City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
August 100′, 2015 7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink was unable to attend; the meeting was headed by Alderman Clark. Mr. Clark opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present. The minutes of the July meeting were presented. Cox moved and Behrends seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. The treasurer gave his monthly report with regular packet to the counsel; commodities usage is a little high. The video game revenue for the month was not available and sales tax figures this month were $8137.33. Two transfers were made this month, Corporate Fund to Police Fund $6,000 and $5,000. The monthly bills were presented. Behrends moved and Bowman seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Leon Henderson was present asking for his permit for his mobile home park. Since there is pending litigation on this Attorney Thomas would need to speak to Mr. Henderson’s attorney, who was not present. Debbie Carpenter and Patricia Carpenter were present to also inquire with Mr. Henderson on the status of his mobile home park due to timing they have to move their current mobile home from another park. Carolyn Defenbaugh said the roads look excellent and inquired about the recycle bin on Front St. It should be emptied tomorrow as per Mr. McClure. Janet Bell was present and wanted to thank Randy and the road crew for the work on the roads. There was discussion on the current flags around the square and contact information, some of them need replaced.
Public Works (McClure): The department has been doing road work-oil and chip finished. Cleaning curbed and guttered streets currently and next up will be repairing the sink hole on Beardstown St.
Police Chief (Boris): The department answered 164 calls for service, 6 traffic violations, 6 criminal arrests and 1 ordinance violation.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): The department responded to one rural fire call
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman): no report
Park: (Cox): Pool inspection was completed and passed. Private pool parties are booked solid for the month. Mr. Cox stated that they said the pool has done the best it has in years this current season. Wanted to thank Tim Bell and Precision Tank for putting up pitch counters on the ball diamonds at the park and the new playground on the park ground has been active.
Library (Clark): Library met the 21 st of July; they had 60 kids for the summer reading program. The Library received an $800 Dollar General grant to help with the reading program and also $580 was donated by other local area businesses. They will meet again next Tuesday the 18th.
Economic Development (Anderson): Met last month awarded $891.40 to Andrews Tire and Lube from TIF funds. There was some confusion on how to get a hold of Mauer budget.
Cemetery (Behrends): Meets quarterly
Attorney’s Report: 1st ordinance violations heard in court this past month
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Streets look good
Behrends: No report
Clark: No report
Bowman: No report
Anderson: No report
Devlin: Had a few questions for Attorney Thomas regarding Perkins violations and asked for him
to get with him regarding what the status is and how it can be corrected.
Clerk’s Report:No report.
Mayor’s Comments:Not present
New Business:
First on the agenda for new business was Resolution authorizing execution of a service agreement with lowest responsible bidder for the supply of electricity for residential and small commercial retail customers who do not opt out of such program. A motion was made by Devlin and seconded by Behrends, motion carried unanimously. Next was the consulting service agreement extension for electrical accounts. Motion was made by Bowman and seconded by Behrends, motion carried unanimously. The Excess water usage was tabled until next month. Next up was a new ordinance regarding manufactured homes inside the City of Virginia, first reading. Motion was made by Cox and seconded by Bowman. Motion carried unanimously. Next up was the TIF ordinance regarding Kesterson’s project on Main St. Virginia. A motion was made by Behrends and seconded by Cox to waive the two readings. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Behrends and seconded by Cox to award Mr. Kesterson $3500. Motion carried unanimously. There was also an ordinance for TIF funds for City of Virginia for 3 separate projects, replace sidewalk between Library and Subway $21 ,500; Road upgrades Gridley Rd and Duncan Ave repairs $5,000 and water line extension on Sylvan St $12,000. A motion was made by Behrends and seconded by Anderson to approve funds on all 3 projects. A motion carried unanimously. Last up for new business was Audit/bookkeeping expenditures that are currently budgeted in for fiscal year to help with the reports from last year. Motion was made by Behrends and seconded by Bowman; motion carried unanimously. With nothing further to discuss a motion was made by Devlin to adjourn and seconded by Anderson motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk