City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday July 10th, 2017
Mayor Brunk opened the regular meeting at 7:30pm. Roll was called Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Wulf, Behrends, and Cox answered present. Alderman Devlin requested a motion to amend agenda to move the discussion of the police chief appointment to the top of the agenda appointments, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the June meeting were presented. Alderman Devlin made a motion that the meeting minutes be approved and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet: Treasurer Barrett gave an overview of the report. Treasure Barrett stated that the tax levy funds were received, all general fund accounts are good, and the insurance company would like a copy of the budget. The audit will take place July 25th-27th. The video gaming revenue for the month of June was $3079.62. The sales tax figures for the month of June were $11406.05. There was no transfer of fund this month. Monthly bills were presented. Alderman Anderson made a motion and Alderman Bowman seconded that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Beth Cox, Betty Garver, Stacy McDonald, Chris Cox, Matt Werner, Jacob Werner, Bob Fair, Breanna McGovern, Rob McGovern, Mike Clement, Nick Clement, Casey French, Jason French, G.R. Mansfield, Debbie Mansfield, David Petefish, Dianna Brunk, Caroline Boris, Ronald Boris, Brad Wilson, Steve Clark, Brent O’Daniell, Chris Jones, Marcy Jones, Tim Krause, Anne Plunkett, Timmy Plunkett, William Sorrill, Gary Bell, Glen Goodin, Mike Finn, Michelle Mayes, Lora Jo Sullivan, Carolyn Defenbaugh, Richard Krohe, Debby Krohe, Becky Behrends
Public Comment:
Matt Werner: spoke in support of re-appointing Chief Boris. Stated he believed in a strong, professional police force, doesn’t believe the Mayor/Council should control the employment of police. Stated Chief Boris is experienced, professional, and urged council to approve his re-appointment.
Tim Krause: agreed with previous statement by citizen, supports the re-appointment of Chief Boris
Brent O’Daniell: Stated Chief Boris is easy to work with, he called upon him for situations that occurred at the school and Chief Boris responded with professionalism. Believes Chief Boris represents the city and the council well.
Brad Wilson: Stated he was the attorney representing Chief Boris and urged the council to vote to overturn the decision made by Mayor Brunk. Stated a list of positive things that Chief Boris has done while he was the Chief of Police and asked the council to support the Chief.
Steve Clark: stated he supports the re-appointment of the Chief.
Chris Jones: stated he supports the re-appointment of the Chief. Explained a personal situation that had been affecting his family. Stated that it was a positive experience and believes that the Chief has transformed the community in a positive way.
Public Works (McClure): Nothing to report at this time.
Police Chief (REPORT GIVEN BY ALDERMAN WULF): 240 total calls: 62 were service calls, 26 traffic, 120 for extra patrol including house watch and business watch, and 32 misc. The Virginia BBQ had 24/7 patrol, 7 businesses are on extra watch. 4 arrests were made, 1 felony arrest and 2 warrant arrests. 7 citations issues, 4 criminal citations
Fire Chief (Reynolds): On the 18th, call was made at 2am that was a false alarm. On the 19th, a call was made from the same place that was also a false alarm. There was a tractor fire on Rt 78. Stated they are having difficulty cutting the new steel that the cars are made of, they are in search for new equipment.
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman): nothing to report at this time
Park (Cox): new windows were put in the concessions stand at the pool; there is also a new portable AC Unit.
Library: nothing to report at this time
Economic Development (Anderson): nothing to report at this time
Cemetery (Behrends): nothing to report at this time
Attorney’s Report: addressed the 2015 Property Maintenance Code, referred back to the packet that was given to the council previously. Stated the last time this was updated was 2006. Asked council to approve the adoption of the 2015 Property Maintenance Code.
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Thanks Randy for his follow up on a situation
Behrends: nothing to report at this time
Wulf: attended the MECCA meeting, looking to adapt new system with better response, there is some cost to it though
Bowman: addressed issue about street signs, wanted to know when the fall FS project is going to start
Anderson: stated he supports the re-appointment of Chief Boris
Devlin: stated the noise that has been reoccurring in his ward has finally stopped
Clerks Report: nothing to report at this time
Mayor’s Report: A packet was given to the council in regards to the Cass County Emergency Phone System. Met with Mr. Ankrom from Synergy, Mr. Ankrom will be coming to address the council in the near future.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
Appointments of Water Department Employee, City Attorney, Public Works, and discussion of Police Chief.
Alderman Cox made a motion at 7:59pm to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss the appointments. Alderman Devlin seconded that motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Roll was called back into open session Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Wulf, Behrends, and Cox all answered present. The public returned to the meeting. Mayor Brunk announced that Chief Boris will be reappointed as the Police Chief.
With nothing further to discuss at this time in open session a motion was made by Alderman Anderson to adjourn at 8:36pm and seconded by Alderman Behrends. Motion carried unanimously.
Reg Brunk, Mayor Ashley Cox, City Clerk