City of Virginia
Regular Meeting Minutes
August 9th 2021
Mayor McClure called the meeting to order at 7pm. Roll was called. Alderman French, Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, Knous, and Cox all answered present . Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the agenda, Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The council reviewed the July meeting minutes. Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the minutes, Alderman French seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The council reviewed the monthly bills. Alderman Bowman made a motion to approve the monthly bills, Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Barrett stated that the audit typically happens this time of year. The cost would be $27,000. We budget $12,000. Treasurer Barrett has reached out to the accountant but the accountant has not responded back. Mayor McClure and Jeanette have also reached out to Estes, Bridgewater, and Ogden in Springfield to see if we could get in as it is supposed to be done by October 31st. They thought they could get us in. We will move forwarded with the new auditor. Treasurer Barrett stated that he doesn’t think the city should be paying $27,000 for an audit. We can get a new one and request extension. The city is eligible for $195,079.94 from the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. The first payment, which his half of it, will come in 30 days and the second payment will come 12 months after. This does have stipulations and one of those is making necessary investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure. These funds must be expended by December 31, 2024 but reported by December 31, 2026.96 Sales tax for the month was $12121.58 and Video Gaming was $6156.
Buffy Tillitt, Hector and Neri Martin Hernandez, Tramika Hopkins
Buffy Tillitt:
Tillitt just wanted to introduce the proposed new business owners that want to expand to Virginia. They wanted to come tonight to meet the council and all the officials. The Council thanks them for coming.
Tramika Hopkins:
Hopkins stated that she is here tonight due to her concerns about the water. It has been bad since the end of May. The quick fix was fine but after that it looked like feces water. Hopkins stated that it is bad for her child who has excema. We have to boil water and if we cant boil then we have to buy water and that is expensive. Hopkins concern is that the citizens wont suffer by their water rates increasing if there has to be a lot of money spent to fix it. McClure states they are still in the process of flushing the hydrants. Engineers said as soon as the infrastructure bill is signed, they might be able to bid for some money for us to help us out. McClure states that they are trying to get everything cleared up. Hopkins stated that it did look a little better. Her concern is if it is giving people lead because it is old pipes. McClure stated that the city sends samples to the EPA every month. As far as lead, they have new ruling son that. McClure stated that the town does not have lead pipes in it, we have mostly cast iron and plastic. McClure states that we have not had any bad water tests so far. McClure asked Hopkins for her address as he wants to come down to her house and check out the water.
Attorneys Report
Attorney Veith stated that the ordinance increasing the number of Class A Liquor Licenses from 3 to 4 will have to be a 2/3 vote to pass. The truck for the water department resolution and authorizing the sale of real estate will also need a 2/3 vote to pass.
Monthly Reports
Police Chief (Fanning): 87 calls, 12 traffic, several other agency assist, please lock your homes and vehicles. Have had several breaks in the last couple of weeks of unlocked vehicles.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): 3 calls: Walker Nursing Home had a smoke detector went off-false alarm, mutual aid in Bath when the Brick Tavern brunt, field fire on Conover Rd
Zoning Board(Merriman): nothing to report
Library Board: nothing to report
Economic Development: nothing to report
Cemetery Board: nothing to report
Park Board: Alderman Cox states pool will close August 15th. The school uses the pool during school. The board is looking into a new water feature up at the park. There will be a Jr High Softball game up there soon. The next board meeting is 8/18 at 7pm
TIF Board: There will be a meeting soon. There are two new requests and one reimbursement for real estate tax payments. We will be receiving more money than we had last year this year.
Aldermanic Reports
French: Alderman French asks if there was any luck with IMRF. McClure states that he hasn’t had a chance to call yet. Alderman French asked Alderman Pratt if we can do an ordinance review every 6 months to make sure that we are up to do. Alderman Pratt agrees. Alderman French refers back to the issues with the water and dirty laundry. He stated that you can get “iron out”. McClure states that can be used and it works. Alderman Pratt stated that this same thing happened in Chandlerville and the city ended up buying two pallets of it to give out to citizens.
Pratt: nothing to report
Bowman: nothing to report
Wulf: Alderman Wulf asks if there is a date for oil and chipping? McClure states that there isn’t one yet, it is up to IRC. Alderman Wulf also asked about a fall clean up. McClure states it will be around late September-October.
Cox: Alderman Cox asks if there was a decision on the grant writer? He thinks it is a great idea. McClure states that we need to find something for her to write up. Alderman French states he thought that she would be doing the research and finding them? McClure states yes, but she was looking for some guidance from the council. Alderman French wants to make sure we can afford it. Attorney Veith states that you will have to add it on the agenda if the city wants to hire her. grant writer decision? I think it’s a great idea. McClure states we need to find something for her to write up. French asks I thought she does the research to find them? McClure states yes but I think she was looking for some guidance from us. French wants to make sure we can afford it. Attorney states you will have to add it on the agenda in order to hire her.
Knous: nothing to report
City Clerks Report
Nothing to report
Mayors Report
Mayor McClure stated that he received a report from the engineer this afternoon in regards to safe routes to school program. There is a potential grant for up to $250,000. McClure wants to talk to the engineer a little bit more and then discuss with the council. This would include sidewalks, curbs, lighting, basically anything related to getting kids to school safely. McClure also wants to talk to the President of the School Board as well.
Unfinished Business
New Business
- UTV Ordinance (Discussion Only)
-$Alderman Pratt states that they were thinking about $75-$100 fee per year for UTV’s. Some people have two so we could do $125. UTV’s and golf carts are the only ones that have been discussed. There will be no four wheelers allowed. This is also limited to licensed drivers only. Chief Fanning feels that 18 would be more responsible. Attorney Veith was asked if that is a problem? He responded that others have restricted to 18 years and up. Alderman Wulf asks about a mix, maybe 16 for golf carts and 18 for UTV’s? Attorney Veith stated that he hadn’t seen that before. Alderman Pratt adds that they cannot be on the square. Attorney Veith states we will have to work together on this. Attorney Veith asks for clarification that the city is going to allow golf carts? Alderman Pratt responded yes. Attorney Veith asks about side by sides? Alderman Pratt responded yes. Pratt stated utility vehicles and golf carts, no four wheelers. There will be a crossing at Hardin to go across the highway. Alderman Pratt asks if we have to have two crossings? Attorney Veith stated he didn’t think so. Chief Fanning states his only concern with Hardin St is all the traffic from the Health Department. Alderman Pratt stated that they picked the middle of town so you can see both ways. Alderman Pratt stated that Mayor McClure and Chief Fanning would be deemed the inspectors.
Alderman Wulf states that there should be a sign of the speed limit that flashes. Fanning states we should have the pedestrian lights flashing on Main St on the square. Alderman Pratt stated that they have to have show proof of insurance and registration. Golf carts must have tail lights, headlight, working horn, slow moving vehicle sign, and turn signals. Chief Fanning states the sticker must be visible from the rear. He also states that we should do bright colors as a sticker that way people can see it. Attorney Veith states we have to have a public hearing to give people the information. Then people can see what streets your proposing that can be used. After the public hearing, then you have the vote. Chief Fanning recommends that if there is children on the utv, they should be belted. Attorney Veith states there are some that state no one under a certain age could be in it. Alderman Cox asks if it will just take a while, Attorney Veith states yes. Union Street was mentioned as a crossing. Treasurer Barrett states Hardin is flat on both sides and you can see on both sides instead of Union. Alderman Pratt stated they did discuss Myrtle, but that didn’t seem feasible. Fanning agrees Hardin now that he has thought about it. Alderman Knous thinks that Hardin and Sylvan would be a good crossing. Attorney Veith asks if it is prohibited to cross 125? Alderman Pratt states no because the subdivision that would have to take Packing Plant Rd. Alderman Pratt states we could add Myrtle for people who live in that area. Chief Fanning states we need to have some type of signage if they can cross 125. Attorney Veith states he doesn’t think the issue is to obey the traffic laws, it’s the ramifications if someone makes that human error while on a UTV/golf cart. Mayor McClure asks if it is legal for them to be on the road now? Attorney Veith states he doesn’t believe so.
- Ordinance increasing the number of Class A Liquor Licenses from three to four
McClure wants to waive the first reading. Without further discussion, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the increase of the number of Class A liquor license from three to four, Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Resolution for the purchase of a new truck for the water department
Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the resolution for the purchase of a new truck for the water department, Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Resolution authorizing sale of surplus real estate
The property was appraised at $5500, we have to receive at least 80% and we are accepting bids until Sept 9th. Alderman Wulf made a motion o approve the resolution authorizing sale and surplus real estate, Alderman French seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Agreement with engineers to obtain a lime sludge permit for the water treatment plant.
McClure wants to table until next month. At water plant we use lime to soften the water and the slurry goes out to a drying pit. We have to get EPA permits to get rid of it. Wants to talk to someone else. Makes a motion to table it.
At 808pm, Alderman Wulf made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session. Motion carried unanimously.
At 814pm, the council returned to public session. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
___________________________ ____________________________
Randy McClure , Mayor Ashley Cox, City Clerk