City of Virginia

December 11th, 2023

Regular Meeting Minutes


Meeting Called to Order: 7pm

Roll Call: Martin, Andrews, Stanbridge, Wulf, Knous and Cox all answered present.

Agenda Approval: Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the agenda. Alderman Knous seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Minutes Approval: Alderman Knous made a motion to approve the minutes. Alderwoman Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Approval of Monthly Bills: Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the monthly bills. Alderwoman Stanbridge seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Sales Tax: $14407.86 Gaming: $5493.14

Treasurer Barrett stated that the supplemental appropriations are to be approved tonight to cover

additional expenses that may be incurred before the end of this fiscal year.


Terry Ayres, Chad Winters, Steve Clark, Kristi Edwards

Terry Ayres: Ayres stated there are semis coming off of Morgan St and coming down on Sylvan St. He added that it is not local delivery. Ayres suggests that maybe a sign can be put down there. Mayor stated he will talk with the Chief and figure out something to do in regard to a sign.

Kristi Edwards: Edwards stated that she lives near the nursing home. She came to the meeting to discuss about burning leaves and putting more limits on it but not banning It. She stated that there are studies that talk about the smoke releasing carcinogens and that there are alternatives. Edwards added that the first year she bagged them up through a mulching mower. She also added that compost is big now. And that there are a lot of people that have gardens that they could use it. Edwards stated that some municipalities have a big vacuum to suck up leaves. She thinks the burning could be scaled back. Edwards added that she spoke to Tom Wallis about this. He is severely impacted by this; he can’t be here tonight, but he said I can speak on his behalf. There is a severe problem that is going on in Beardstown and Stowe in the creek. There has been burning in there several times. There are people that have lung issues around this area, and they can’t leave their house when they are burning. Edwards added that she walks her dogs and walked through it the other day. The dog flopped down and was rubbing his nose all in the grass. She added that she doesn’t want a total ban, but she did look up other municipalities. Edwards stated that currently the ordinance is no burning after 4pm and there is a fine that is supposed to be imposed. She would like to see the fine increased. Edwards also added that she would like to see a burning restriction in the business district. Beardstown says no burning garbage but can be leaves and it states specific times and dates that burning can happen. There are people burning here every day. Edwards thinks there could be a compromise for everyone. She added that Beardstown reviews their burning ordinance each year. People state that they have to burn their leaves in order to save their grass. That isn’t true. Springfield has a ban on burning and their grass is fine. Cox states he wouldn’t mind banning burning all together, but we have to find some way to get rid of the leaves. Mayor states Alderman Andrews and himself have been talking about starting a workshop, this would be a good thing to bring up and see what everyone things and go from there. Edwards asks when? Mayor states probably in January. Alderman Andrews wants it to be for everyone, like a town hall meeting so that if people have ideas, we can hear them. Edwards added she called Shelley Wessel today and was asking her about an open petition that is non-binding. Putting a statement on a non-partisan ballot requires 8% of how many people voted in the Governor’s race in 2022. Edwards asks if there is a way to print anything at the bottom of the water ticket? Carson states we are limited on space on the water bills. Edwards thinks if we put it on a ballot and people vote for it is a good way to get the opinions of others. Mayor states this is something good to discuss in the workshop. Mayor asks Edwards, do you really want the ballot because what if people vote yes and it is majority? Martin states it has to be a special ballot.

Monthly Reports

Police Chief: Chief Shumate mentioned last month that he submitted a Recruitment Retention Grant. He said he hasn’t heard anything back yet, had tried to contact them and they haven’t responded. Officer Huffman graduates on Dec 22nd• She has done well and is ready to start working.

Fire Chief: 2 car wreck on Virginia Rd no serious injuries, smoke in house on Hickory Cross

Ordinance Officer: absent.

Superintendent of Water Report {Dylan Cook): Cook stated that the end of the year inventory has been completed. Two sewers were cleaned out.

Superintendent of Street Report (John Ratliff): Ratliff stated that the crew picked up some of the leaves off the curb streets. They got what they could, they will have to do it again. He added they worked on the waterline that freezes up every year, it is now wrapped up and insulated. The equipment has been winterized for the year. We also got the Christmas lights up. Ratliff added that the dump truck is fixed now. Mayor asks how the street signs are coming. Ratliff stated they are completing them when they can.

Park Board: Cox stated everything has been winterized. Next meeting is in March.

TIF: Barrett stated the TIF committee got one request for repayment. He also added that they are struggling to get some documentation on a 2nd one. The library was interested in possibly submitting an application but hasn’t received anything yet. Barrett stated that they can’t file the annual report until we get the city audit back, so it has been extended to the end of February.


Attorneys Report:

Mayors Report:

Mayor McClure wanted to thank the Christmas Around the Square Committee and everyone that was involved, including the elves. He also thanked the Grinch as well. Mayor stated he didn’t know what to think at first, thought the kids would be afraid, but they loved him. Mayor would also like to thank the County Board for letting us use the courthouse and Bill Merriman for getting the outside lights up for Christmas Around the Square. Mayor also thanked Alderwoman Martin for getting the pickleball court up at the park and Jonathon Mefford for all his volunteering. He thanked Chief Shumate for getting cameras up at the park and the city employees as well. Mayor then thanked ID0T and Jason Jones for the new crosswalks on Illini because that was overdue, they look better. He then thanked the alderman for all their work they do. Lastly, he thanked the community for putting up with us up there, things will be looking up this next year.

Aldermanic Reports

Cox thanked the city guys for getting the lights up.

Knous talked to the Grinch, he had a good time.

Wulf thanked the Xmas on the Square Committee; they will need help financially next year. Alderman Wulf added that we need to be supportive of everyone that does have a part in putting that on.

Stanbridge thanked the city workers for their work and extra dedication they put in.

Andrews thanked the city workers, Christmas Around the Square committee, and he is happy to hear Officer Huffman will be starting soon. Hopefully we can get people to slow down through here now. Alderman Andrews also wants to have a round table discussion, like a community meeting, so we can hear from people in this community. He would like to come up with a city plan as well. He thanked Treasurer Barrett for his work. He also added that there are a lot of issues that need to be discussed and we need to try to find a solution for them. He would like to meet in January. Alderman Andrews then asked council what is best for them? Alderwoman Stanbridge states that we have to make it available to the public, maybe put a notice out and get feedback. Alderwoman Martin said in the past years, the economic development committee did a survey and sent it out to everyone. She then suggested maybe economic development can assist in this too. Alderman Andrews would like to get one done and see how often we do these, might be a quarterly thing.

Martin stated she appreciates everyone. She also appreciates Laura Carson for staying with us, she does a great job. Alderwoman Martin thinks we have the office in a good direction and a good front for the community. Alderwoman Martin also added that she thought the mayor did a great job in here decorating for Christmas. She also informed the council that she got a little money to add to the salute for the seniors. There are 20 individuals that have asked for help and there have been a few things already collected. Each senior will get a little bag that has a variety of things in it. Anyone in the community that wants to donate 20 items that we can put in the bags, is welcomed. There is an account at the bank as well. The bags will be made on December 16th around 10:30am, whoever is available can come and help. On Monday, the lady from Bread of Love will come to get them and deliver the bags.

City Clerks Report: Nothing to report.

Old Business: None

New Business:

A. Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance FY 23-24 (Waive 1st Reading)With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance FY23-24, waiving the first reading, and Alderman Stanbridge seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

B. Discuss and/or Approve Ordinance for Paid Leave for All Workers Act (Waive 1st Reading) This act takes effect January 15\ 2024. With nothing further to discuss, Wulf made a motion to approve the ordinance for Paid Leave for All Workers Act, waiving the first reading, and Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

C. Discuss and/or Approve Ordinance for CassComm Franchise Fees: This would be 5%. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Andrews made a motion to approve the ordinance for CassComm Franchise Fees. Alderwoman Martin seconded. Alderwoman Stanbridge voted yes. Alderman Wulf, Knous, and Cox voted no. Mayor breaks the tie with a yes vote. Motion carries.

D. Discuss and/or Approve County E911 Contract:  Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the county E911 contract and Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

E. Discuss and/or Approve Locis Software:  Alderman Andrews states we have talked this software several times, this makes it official. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Andrews made a motion to approve the Locis Software purchase and Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

F. Discuss and/or Approve Council Meeting Dates for the year 2024 (Waive 1st Reading) Council reviewed the With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the council meeting dates for the year 2024, waiving the first reading, and Alderman Knous seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

At 744pm, Alderman Cox made a motion to go into Executive Session and Alderwoman Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

At 821pm, the council returned from Executive Session.

Employee Incentive Bonus: Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the employee incentive bonuses as discussed in Executive Session and Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

At 822pm, Alderwoman Martin made a motion to adjourn the council meeting and Alderman Knous seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Randy McClure, Mayor                                                                                              Ashley Cox, City Clerk