City of Virginia

Regular Meeting Minutes

August 10th 2020

Mayor Brunk started the meeting at 7pm.  Roll was called.  Alderman French, Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, and Cox answered present.  Alderman Behrends was not present.  The agenda was presented to the council. Alderman French made a motion to approve the agenda and Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  The July minutes were reviewed.  Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the July minutes and Alderman Pratt seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  Monthly bills were reviewed and Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve monthly bills, Alderman Cox seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Barrett states we are three months into the fiscal year and monitoring taxes right now.  The main this is that it has changed throughout the year.  The state income is down.  The levy amounts are based on property taxes so those should be fine.  The sales tax for the monthly was $3281.61 and there were no video gaming proceeds for the month.  Treasurer Barrett states he hopes the council approves the TIF ordinance because it is important to a small town business.  The auditor was here for the past week and at this time we don’t have the report but Treasurer Barrett will be able to update everyone next month.

Monthly Reports, Board Reports, and Aldermanic Reports were not given this month


Attorneys Report

Attorney Veith enclosed the attorneys report in monthly packet.  There was ordinance court last month.  The owner is listing one of the property maintenance cases.  If she sells the property then the new owner has to in compliance which will need to be agreed and included in the purchase order.  There is an ordinance to approve TIF funding for TO’s Pizza for a new A/C unit and roof.  It was requested to be passed through an emergency clause so it will take 5 votes to pass tonight.  Alderman French asked Vieth what the council is to do in the current situation if the council wanted to have an executive session.  Attorney Veith states that the issue with an executive session is because it is on the phone someone could be listening and we would not know they were there.  Attorney Veith suggests the council calls for a special meeting and make sure it is posted.  A note will need to be added to the agenda that it will be an executive session and it will also need to be noted that no action will be taken.  That way there is no worry that the city hall will be overcrowded with people if it is a controversial issue.  There is enough room in city hall with the Alderman, Clerk, Public Works Director, and Mayor to not violate the limitations on social distancing.  The meeting can be called to order and then council makes a motion to go into executive session, then go into executive session and come out, then adjourn the meeting.  Mayor Brunks asks Attorney Veith if he was referencing a council meeting or a committee meeting.  Attorney Veith states that it would apply to either one.  It would probably be easier to call a personnel committee meeting to ensure that all council members have notice but again no action be taken in the meeting.  Alderman French stated that he just wanted to know what we had to do it properly and correctly.

Unfinished Business



New Business

  1. Ordinance Authorizing Use of Tax Increment Financing Funds for Roof Repair and Purchase of A/C Unit for T.O.’s Pizza Building (One Reading Emergency Clause)


Treasurer Barrett stated that TOS has a requested TIF money for the roof repair and new A/C unit.  Timing is important with the A/C for 6258.92.  Committee approved that amount at 100%.  If you have further questions, Treasurer Barrett would be happy to answer them.  With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the ordinance authorizing use of TIF for roof repair and purchase of A/C unit for T.O.’s pizza building.  Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Brunk states that as we all know we have had a large spike of COVID in Cass County again.  We are now on the warning list as a county for COVID.  The Governor wants to create an ordinance but it is up to the city council to approve it.  We cant pass anything tonight but thought a discussion could be had.  Mayor Brunk stated that the ordinance is in regards to face coverings in Virginia.  We have no recourse right now but the Governor would like one.  Mayor Brunks asks the councils view on this?  Alderman Cox stated that he doesn’t think we need to fine people for not wearing masks.  Alderman Wulf commented that businesses can post it and enforce it in their businesses but he doesn’t think that it is the City’s responsibility to enforce that.  Mayor Brunk thinks that if things keep going like they are we will be falling backwards.  Alderman French agrees with Alderman Cox and Alderman Wulf.  Mayor Brunk requests that people think about their neighbors and friends, the masks are for others and we hope that all will be vigilant about wearing a mask when you are in a public place.  Our cases are coming a lot from younger individuals, hopefully we can get a handle on this.  Alderman Cox mentioned that the library needs a new A/C unit, they were in need of $10,000 and local businesses around here came up with it in less than a month so he would like to thank everyone in town for their help.  Mayor Brunk stated that we are still looking for a weather warning device and that he will try and get on it this month to see what is available and the possible financing options.


With nothing further to discuss at 7:22pm. Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn and Alderman French seconded.  Motion carries unanimously.



____________________________                                               ____________________________

Reg Brunk, Mayor                                                                                Ashley Cox, City Clerk