City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday December 10th , 2018
Mayor Brunk opened the regular meeting at 7:02pm. Roll was called Anderson, Bowman, Wulf, Behrends, and Cox were all present. Alderman French was not present. The minutes of the November meeting were presented. Alderman Behrends stated that his name was missing in the roll call, Clerk will correct previous minutes. Alderman Behrends made a motion that the meeting minutes be approved and Alderman Anderson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet, the council reviewed. The video gaming revenue for the month of November was $1852.41. The sales tax figures for the month of November were $10412.17. There was no transfer of funds this month. Monthly bills were presented. Alderman Wulf made a motion and Alderman Behrends seconded that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Treasurer Barrett stated that the auditor was here recently and everything is going well. He stated that this was one of the best audits in years. Treasurer Barrett thanked Jeanette Lacy for her help in that. Treasurer Barrett also stated that there will need to be a water committee meeting scheduled soon.
Guests: Steve Clark, David Petefish, Anthony Miller
Public Comment: N/A
Students of the month: N/A
Public Works (McClure): Nothing to report at this time
Police Report: Report read by Officer Kennedy: 66 calls, 40 were for service, 17 traffic, 2 arrests. There was a vandalization at the laundry mat and the juveniles were caught. There was 1 DUI issued, 1 criminal trespass to vehicle/theft, and 1 accident on 125/78
Fire Chief (Reynolds): Report read by David Petefish: there were two accidents
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman): nothing to report at this time.
Park (Cox): nothing to report at this time
Library: nothing to report at this time
Economic Development (Anderson): nothing to report at this time
Cemetery (Behrends): nothing to report at this time
Attorney’s Report: 1 person paid fine from an ordinance citation, another is in court and should be paid by the end of March. 1 Property Maintenance Violation case has been reassigned to a different judge due to a conflict of interest, we have received a settlement offer that will be discussed in executive session.
The Mayor, Public Works Director, and City Attorney met with Growmarks attorney and managers at the end of November. Growmark is wanting real estate abatement and the city to pay for the water/sewer. It is an 8.5-million-dollar project and they are wanting the city to abate, Treasurer tried to put prelim figures together but it was rather difficult. Public Works, McClure, said we really don’t know what we are getting ourselves into but could we do the connection work ourselves? Alderman Cox asked if we have ever done this before and are the requests that we are being given normal? Typically, communities get a consultant, there could be other alternatives and maybe a committee should be referred to. Alderman Wulf states it seems like a big investment and it could take a long time to recoup. Alderman Behrends stated he supports Virginia growing but this just seems like it is going to be very costly. Treasurer Barrett stated he ran some reports and there wouldn’t be a break even until possibly year 11. We don’t have an assessment or blueprint so figures are just estimates at this time. It could possibly be 10-25 years before we see any break even point. If the project is approved, they are looking at starting 01/01/2021. It didn’t seem like they would budge on their requests. Public Works concern is the loss of water revenue. Alderman Bowman stated he was also concerned about the loss of water revenue. Alderman Anderson stated they are wanting too much. Alderman Bowman said we can’t afford it. Mayor states that he agrees and doesn’t see much benefit.
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Santa Claus says thank you to Valerie Hardwick, Ashley Cox, and everyone else that was involved with Christmas in Virginia. Alderman Cox stated that he has received a few complaints on expired stickers on cars. Also asked Public Works Director why Front Street was all dug up, McClure stated there were sewer problems.
Behrends: Alderman Behrends asked if the city was going to pursue going after vehicles with expired tags? Alderman Behrends also asked the status on property maintenance/building issues. Mayor responded: yes, all of the above will be addressed.
Wulf: Thanked McClure and the City crew for their work on snow removal and Christmas on the Square. Alderman Wulf also thanked Santa Clause for his service
Bowman: Alderman Bowman stated he had already talked to Officer Kennedy about the citizens who live in the area of Sylvan/Morgan are concerned on the lack of cars obeying the stop sign and asked Officer Kennedy to watch that area.
Anderson: nothing to report
French: not present
Clerks Report: nothing to report
Mayor’s Report: Went to Greenfield and looked at patrol cars, the prices are $32000 for an SUV and $26500 for a sedan. Alderman Wulf has a few he is wanting to check out as well, 1 in Missouri and 1 in Indiana. The plan is to have the SUV stripped to get things we can use in the future. He can start stripping the vehicle tomorrow afternoon.
Alderman Cox says we need to put brush guards on the next car. Officer Kennedy said since they have to take arrests to Beardstown/Jacksonville that brush guards are probably a good idea. Mayor stated that he prefers the sedan but some of the stuff from the SUV cant fit in a sedan. Alderman Behrends asked if both are all wheel drive, Mayor said yes. Alderman Behrends also asked does this price include the logos? Mayor said no that is extra. Alderman Wulf said an SUV would be better if you had two arrests. Officer Kennedy said the SUV is more comfortable and has storage. The newer sedans are getting better though and a sedan might be better in the city but an SUV can travel better in the country, he would suggest an SUV. Mayor said that we will still shop around to find a good used one. The squad car is getting fixed tomorrow.
Mayor also stated that we received a letter of resignation from Wesley Helmich. Alderman Behrends asked if we are going to post the job or have we received any applications and has there been a date set for interviews. Mayor stated we will be posting for the Chief position and once we get the applications, they will need to be reviewed and then schedule interviews.
Unfinished Business:
Tax Levy Ordinance (2nd reading)
After review, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the second ready of the Tax Levy Ordinance and Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously
New Business:
Part Time Police Pay Scale
Mayor stated that we are low on the pay scale for police officers. Currently they are paid $15/hour. Mayor requested doing a pay scale with a max pay of $16.50/hour. Alderman Wulf stated if someone is hired that has experience, they should be paid on the higher end of the scale than someone who doesn’t have experience. Alderman Behrends stated that it should be a case by case basis and that if this arises there should be a police committee meeting or a council meeting to decide the pay.
At 7:43pm Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
At 8:32pm the council returned back from Executive Session to Public Session.
At 8:34pm, Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carries unanimously.
_____________________ ______________________
Reg Brunk, Mayor Ashley Cox, City Clerk