City of Virginia

Minutes of Regular Meeting

February 11, 2013

7:30 pm

Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. In the absence of the clerk, Kevin Velten was acting clerk. Roll was called and all aldermen, except Danenberger, answered present. The minutes of the January meeting were presented. Clark moved and Danenberger seconded that the minutes be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Kevin Velten presented the usual monthly treasurer’s reports. Velten also presented the following transfer of funds: GF to Police Fund $2900, Water Fund to Sewer Fund $5.50, MRT Fund to Police Fund $4,050. Kilby moved and Clark seconded that the transfers be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. With no discussion, Clark moved and Bell seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Guests: Joe Hooker from Mahomet Aquifer Coalition gave a presentation to the council regarding their petition to the US EPA to protect the Mahomet Aquifer from contamination. They are asking the city to become part of the coalition.

Students of the Month: Steve Clark read the names of the Virginia students of the month. Addie Parlier for elementary, Alison Coats for Jr. High and Mason Young for High School.

Public Works (McClure): Things have been going fairly smoothly, new barricades are being made as some have been damaged; regarding new signs, Randy will be buying a new electric jackhammer in order to get new signs set. He will be starting on the sign project soon. Feb. 19th, Randy and Hoss will be attending a water conference in Effingham. He had 3 jugs of water that he had collected from around town, so he asked the council to choose which jug of water they felt tasted best. The winning jug is going to the water tasting contest in Effingham.

Police Chief (Osmer): Will be back to work on Feb 18 11 and is doing well.

Fire Chief (Reynolds): No calls in the last month.

Board Reports

Zoning (Finn): No report/no permits issued. Petefish inquired about the house on Cass St. near the Presbyterian church. Mike has been trying to work with him and feels he will get the property cleaned up as promised.

Park : Chad Winters requested fund for maintenance for painting pool at approximate cost of $3,000. Also presented the Park/City agreement. Park has also come into some donated money, so they have been using those funds to do a number of improvements around the park. Bell moved and Clark seconded that the funds for maintenance be approved. Motion carried unanimously.

Library (Clark): No report.

Economic Development (Clark): Met February 8 and will be moving forward with the city plan. Dustin Fritche is in charge of the plan development.

Cemetery (Petefish): Meeting Feb 12..

Attorney’s Report: Requested item A under new business be moved to after executive session.

Aldermanic Reports

Kilby: Budget meeting scheduled for Feb. 12 at 4:30. No separate budget for city buildings, so any suggestions, etc should be given to mayor regarding buildings.

Danenberger: No report (absent).

Clark: No report..

Bell: No report.

Petefish: No report.

Clerk’s Report: No report (absent).

Mayor’s Comments: Took a photo of shelving unit he saw at Home Depot. Would like to put shelving in the record room, as it is not very organized at this time. Would like to spend $180 each for 2 units and get them in to get organized. The plan is to go through current records and decide which records should be stored or shredded and which should or can be scanned and saved. Steve asked the city attorney regarding how long records must be retained. Luke was unsure, so he will investigate and advise at a later date.

Unfinished Business


New Business

A. North Morgan Water Contract – moved until after executive session.

B. 2013 City/Park Agreement. No discussion. Motion made by Clark and seconded by Kilby to approve the agreement. Motion carried unanimously.

C. 2013 City/Cemetery Agreement. With no discussion, Petefish moved and Bell seconded to approve the agreement. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made by Clark and seconded by Kilby to go into executive session to discuss litigation and contracts. Motion carried unanimously.

The council reconvened in open session. Roll was called with all aldermen, except Danenberger, answering present.

Bell moved and Petefish seconded that the first reading of the contract with North Morgan Water District be approved. Motion carried unanimously.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Steve Sudbrink, Mayor

Sarah Fanning, Clerk