City of Virginia

January 8th, 2024



 I. Call to Order

  1. Roll Call

II. Approval of Agenda

III. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

IV. Treasurer’s Report

V.   Approval of Monthly Bills

VI.  Guest:

VII. Monthly Reports:

    1. Police Chief
    2. Fire Chief
    3. Superintendent Water Report
    4. Superintendent Street Report
    5. Board Reports
      1. Park Board
      2. TIF Board
    6. Attorney’s Report
    7. Mayor Comments
    8. Aldermanic Reports
    9. City Clerk Report

VIII. Old Business: Discuss and/or Approve Ordinance for CassComm. Franchise Fees 2nd Reading

IX.  New Business:

    1. Discuss and/or Approve Watts Copier Contract
    2. Discuss and/or Approve MABAS agreement and Resolution.

X.    Public Comment:

XI.   Adjourn



The City of Virginia is an equal opportunity provider and employer.