City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday July 9th , 2018
Mayor Brunk opened the regular meeting at 7:03pm. Roll was called French, Anderson, Bowman, and Wulf answered present. Alderman Behrends and Alderman Cox were not present. The minutes of the June meeting were presented. Alderman Wulf made a motion that the meeting minutes be approved and Alderman Anderson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet, the council reviewed. The video gaming revenue for the month of June was $2572.88. The sales tax figures for the month of June were $11272.67. There was no transfer of funds this month. Monthly bills were presented. Alderman Wulf made a motion and Alderman French seconded that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Treasurer Barrett stated that everything is good with the budget, tax money is coming in.
Guests: Ashley Reese, Greg Edwards, Michael McMillan, Frank Long, Jamie Long, Jesus Franco, Alice Franco, Val Lenover, Rick Lenover, Shirley Klingbeil, Mike Morris, Amy Lancaster
Public Comment:
Greg Edwards:
Would like to thank the Mayor for coming down and mowing a yard near his property that is vacant. Also thanked Steve Anderson for taking care of the trash at the house next door that is in foreclosure. Mr. Edwards stated that the trash just gets worse and its all over and it stinks. He said that he found roaches on his car and he would like to request someone to take care of it before it gets even worse.
Jamie Long:
Mrs. Long presented a petition to the council that is trying to resolve the issue in regards to her husbands’ business. She stated that there are 50 signatures on the petition and that when the zoning board voted it was a 3-2 in favor of proceeding with the business but it takes 4 votes to pass. Mayor Brunk recommends to the Long’s to go back to the zoning board and discuss this with them. It is suggested to the Long’s to contact Bill Merriman to get started, the zoning board is the one that makes the recommendation and then it is presented to the council. Attorney Veith stated that he doesn’t know much about the situation as he was not present from the beginning but suggested that the Long’s go back to the zoning board and possibly submit a request for re-zoning. Mrs. Long stated that when they left the zoning board the night that they voted 3-2 in favor, that they thought it was approved.
Mike Morris:
Mr. Morris stated that he was present tonight in support of Frank and Jamie Long. He stated that he has never had problems from them running the shop next door to him. He does however want to know why the white City truck isn’t being used, and if it is going to be used in the future.
Students of the month:
Public Works (McClure): not present.
Police Chief (Helmich): 169 calls, 36 service, 5 arrests. Chief would like to thank the Sheriff’s Department for donating the computer that is used in the part time car. Chief also stated that the part time officer has put in his resignation.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): 2 calls: 1-flames in window (false alarm), 1- on Route 78, car hit a tree
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman): nothing to report at this time.
Park (Cox): Alderman French read the park report for Alderman Cox: big field is ready for Jr. High baseball, there are going to be night swims in July, mowing has been done around the park and helping with Summer Daze. Next meeting 08/15 7pm at pool office.
Library: nothing to report at this time
Economic Development (Anderson): nothing to report at this time
Cemetery (Behrends): nothing to report at this time
Attorney’s Report: Attorney Veith stated that he and Chief Helmich are working on property maintenance issues and dogs running at large.
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: not present.
Behrends: not present
Wulf: indicated that there are some alleys that need attention, they have quite a few potholes. Also stated that the idea has been tossed around about moving the city wide clean up to the Spring instead of the fall. Fall clean up will still occur in 2018 but then would be in the Spring starting in 2019.
Bowman: Thanked the city workers for their work
Anderson: metal grate on the sidewalk near IGA needed to be replaced and wasn’t sure if that had been done, Chief Helmich thinks that has been repaired already
French: stated he will continue to work on the zoning issue and try to get that resolved, also thanks Chief Helmich for his assistance.
Clerks Report: nothing to report
Mayor’s Report: Mayor stated that the county will be giving us a package deal with the new 911 contract. It would be a set rate for the next 3 years and thinks that it would be a good idea to proceed with it. Every year equipment gets updated and the cost goes up, we would be locked in to the contract until expiration. Mayor is also going to be giving Chief Helmich quite a few properties that need to be looked at and proceed forward with those. Mayor Brunk also gave the council the part time officer’s resignation notice and would like to thank him for his service.
Unfinished Business:
Ordinance Prohibiting Possession of Cannabis and Drug Paraphernalia and Revising Ordinance Prohibiting Public Intoxication (2nd reading)
With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the new ordinance and Alderman Anderson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business:
Zoning Board Appointments
Rick Lenover and Michael McMillan were sworn in as new members of the zoning board.
Ordinance increasing the number of Class B Liquor Licenses from three to four (1st reading)
Mayor Brunk stated that IGA requested a liquor license. In order for them to obtain one the ordinance had to be revised. Alderman French made a motion to approve and Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Postponing Library Board Appointment to a later date.
With nothing further to discuss at 7:29pm, Alderman Wulf made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
_____________________ ______________________
Reg Brunk, Mayor Ashley Cox, City Clerk