City of Virginia 

Regular Meeting Minutes 

July 12th , 2021 

Mayor McClure called the meeting to order at 7pm.  Roll was called.  Alderman French, Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, Knous, and Cox all answered present.  The council reviewed the agenda.  Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the agenda, Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously. The council reviewed the June meeting minutes.  Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the minutes, Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  The council reviewed the monthly bills.  Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the monthly bills, Alderman Knous seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  


Treasurer’s Report 

The sales tax and video gaming are ahead of what they were last year.  Sales tax was $14425.43 and gaming was $6630.74.   


Barbara Nowak: 

Mayor McClure stated that Nowak writes grants. Noway stated that Oh for the Love of Butter is a new business in Ashland and she brought some cookies for the council.  Nowak then stated that she worked for many years as a grants and contracts writer.  She also started a firm that assists businesses in writing grants.  She told the council if there is something in particular they are looking for that she has a list of what is available now.  Nowak passed out the list of grants.  There are a variety of different grants.  There are many different grants out there but it could have certain stipulations that the city could not meet.  It can be pretty tricky sometimes.  She stated that she would be happy to work with the city and offer her services.  Alderman French asked if it is a retainer? Nowak does both retainer and hourly. French asked if you work with other municipalities.  Nowak stated that she is starting to.  Alderman Cox asked if there are any grants to tear down buildings.  Nowak stated there is historic reservations, Alderman Cox states our buildings are beyond that.  Nowak states she is on the TIF board for Ashland.  Alderman Wulf asked an approval rate. Nowak stated that she wrote a grant for Pre-K for AC School District.  It varies really depending on grants.  Alderman Knous mentions the water quality grant would be something that we would be interested in.   

Stacey Alexander: 

Alexander addressed the council about the brown water.  She stated that it is a problem for a lot of people.  She showed the council a discolored washcloth and some sweatshirts.  She stated that she can keep buying clothes to replace the ones that are ruined in her washer by the brown water.  She stated that her family is using bottled water to brush their teeth.  She then told the council that all her plumbing is only 11 years old.  She asked the council what can be done to solve this?  Mayor McCLure asked Alexander to leave the articles of clothing she brought at city hall.   Alderman Cox stated that if it is all like that on that end of town.  She said W. Beardstown and down Morgan St.  Alderman French added that it is brown at the Health Dept too.  She stated that we pay a lot for water to begin with and then she has to go out and buy bottled water.  Mayor McClure wants to tell people that we were going to flush the hydrants two weeks ago.  The parts were ordered but we just now got them in and then we had our sledge pump go out.  Alexander asks if that would take care of the issue.  Mayor McClure states it may or it may make it worse.  She said if we could do like an alertify system like the school has people would know what is going on.  Mayor states we did discuss the One Call system before about notifying people if there was a main break or a tornado.  Mayor McClure would like to implement it.  Mayor McClure also stated that we don’t know when the brown water is coming.  FS and the concrete place starts pulling and it comes from the water tower and has to go through town.  Alexander asks if it has anything to do with the infrastructure.  He stated yes and we are trying to get assistance to get it taken care of as it has been a problem for a long time.   


Attorneys Report 

Attorney Veith not present but did submit his report via a letter.  

Monthly Reports 

Police Chief (Fanning):  66 calls of services, 3 traffic, and there was a minor accident but no injuries.  We will be getting papers out for property clean up.  Two arrests occurred in the month.   

Fire Chief (Reynolds):  There was a fire call at Fawn Lane but we got called off, three vehicle wreck on 125 in the construction zone, a mutual aid in Beardstown, car wreck on Beardstown St, another rollover on 125, a call came in on the day of the tornado.  The fire department received $ 1025 from the Bill White Endowment Fund.  We also received a grant for radios.  There are people that have commented in regards to the tornado siren.  Chief Reynolds has always thought that the NOAH radio was the way to go and it has a back up battery on it.  Chief Reynolds states that maybe a tornado call can be included in the one call system.   

Zoning Board(Merriman):   nothing to report  

Library Board:  nothing to report 

Economic Development: nothing to report 

Cemetery Board:  nothing to report 

Park Board:  Cox states summer league is done.  JH baseball starts August 2nd.  Pool is busy, two days a week Pleasant Plains brings in 50 kids on bus.  There have been a lot of compliments on the improvements. They got their new popcorn machine.  Next board meeting is 7/21 at 7pm in the Park Board Office.   

TIF Board: nothing to report 

Aldermanic Reports 

French:  Alderman French stated that he has also received complaints in regards to the brown water.   

Pratt:  Alderman Pratt stated that the has heard complaints on the brown water as well.   

Bowman:  Alderman Bowman wants to know about the old Henson place.  He thought that when it was sold that they would have to get the property up to code.  Mayor McClure states that he will have to talk to the lawyer about that.  Alderman Bowman also asks what we are waiting on for the alley behind the buildings on the square?  Mayor McClure states that we have to wait for it to quit raining, it will take about 2-3 weeks for it to get done.  Alderman Bowman also asked Chief Fanning if there have been any complaints about noise coming from behind MOLO? He stated that Angie Brown has been hearing people behind the MOLO building and that Chief Fanning may want to take a ride back there some time at night.   Alderman Bowman also asks about the old Merriman house on Job St, Mayor states he thinks they got rid of the vehicles.   

Wulf:  Alderman Wulf asked if the city dump will be back open on a regular basis?  Mayor McClure stated during the week people will need to come get the key.  ON the weekend it will be open from 10am-2pm.   

Cox:  Alderman Cox stated that the town is looking pretty good, looks like people are keeping yards mowed.  The city guys are doing a good job.  He stated that it is also good to see a cop car running around town during the day.  

Knous:  Alderman Knous asked about the boat on Jefferson/Pitt.  Chief Fanning stated he is headed there after the meeting.  He has talked to him one time, he said he would move it, but he apparently didn’t.  Alderman Knous also asked about street lights.  Jeanette states they are all called in .  


City Clerks Report 

Nothing to report 

Mayors Report 

Mayor McClure stated that he kind of already talked about the One call, other than that there is really nothing else to report. 

Unfinished Business 

  1. Ordinance to Adopt TIF for Andrews Tire and Service 

Alderman French made a motion to approve the Ordinance to Adopt TIF for Andrews Tire and Service, Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  

New Business 




At 730pm, Alderman Wulf made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel needs, Alderman French seconded.  Motion carried unanimously. 

The council returned to public session at 741pm.   

With nothing further to discuss, at 742pm, Alderman French made a motion to adjourn the council meeting and Alderman Cox seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.     



___________________________                                                        ____________________________ 

Randy McClure , Mayor                                                                                Ashley Cox, City Clerk