City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
April 8, 2013
7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called and all aldermen answered present. The minutes of the March meeting were presented. Alderman Kilby pointed out one correction in the minutes. Under his report, he did discuss the need for a mean dog ordinance. Correction was noted. Bell moved and Clark seconded that the minutes be approved, as written and with the correction. Motion carried unanimously. Kevin Velten presented the usual monthly treasurer’s reports. He did note that accounts now out of balance will be corrected with the passing of the supplemental appropriation ordinance. He also noted that he had been contacted by First Midstate regarding the bonds issued for the water plant project. The City can do an early call in September and reissue new bonds, which was the suggestion of First Midstate. A new ordinance would be needed and action would be needed in July and August. Velten also presented the following transfer of funds: MRTF to General Fund $7600; MRTF to Police Fund $2700; General Fund to Police Fund $ 1250 and VRWS Savings to VRWS $286,431.24. Danenberger moved and Kilby seconded that the transfers be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. With no discussion, Clark moved and Petefish seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Students of the Month: Steve Clark presented the students of the month for March. Elementary: Mackenzie Merriman (who was present to receive her award), Jr High: Chloe Reynolds and High School Brianna Schroeder.
Guests: Susan Young thanked the city for the brush pickup around town.
Public Works (McClure): A water main break has been repaired and all were involved in the last snow removal. The plan is to start cleaning and painting around the square in preparation for the BBQ as weather allows.
Police Chief (Osmer): Handled 8 civil disturbance calls, 3 traffic arrests, and 3 accidents.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): Responded to a grass fire and a natural gas leak.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): The board of appeals met to discuss 2 properties on East Beardstown St. Snedeker’s at 561 E Beardstown will be erecting a new barn (appeal was granted) and Jeff and Alice Little will be constructing a new garage and home (appeal was granted). Mike has issued a demo permit and building permits for school building construction, Little’s and Snedeker’s new construction and a permit for construction at St. Luke’s Rectory. Clean up letters were also sent to property owners.
Park : Chad Winters reported that the park board met 3/19/13 and had received a bid of $8000 for the diving board padding, will have some stumps removed and have received no bids on the bridge to be built at the south end of the property. Metal detectors, for use inside the pool, will also be purchased.
Library (Clark): No report. Will meet on 4/16/13.
Economic Development (Clark): To meet 4/9/13 at 3:30 p.m.
Cemetery (Petefish): March cleanup went smoothly.
Attorney’s Report: No report.
Aldermanic Reports
Kilby: Thanked Randy for the snow removal and Mike Finn for all his efforts in getting the town cleaned up. Attended the dog meeting and discussed skunk removal. Inquired of Tom Osmer on the hiring of a part time officer, and reported that a finance committee meeting had been held, although Danenberger and Clark were unable to attend. (corrected 5/13/13).
Danenberger: No report
Clark: No report.
Bell: No report.
Petefish: Thanked Randy for the prompt snow removal.
Clerk’s Report: No report
Mayor’s Comments: l. Generator Agreement: To avoid the need for an ordinance, the contract has been reworded to an annual contract with automatic renewal. 2. Easements for water line: asked the council to approve Luke going forward with the easements. The council was in agreement and instructed Luke to proceed.
Unfinished Business
A. 1st Reading Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance. Danenberger moved and Clark seconded that the 2nd reading be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
B. City Budget 2013-2014. There were some minor revisions made to the budget. Budget is balanced for the coming year, with cuts made in all departments.. Kilby had some questions regarding the cut in the fire department’s budget and not some funds from Economic Development. Also discussed was the cost of health insurance for employees. No changes were made, but the Mayor agreed that quotes for coverage should be obtained and the city should look at having employees contribute toward the cost of their health insurance. This item will be discussed at future meetings. After the discussion, a motion was made by Bell and seconded by Clark to accept the budget as presented. The motion carried 3-2, with Danenberger and Kilby voting no.
New Business
A. Approve Cemetery Budget. There was some discussion regarding the way the sexton’s salary is paid. It was felt that the city should pay a portion of the salary, just as they pay a portion of the park director’s salary. Kilby moved and Petefish seconded that the city pay a Russ DeGroot’s salary, and the cemetery reimburse the city for the time that he is actually working at the cemetery. After continued discussion, the motion was withdrawn for lack of funding in the current city budget. A new motion was made by Petefish and seconded by Clark to accept the cemetery budget as presented, with the cemetery covering the deficit for this year with it’s reserves. Motion carried unanimously. For the next budget year, the city will work the sexton’s salary into their budget.
B. 1st Reading Appropriation Ordinance. Motion made by Clark and seconded by Bell to accept the first reading of the ordinance. Motion carried 4-1, with Kilby voting no.
C. 1st Reading Dog Ordinance. With no discussion, Kilby moved and Petefish seconded that the first reading be accepted as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
D. Amendment to North Morgan Water Contract. The contract has been reworded to comply with the USDA requirements. Bell moved and Clark seconded that the two reading requirement be waived.
Motion carried 4-1 with Danenberger voting no. Bell then moved and Kilby seconded that the contract be approved. Motion carried unanimously. (corrected 5/13/13)
E. Amendment to 3-3-2-H of the City Code. Motion was made by Bell and seconded by Petefish to approve the first reading of the amendment. Motion carried unanimously. (corrected 5/13/13)
Motion made by Kilby and seconded by Danenberger to go into executive session at 8:25 p.m. to discuss litigation and personnel. Motion carried unanimously.
The council reconvened in open session at 8:45 p.m.. Roll was called with all aldermen answering present.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Sarah Fanning, Clerk