City of Virginia

February 12th, 2024


I.   Call to Order

    • Roll Call

II.  Approval of Agenda

III.  Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

IV.  Treasurer1s Report

V.    Approval of Monthly Bills

VI.   Guest:

    1. Rodger Lauder- Adopt all hazard mitigation
    2. Vickie Bell- would like to discuss the

VII.  Monthly Reports:

    1. Police Chief
    2. Fire Chief
    3. Superintendent Water Report
    4. Superintendent Street Report
    5. Board Reports
      1. Park Board
      2. TIF Board
    6. Attorney’s Report
    7. Mayor Comments
    8. Aldermanic Reports
    9. City Clerk Report

VIII. Old Business: None

IX.    New Business:

    1. Hire Full-Time Street Department Employee
    2. Discuss abandoned properties at 126-128 E Beardstown and other properties in the city.
    3. Discuss and/or approve Crossing Agreement with US Solar Development, LLC (10″ water line west of town).
    4. Revise Ordinance for Subdivision of Sage Drive, Cass County Homes

X.     Public Comment:

XI.    Adjourn



The City of Virginia is an equal opportunity provider and employer.