City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday June 11th , 2018
Mayor Brunk opened the regular meeting at 7:02pm. Roll was called French, Anderson, Bowman, and Wulf answered present. Alderman Behrends and Alderman Cox were not present. The minutes of the May meeting were presented. Alderman French made a motion that the meeting minutes be approved and Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet, the council reviewed. The video gaming revenue for the month of May was $3604.55. The sales tax figures for the month of May were $9838.79. There was no transfer of funds this month. Monthly bills were presented. Alderman Bowman made a motion and Alderman French seconded that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Treasurer Barrett stated that we received the tax from the county and the TIF funds. Other than that, there is nothing else to report at this time.
Guests: Ashley Reese, Steve Clark, Alice Franko, Jesus Franko, Carolyn Defenbaugh
Public Comment:
Alice Franko:
Alice Franko stated that she came to the meeting to express a complaint to the council in regards to Long Overdue Auto. Franko stated that the owner is operating a commercial business in a residential area. This business creates a lot of noise, dirt, and potholes in the alley. Alderman French responded stating that he does understand their concerns and the violation of the ordinance. He has been in contact with the owner in regards to this and the dog violations as well. Alderman French stated that he will be working on this situation. Alice Franko says at 6am she hears a bunch of noise over there due to power tools being used. Alderman French responded to her stating that he will further investigate what is going on but that he wants to get the right information on how this all started. Mayor Brunk stated that he told the owner twice he can put the garage up but he cannot run a business out of it.
Students of the month:
Steve Clark stated that his month’s students of the month were presented at the school.
Elementary: Sydney Watkins, Junior High: Gabby Young, and High School: Lizabeth Rangel
Perfect attendance awards were also presented to: Sam Reynolds, Chloe Reynolds, Samantha Winningham, and Megan Stone.
Public Works (McClure): McClure stated that they have been catching up on mowing and weed eating around town and that they are also running the water meter program.
Police Chief (Helmich): 176 calls, 59 service, 5 arrests. Chief Helmich stated that the BBQ went very smoothly. Officer Ohrn was able to help in providing a computer for the part time car to temporarily use. Chief Helmich also stated that the part time car had to get repaired but it is now back in service.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): 4 calls: 1 was a wire down, 1 was a false alarm at the Health Dept, 1 was a wreck on 78, and 1 was a fire on Sugar Grove Road.
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman): nothing to report at this time
Park (Cox): Alderman French read the park report for Alderman Cox: The park had a big crowd for Memorial Day. They have been working on the bathhouses and doors. There will be a new low dive installed to replace the high dive that was removed. The games at the ballpark are slowing down as little league season will be ending soon.
Library: The library board is in discussion on term limits, no decision has been made at this time
Economic Development (Anderson): nothing to report at this time
Cemetery (Behrends): trying to get decorative plants
Attorney’s Report: Attorney Veith addressed the council in regards to the Possession of Cannabis Ordinance. This ordinance will also revise the public intoxication ordinance as well. Illinois has a dependency act and it prohibits fines for public intoxication unless it is coupled with another law being broken. Chief Helmich endorses ordinance as written. There is a a part in Section 6 that refers to the fine, the council needs to decide where to allocate the fines first, whether it go first to the police fund or be put in the General Fund to reimburse for Attorney’s fees for violations of this ordinance. Alderman Wulf states he would rather it go to the General Fund first, Mayor Brunk and Alderman Bowman agree.
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: not present.
Behrends: not present
Wulf: Thanked the city workers for their work before, during, and after the BBQ. Everything looked great
Bowman: Thanked the city workers for their work
Anderson: nothing to report
French: nothing to report
Clerks Report: nothing to report
Mayor’s Report: Would like to thank the BBQ Committee for their hard work, the Mayor heard many comments on the good food. Mayor needs to schedule an ordinance meeting soon and left it up to the council to decide on a date. Mayor also stated that he is going to need to appoint two people to the zoning board and this will need to be discussed soon.
Unfinished Business:
Revising R-1 Residential Districts to allow Conditional use to include Banquet Halls (2nd reading):
Alderman Anderson stated that he doesn’t like the wording, there is not 500 feet in a square acre. Mayor Brunk states that these would ideally be on the peripheral of the town. Alderman Anderson said that it is not the right measurement. Alderman Wulf stated it is 500 feet from neighboring residential property, that doesn’t mean 500 feet of owned land, just means from residential property. Alderman Anderson stated he still doesn’t like the wording. Alderman French stated that if the person doesn’t have the 500 feet to comply then they don’t build. Attorney Veith states that this idea is geared toward the outskirts of town. Alderman French made a motion to approve the revised ordinance. Alderman Wulf seconded. Alderman Bowman voted in favor. Alderman Anderson voted against. Mayor Brunk voted in favor.
New Business:
Confirmation of Appointments: Library- Steve Clark and Angela Brown and Beautification Committee: Vickie Bell (Chair), LeighAnn Allen, Carol Beekman
Alderman French made a motion to confirm appointments and Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carries unanimously.
Zoning Board Appointments
Will hold off on this until next month’s meeting
Ordinance Prohibiting Possession of Cannabis and Drug Paraphernalia and Revising Ordinance Prohibiting Public Intoxication (1st reading)
Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the first reading of this ordinance. Alderman Anderson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further to discuss at 7:29pm, Alderman Wulf made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
_____________________ ______________________
Reg Brunk, Mayor Ashley Cox, City Clerk