City of Virginia

Minutes of Regular Meeting

Monday January 14th, 2019


Mayor Brunk opened the regular meeting at 7:00pm.  Roll was called Anderson, Bowman, Wulf, French, and Cox were all present. Alderman Behrends was not present.  The minutes of the December meeting were presented.  The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet, the council reviewed.  The video gaming revenue for the month of December was $3309.93.  The sales tax figures for the month of December were $11310.26.  There was no transfer of funds this month.  Monthly bills were presented.  Alderman Wulf made a motion and Alderman Bowman seconded that the bills be paid as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.  Treasurer Barrett stated that we are currently waiting on the preliminaries from the audit, once those have been received then we can file TIF and State Annual Reports.

Guests: Rick Lenover, Terry Lacy

Public Comment: N/A

Student of the month: N/A

Public Works (McClure): McClure stated that they have been working on a cleaning up the streets and pushing snow all weekend.  They had their EPA inspection last Friday.

Police Report: Report read by Officer Kennedy: 99 calls, 57 service, 30 traffic, 5 arrests, 2 accidents- 1-deer involved, 1-fatal

Fire Chief ( Reynolds): Chief Reynolds would like to thank Randy.  There were 2 calls, 1 on Sylvan and 1 on Union.  There was also a call for mutual aid in Ashland but got called off.


Board Reports

Zoning (Merriman): nothing to report at this time.

Park (Cox): nothing to report at this time.

Library: nothing to report at this time.

Economic Development (Anderson): nothing to report at this time

Cemetery (Behrends): there will be a meeting soon.

Attorney’s Report: council will need to review the proposed on the city’s liquor license ordinance, this will allow another business to gain more revenue in video gaming.  In regards to the zoning matter, the issues are more complex than just the letter.  The person who is requesting contacted the attorney and discussed the matter, this will need to wait until February.

Aldermanic Reports

Cox: Thanks city crew for their work

Behrends: N/A

Wulf: stated that citizens should have gotten information on Homefield Electric in the mail.  Alderman Wulf urges citizens to do their research.  There were a few snow removal issues on the square. The street behind IGA has a lot of potholes.  Also, requested plows to run both way from those who live on secondary streets.

Bowman: Thanks city crew for their work and thanked Officer Kennedy for patrolling Sylvan/Morgan St.

Anderson: stated the city did a good job on the snow removal but there were complaints on snow piling up at the end of driveways.  McClure asked if people could just be patient so they can get it spread out.

French: Thanks city crew, no issues in this ward.

*There are signs on the square that if it snows people need to move their cars or will be ticketed.  Those who live on the square can park in the big parking lot by the food pantry until snow is cleared.

Clerks Report: nothing to report

Mayor’s Report: still looking for a new police care, will also be going through applications for Chief soon and getting recommendations.

Unfinished Business:

No unfinished business at this time.

New Business:

Ordinance for increasing Class A liquor license from 3 to 4(1st reading)

Alderman French made a motion to approve the increase, Alderman Wulf Seconded.  Alderman Cox and Bowman voted yes, Alderman Anderson voted no.

At 7:20pm Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session and Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

At 8:22pm the council returned back from Executive Session to Public Session.

At 8:23pm, Alderman Wulf made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Alderman Anderson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

_____________                                                                                       ________________

Reg Brunk, Mayor                                                                                   Ashley Cox, City Clerk