City of Virginia

Minutes of Regular Meeting

Monday January 8th, 2018

Mayor Brunk opened the regular meeting at 7:30pm.  Roll was called Anderson, Bowman, Wulf, and Cox answered present.  Alderman Behrends and Alderman French were not present.  Motion to approve the agenda was made by Alderman Wulf seconded by Alderman Bowman, motion carried unanimously.  The minutes of the November meeting were presented. Alderman Wulf made a motion that the meeting minutes be approved and Alderman Cox seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet, the council reviewed.  The video gaming revenue for the month of December was $3037.40.  The sales tax figures for the month of December were $13480.61.  Treasurer Barrett stated the tax levy was filed in the month of December.  The TIF audit has also been received.  Treasurer Barrett has read both and they both look fine.  He will file online and there will be a fee that needs to be paid.  Treasurer Barrett also stated that he has started working on the budget for next year.  There will be a VRWS meeting on 1/30/18 at 230pm and a TIF meeting on 1/31/18 at 330pm.  He also received information on the motor fuel tax (GATA) and he has completed all items with IDOT, therefore we will have no issue receiving funds for next year.

There was no transfer of funds this month.  Monthly bills were presented.  Alderman Wulf made a motion and Alderman Bowman seconded that the bills be paid as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Guests: Ashley Reese, Owen Dratler, Duane Friend, Casey French, Ashley French, Caroline French, Claire French, James French, Brian DeLoche

Student of the Month:

Caroline French: elementary student of the month, character: fairness

Public Comment:

Duane Friend (U of I Extension Office):

Mr. Friend distributed some fact sheets on information as to what he was going to be speaking about to the council.  Mr. Friend stated he was going to be talking about smart meters (electricity meters).  Mr. Friend asked the council to review the fact sheet.  He also stated that customers do have the option to opt out of the smart meters.  But if they do opt out at the time that they are offered to them, they will have to pay a fee in the future to get one installed if they should decide they eventually want one.  There are two programs that are going to be running as well, Peak Rewards and an hourly usage program.  Peak Rewards is a summertime program and if customers cut back on usage during a deemed time, they will get credit on their next bill.  The hourly usage program is if customers cut back on usage during high cost times, they will receive a credit on their next bill.  Mr. Friend stated that it is projected for Ameren to start installing meters in the near future.

Mr. Friend also provided the council with another fact sheet in regards to Community Response Training for teens.  The U of I extension office will provide training to teens for light search and rescue, CPR, Basic Medical care if they are interested.  He stated this would be available for ages 13-19 years old.  He also stated this would be a good training for those who are interested going into the medical field or becoming a police officer or firefighter.

Public Works (McClure):  there is a 4 inch water main break on Beardstown St.  Some meters are froze around town.  City crew is taking care of the snow and ice treatments as needed.  McClure gave a report to the city council that shows how many gallons of water have been pumped out of the water plant.  There is also a page in the report that specifically gives information on water usage in Virginia.

Police Chief (Helmich) :  108 total calls, 20 were service, 5 arrests were made.  Hired a temporary part time police officer pending council approval.  Chief Helmich thinks that this officer has done a great job so far and has learned quickly the duties of the position.

Chief Helmich also told the council that a new computer is needed for the police vehicle.  Alderman Wulf asked if there was any used computers that could be purchased.  Chief Helmich said that was the ones that he was looking at.  A refurbished one would be about $600 to $700 with a 2 year warranty.  Chief Helmich stated that he wasn’t going to ask the council to buy a brand new as the cost is too expensive, they range from $3000-$4000.  Chief Helmich stated that this computer is needed to complete reports and that it will also be helpful with the new 911 system.  The old computer that they currently use will go in the PT officers vehicle and the refurbished one will go in the Chiefs vehicle.  Mayor Brunk stated that when the Chief took over the police SUV didn’t have anything in it.  Chief Helmich installed the equipment from one of the cars into the SUV that he has been using since he took over.  Treasurer Barrett stated that there is room in the budget for this purchase.  Alderman Cox agrees to purchase the refurbished computer and Alderman Wulf, Anderson also spoke in favor.

Mayor Brunk stated that he met with the new part time officer and has received good feedback about him.  Chief Helmich also added that the county has also communicated good reports in regards to working with him.

Fire Chief (Reynolds):  1 call to Chandlerville, 1 call- car fire, 1 call- controlled burn, 1 call- home alarm system, 1 call- carbon monoxide detector at Walker Nursing Home, 1 call- rescue


Board Reports

Zoning (Merriman):  nothing to report at this time

Park (Cox):  Next meeting in February 21 2018

Library: nothing to report at this time

Economic Development (Anderson):  nothing to report at this time

Cemetery (Behrends):  nothing to report at this time

Attorney’s Report:  Property Maintenance Order:  resident has made no payments yet towards what is owed.  Another court hearing is scheduled for February.  Attorney asks councils to approve 2nd reading of Sexual Harassment Ordinance.

Aldermanic Reports

Cox:  Thanked Officer Helmich for coming to the high school boys basketball game, people really liked that

Behrends:  not present

Wulf:  nothing to report

Bowman:  nothing to report

Anderson:  nothing to report

French:   not present

Clerks Report:  received request for information from Cass County for the Statements of Economic Interest.  Information is due back at to the County by Feb 1st 2018

Mayor’s Report:  Mayor Brunk stated that the county board is still working on 911 system.  As of February 28th, 2018, we will no longer have any kind of ambulance service in the city of Virginia.  Alderman Wulf has been in communication with Beardstown.  It was also stated that the current MECCA building will be purchased and remodeled to hold bigger rigs. Alderman Wulf stated that they are working on the financial figures because they do not want Beardstown to take on a deficit.  Board members want more realistic numbers.  Mayor Brunk states that if nothing happens by Feb 28th then we will have to call LifeStar or Beardstown for ambulance service.

Mayor Brunk has had meetings with a representative from IGA.  They are working on the logistics of keeping the store going, as this town needs a grocery store.

Mayor Brunk stated that he and his wife will be hosting a meet and greet on February 4th from 130pm-330pm at City Hall for the new police chief and new part time officer.  Flyers will be distributed.

Unfinished Business:

  1. Sexual Harassment Ordinance (2nd reading)

Mayor Brunk asks the council to approve.  Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the Sexual Harassment Ordinance.  Alderman Anderson seconded, motion carried unanimously.  Mayor Brunk also stated that he appoints Alderman Cox as the Ethical Officer for this.

New Business:

  1. Meeting dates


Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the 2018 meeting dates. Alderman Anderson seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Approval of Mr. Bryce Kennedy as part time police officer for the City of Virginia


Alderman Cox made a motion to approve Mr. Kennedy as a part time police officer for the City of Virginia.  Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

With nothing further to discuss at this time in open session a motion was made by Alderman Bowman to adjourn at 8:07pm and seconded by Alderman Cox.  Motion carried unanimously.



_____________________                                                                                            ______________________

Reg Brunk, Mayor                                                                                                          Ashley Cox, City Clerk