoning variance was next on the agenda for Roger and Shirley Davis to increase height of the garage.  Mr. Davis sent out required letters and no one was at the meeting to object.  Mayor asked to waive two reading rule on this variance, should not block any views.  Motion by Bell and seconded by Behrends to waive two reading rule. Motion carried with all in attendance voting YES.  Motion was made by Bell and seconded by Petefish to approve the variance.  Motion carried with all in attendance voting YES.  Due to the next items on the agenda asked to counsel to make motion to go into executive session.  Motion made by Cox and seconded by Clark.  Motion carried with all in attendance voting YES.

Meeting called back into order Petefish, Bell, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present, Carson was absent.

First on the agenda was the 1st reading of appropriation ordinance.  A motion was made by Clark and seconded by Behrends.  Motion carried with all in attendance voting YES.  The FYI 14-15 budget has been tabled until next month.

With nothing further to discuss Cox made a motion to dismiss and Clark  seconded.  Meeting adjourned with all in attendance voting yes.


__________________________        ________________________________

Steve Sudbrink, Mayor                                            Anne Plunkett, Clerk