City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
December 9, 2013
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called all members answered present. The minutes of the November meeting were presented. Petefish moved and Clark seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Kevin Velten presented the treasurers packet and said he is working on cash flow issue-nothing out of order 7 months into fiscal year. Mr. Velten also presented a transfer of funds: Municipal Retail Tax to Police fund $6800.00; Municipal Retail Tax to General Fund $11,000; Virginia Regional Water Savings to 2005 Alt. Bond & Int. $51,625.00. Cox moved Behrends seconded that the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. Bell moved and Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Steve Clark presented Barrett Whitehead with student of the month for his thoughtfulness every day in the Virginia Elementary. Other student of the month, Junior High was Jared Atwood and High School was Tyler Coffman. Dustin Fritsche was present for Cass Economic Development and the Extension Office working on Bi local campaign to encourage people to shop in the county and the benefits to shopping locally. This should be an ongoing event for the next few months working with the cable company and the local newspaper. Sign up for the Affordable Care Act for businesses is noon on the 17th to get additional information. On January 27th working with Cass Communications there will be an internet entrepreneur workshop about starting business online or extending current business online and working from home and talking about technology. The workshop will be a half day workshop no definite time yet but will be held at the St. Luke’s Hall in Virginia. March 13th 2014 there will be a networking event for all city council and county board members to meet with Senator Sullivan, Rep. Hammond and a Representative from Aaron Schock’s office giving board members an opportunity to get to know who represents all of us in Springfield and Washington. This will be an early evening event and the location will most likely be at the Elks in Beardstown, IL. Working on Jobs Fair for February but will have more information at a later date.
Public Works (McClure): Mr. McClure reported having 37 work orders and Julies this month. They also worked on equipment getting ready for winter, had an 8″ water main break on Rte 78, put up Christmas lighting on the square and the building they ordered will be in this week and will be put up weather permitting.
Police Chief (Osmer): Responded to 6 civil disturbances; 8 traffic arrests; 2 accidents and 1 theft.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): 2 False alarms, 2 Carbon Monoxide calls; 1 field fire West of town; tractor fire South of town but was called off; participated in Christmas Parade; 1 business walk through.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): Received demo permit for back of Dime store; Demo permit to remove enclosed pool on S. Cass St.; 1 application to build garage/shed on standalone lot. Ran notice of board of appeals meeting at 7pm and ran ad in paper for the 12th of December (Brodman Property). Update on Jones property progressing slowly but items have been removed.
Park: (Cox): Spoke with Santa and wished everyone in Virginia a Merry Christmas. The Park Board meeting was held on the 20th of November. Mr. Cox attended and reported that they received money from the Gordley Fund and that it was more than anticipated. Due to the funds they will be able to do all 5 or 6 projects they will complete and enough money for the concrete work at pool so no fund raiser will be needed at this time. Mr. Gebhardt reported that he had the best Log Cabin days financially this year in one day. He has opened gym for basketball 11 open dates. Angie Van Brooker, treasurer, is going to resign when a replacement can be held.
Library (Clark): Met 19th of November; Participated in Christmas in Virginia and had good turnout. Next meeting will be the 15th of January.
Economic Development (Carson): waiting to hear from Chad on 1st draft of City plan report for counsel.
Cemetery (Carson): sitting on headstones and working with Historical Society to see where stones should be placed.
Attorney’s Report: nothing to report.
Aldermanic Reports:
Cox: Thanked Randy and city employees for decorations for Christmas-said they did a great job and they did a great job on the ice last night.
Behrends: nothing to report
Clark: Streets and alleys meeting 18th of December at 4:30 at city hall. Talk about what they can do around school to improve Morgan St.
Carson: Can lights on gazebo be left on a little longer in January; it makes the square brighter and gives people something to look at when they drive through town. Someone gave her some handouts on leaf burning and health hazards of burning leaves. Possible compost program available and Bill Lishner would be interested in coming and talking about program. Susan asked Dustin Fritsche to look into grants for community composting. Mr. Reynolds asked about burning barrels and what can be burnt in the barrels, should be paper products only.
Bell: Water committee met and discussed new line from water plant to water tower. Committee recommends bidding out and wanted permission from council to have Randy McClure submit bids and then have special meeting to open bids and decide on bids. Can start bidding process no motion needed to start this.
Petefish: Nothing to report
Clerk’s Report: nothing to report
Mayor’s Comments: Mayor Sudbrink thanked Bev Saylor for great job on Christmas in Virginia. Pie contest was very good. Parade was awesome, thanked all participants.
Unfinished Business: 2nd reading of tax levy ordinance a motion was made by Clark and seconded by Behrends. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business: Resolution abating 2013 tax levy- 1.1 million bond and that we do not implement a tax on this bond, it is abated each year. Bell made a motion and Petefish seconded, motion carried unanimously. Item B was approval of 2014 meeting dates; motion made by Cox and seconded by Clark. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion to adjourn into executive session was made by Clark and seconded by Behrends; motion carried unanimously.
Back in regular session all answered present.
Incentive bonus recommended by Public Works director were accepted and a motion was made by Clark and seconded by Bell; motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further to discuss Clark made a motion to adjourn and Behrends seconded; motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, Clerk