City of Virginia

Regular Meeting Minutes

June 8th 2020

Mayor Brunk opened the meeting at 7pm.  Roll was called.  Alderman Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, and Cox all answered present.  Alderman Behrends and French did not answer present.  This month’s agenda was presented to the council.  Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the agenda and Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  The minutes for May were reviewed.  Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the May minutes and Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  Alderman French joined the meeting.  The monthly bills were presented.  Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the monthly bills and Alderman Pratt seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Barrett stated that we are one month into the fiscal year.  The tax levy report was received and everything looks good.   Sales tax for the month of May was $10969.46.  Video gaming for the month of May was $2160.30, which is down a little bit due to the machines not running per state order.  There is a TIF request to review later, Treasurer Barrett encourages everyone to approve it.  He stated this will be a good repair for the city and get the square cleaned up a little bit.


Monthly Reports, Board Reports, and Aldermanic Reports were not given this month


Attorneys Report

Attorney Veith stated that everyone should have a brief attorneys report, the only thing this evening is that there is an ordinance that the Treasurer referred to. It was requested to be put on agenda and passed in one reading.  Treasurer Barrett has more information on it.



Unfinished Business




New Business

  1. Ordinance Authorizing use of Tax Increment Financing Funds for the Repair & Maintenance of the old Virginia Bank Building

Treasurer Barrett says this is the “old bank building” on the square (114 E Beardstown St.)  The owner has asked for 1/3 of project costs to repair the building.  The TIF committee supports the project and TIF is well funded.  The TIF fund received $108,000 last year and this year will be around $110,00.  Treasurer Barrett stated there would be a one time lump sum payout and we have the funds in the TIF.  The owner is ready to start moving on this project.  Treasurer Barrett urges the council to vote and pass this.  The owner is putting 2/3 of his own money into this project which is great.  We would like the square to look nice and be safe for people walking down the sidewalk.  With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the Ordinance Authorizing the use of Tax Increment Funding Funds for Repair & Maintenance of the old Virginia Bank Building, Alderman Wulf seconded.  Motion carries unanimously.


Alderman Wulf wants to challenge the Alderman and Mayor.  The Virginia Market is still doing their drawing but they are needing donations.  Alderman Wulf is going to donate $25 and would encourage all the Alderman and Mayor to do the same.  The funds will be donated in the name of the police department and Chief Kennedy will go up and give them the donations.  The money can either be given to Steve or Lisa and they will put it aside for that purpose.

Mayor Brunk stated he interviewed a part time officer that has credentials and certifications.  The potential officer knows there aren’t many hours, and he is fine with that.  Mayor Brunk stated that there wont be any action on it tonight but it will be addressed next month.  The addition will be a big help with vacations, etc.

Alderman Cox stated a few people appreciated the agenda being on Facebook, they thought it was a really good idea.  Mayor Brunk stated he will tell Jeanette to continue to do that.   Alderman Cox also wants to know about getting relief for the small businesses, Mayor states he will discuss this week with Mr. Veith.

With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion at 7:25pm to adjourn the council meeting and Alderman Cox seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.





___________________________                                                    ____________________________

Reg Brunk, Mayor                                                                                Ashley Cox, City Clerk