City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
January 13th, 2014
7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Petefish, Carson Clark Behrends and Cox answered present Bell was absent. Mayor Sudbrink sighted that with Mr. Thomas absent there would be no need for an executive session and it was removed from the agenda. The minutes of the December meeting were presented. Behrends moved and Petefish seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried with all in attendance voting yes. Kevin Velten presented the treasurers packet and said last month cash flow issue has been resolved- nothing out of order 8 months into fiscal year. Mr. Velten also presented a transfer of funds: Municipal Retail Tax to Police fund General Fund to Workman’s Comp $400.44; General Fund to Police Fund $4,000; VRWS Savings to General Fund $45,000; VRWS Savings to Water Fund $30,000. Cox moved Clark seconded that the transfer be approved. Motion carried with all in attendance voting yes. The monthly bills were presented. Clark moved and Carson seconded. Motion carried with all in attendance voting yes.
Guests: Ryan Snow was present with his mother Kelly Snow to receive the Virginia Elementary Student of the Month award. He was elected most Studious Student for the month. Alicia Day was also present as the High School Student of the month for Virginia. Chloe Reynolds was not present but was awarded the Virginia Jr. High Student of the month. Bill Leischner and Mike Arnold were also in attendance at the request of Carson regarding composting for the City of Virginia. Mr. Leischner gave a short presentation on composting to the counsel. Mike Arnold has another option for counsel regarding composting where he would do composting for tipping fee. He could possibly pick up from town but would rather it be delivered to his sight. Counsel is looking at options other than burning of leaves and grass (yard waste).
Public Works (McClure): Worked on roads from snow; had 4″ leak on Morgan and Front that was repaired. Communication with wells was knocked out due to thunder and lightning but should be back up and running by tomorrow.
Police Chief (Osmer): Handled 4 civil disturbances; 5 traffic arrests; 1 criminal arrest; 2 accidents; 2 letters sent on abandoned vehicles.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): Last week had mutual aid call to Jacksonville, Val E Vue; Responded to explosion on Garner Rd but no fire
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): 2 permits for storage sheds; Board of Appeal meeting 12/12 for variance on vacant lot for garage lot on Division, Board recommended approval of this variance
Park: (Cox): No meeting Next meeting will be 1/15 and should have list of projects the park will be doing at next meeting.
Library (Clark): No meeting, next meeting will be held on 1/21/14
Economic Development (Carson): No meeting held
Cemetery (Carson): Meets in February
Attorney’s Report: Not present
Aldermanic Reports:
Cox: Thanked Randy and City Employees for good job on snow removal
Behrends: Had complaint from citizen regarding permits for unlicensed vehicles. There should be a uniform process for this and Mr. Finn and Mr. Osmer will get to work on plan to correct this issue.
Clark: Finance meeting needs to be set and has numbers from school and set date on streets committee.
Carson: Nothing
Bell: Nothing
Petefish: Randy and employees did a good job on the snow around square.
Clerk’s Report: Economic Interest passed out at meeting
Mayor’s Comments: Great Job on snow removal; Mr. Velten wanted to add that he received audit report late and will pass out at the next meeting. Set up finance committee meeting soon and will have budget worksheets to hand out and get process going and should have done by end of February or 1st of March.
Unfinished Business: nothing
New Business: Cash Rent on City owned Farm, Gene Brunk has cash rented past two years and has expires. Notice will be put paper for cash rent of 12 acres. 2 year contract sealed bids prior to 7:30 p.m. Monday Feb 10th . Bids will be open on Feb 10th at next meeting. A Zoning variance Request was made by Norman and Rosemary Werts to put up 30 x 54′ garage/shed on vacant lot across from their residence. Zoning board had public hearing with a vote of 4-0 in favor of variance. Carson had questions regarding accessory building and was this just an exception. Discussion on what would make this variance different from others wanting to do the same in the future on other lots. It would be on a case by case basis and the Zoning board would have to go through proper channels for each and have public hearing on each in the future. Ordinance requires 2 reading rule but since it has gone through a public hearing already a motion was made by Petefish to waive 2 reading rule and seconded by Clark. Motion passed with all in attendance voting yes. Petefish made a motion to approve variance ordinance and seconded by Clark. Behrends, Cox, Petefish and Clark voted Yes with Carson voting No. Motion was approved 4-1. Next on the agenda is the accepting or rejecting of bids on 10″ main. Water committee received 6 bids and recommends the bid by M B Construction for $211,103.00 which was the lowest of all bids. This is the same Contractor that installed the raw water main from well site to new treatment plant. Mr. McClure was satisfied with previous work. Motion to approve made by Clark and Seconded by Behrends. All present voted Yes motion carried.
With nothing further to discuss a Motion to adjourn was made by Clark and seconded by Petefish; motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, Clerk