
City Of Virginia

July 10, 2017

7:30 p.m.

I. Call To Order

Roll Call

II. Approval of Agenda

Roll Call

III. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Roll Call

IV. Treasurer’s Report

V. Transfer of Funds

Roll Call

VI. Approval of Monthly Bills

Roll Call

VII. Guests:

VIII. Monthly Reports:

        A. Public Works Director

        B. Police Chief

        C. Fire Chief      

        D. Board Report

  1. Zoning Board

  2. Library Board

  3. Economic Development

  4. Cemetery Board

  5.  Park Board

        E. Attorney’s Report

        F. Aldermanic Report

        G. City Clerk’s Report

       H. Mayor Comments

IX.  Unfinished Business:

X. New Business

         A. Appointments: (possible executive session)

                   A. Water Dept Employee

                   B. City Attorney

                   C. Public Works

                   D. Temporary Police Chief Appointment/Non-reappointment of Ron Boris as Police Chief

         B. Adoption of 2015 International Property Maintenance  Code

         C. Consideration of rezoning the (102 & 146 W Beardstown from R-1 residential to B-2 commercial)

XI. Public Comment     

XII.    Adjourn